2020-04-12 16:04:53
摘 要
The life on the ship is monotonous, the working environment in the cabin is poor, the noise is high, the temperature is high, and the heavy sea waves will cause the crew's physical discomfort or even life threat. The emergence of unmanned vessels will change this situation. The trend of future development is that seafarers may only need to remotely control ships on land.
As an important part of the unmanned ship, the power system is an important guarantee for the unmanned ship's safe operation. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the dynamic system of the unmanned ship for the future development of the unmanned ship.
The main research work of this paper is as follows:
(1)The design requirements of offshore unmanned electric propulsion system are analyzed. By consulting relevant information, the characteristics of the coastal navigation environment and shipping route are collected, and the navigation analysis, channel analysis, hydrologic analysis and shipping route analysis of offshore ships are carried out by using the data. Based on the analysis, the design requirements of electric propulsion system for offshore unmanned ships are put forward. According to the design principles and design requirements, the overall design of offshore unmanned electric propulsion system is made.
(2)The comparison and selection of the key components of the electric propulsion system for offshore unmanned ships, including the design of multi diesel engine power supply system and the design of the POD propeller, are carried out. By designing a multi diesel engine power supply system, the reliability of the unmanned ship power system is improved. By using the POD propeller as the propulsion system of the ship, it not only improves the mobility of the unmanned ship, but also improves the safety of the unmanned ship.
(3)The economic and social benefits of the electric propulsion system of an unmanned ship are analyzed. The electric propulsion system of the unmanned ship is compared with the traditional diesel power system. The comparison results show that the electric propulsion system of the unmanned ship has less capacity than the traditional diesel propulsion system, less emissions of pollutants and less noise.
Key words: Offshore; Unmanned ship;Power system;Conceptual design
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
第1章 绪论 3
1.1 研究的目的和意义 3
1.2 国内外研究现状 4
1.2.1 无人船 4
1.2.2 电力推进系统 5
1.2.3 吊舱式推进器 6
1.2.4 当前研究不足分析 8
1.3 论文的结构及安排 8
1.3.1 设计目标 8
1.3.2 论文基本内容 8
1.3.3 研究的技术方案 8
1.3.4 论文的结构 9
第2章 近海无人船动力系统设计 11
2.1 近海及近海船舶特征分析 11
2.1.1 近海航线特征分析 11
2.1.2 近海水文特征分析 11
2.1.3 无人船特征分析 12
2.2 近海无人船动力系统总体设计 13
2.2.1 设计原则 13
2.2.2 动力系统对比及选择 13
2.3 电力推进系统 17
2.3.1 需求分析 17
2.3.2 功能与组成 17
2.3.3 特点分析 18
2.4 吊舱式推进器 18
2.4.1 需求分析 19
2.4.2 功能与组成 19
2.4.3 特点分析 20
2.5 本章小结 21
第3章 近海无人船动力系统经济性及社会效益分析 22
3.1 经济效益 22
3.1.1 经济性分析 22
3.1.2 船东经济性分析 23
3.2 社会效益 23
3.2.1 污染气体减排效益 23
3.2.2 噪声减排效益 23
3.3 本章小结 23
第 4 章 结论与展望 24
4.1 主要研究工作总结 24
4.2 推广应用 24
4.3 展望 24
参考文献 26
致谢 27
第1章 绪论
随着各领域对技术研究的不断深入,人们逐渐脱离了那些枯燥而危险的工作,让各种各样的智能化机器代替人类完成工作,从很大程度上降低了人们因一些危险工作而受到伤害的可能性。无人船(Unmanned Surface Vehicle, USV)作为一种无人化,利用自身智能操控系统和无线通信遥控系统来航行的一种水面船舶,将是未来水面环境下各种危险、重复、枯燥任务的主要承担者。随着人工智能与信息通信技术的发展,无人船具有的智能化、无人化、高效率、降低成本等优点,将在海洋智能化装备和未来海洋开发应用领域占据越来越重要的地位。无人船要想顺利的完成水面自主作业,依赖于无人船的动力系统,动力系统可靠性决定了无人船任务执行的效果,将影响无人船在行进过程中的安全性与航行稳定性[1]。因此研究无人船的动力系统是推动无人船技术发展的不可或缺的工作。
电力推进系统的发展促进了吊舱式推进器的出现。目前,吊舱式电力推进系统是最先进的船舶电力推进系统。吊舱推进器作为一种新型的船舶推进装置,在其发展的过程中,得到了船舶推进系统开发领域的重视。它的设计思想具有相当的革命性,它把驱动螺旋桨的电机安置到一个能进行360°回转的吊舱内,并悬挂于船尾,将推进系统和操舵系统融为一体。吊舱推进器省去了常规推进装置所使用的轴系和船舵,极大提高了船舶的设计、建造和使用过程中的机动性和灵活性。同时,使用吊舱推进器可以降低船舶建造过程中的成本,节省船舶行驶中的燃油消耗,在水面行驶的船舶中具有十分广阔的应用前景。与常规推进器相比,由于结构的特殊性,吊舱推进器有很多的优点:比如设计自由度、灵活性强、节省舱室空间 、可独立制造、方便安装、性能优势明显、改善推进空性能、降低水动力噪音。因此研究吊舱式电力推进系统对于节能减排,增加无人船动力系统的可靠性有着重要的意义。