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 2020-04-13 11:07:29  

摘 要





With the rapid rise of information technology, 100G optical module plays an important role in optical communication, and its performance greatly affects the quality of the whole optical transmission. Most of the existing 10G and 40G modules can no longer meet the needs of modern big data. Therefore, in the booming development of communication business, 100G optical module plays an increasingly important role. This kind of module can realize the effect of "network communication acceleration and application efficiency improvement", and also complete the functions of bandwidth management, fast access, compression, optimal path optimization and protocol acceleration. Because 100G optical module requires high stability performance, new thresholds are proposed for some technologies. Therefore, in-depth understanding of modules is required.

In recent years, with the breakthrough of some key technologies, the patterns of 100G optical modules are becoming more and more diverse. At present, 100G optical modules are classified according to data transmission rate, protocol, encapsulation mode, distance and wavelength. This paper focuses on the classification of packaging mode. Starting from the angle of 100G optical module, this paper studies the current situation at home and abroad, and gives a general understanding of optical modules. Then from the current several mainstream modules to carry out analysis, the light module from the shallow to grasp, the mainstream of the current modules CXP,CFP/CFP2/CFP4 and QSFP28 and so on. Then, on the premise of mastering the performance and main working principle of several 100G optical modules, we study and discuss the data required for the module testing, and discuss the data testing methods and the possible aspects that may affect the performance of the data, and propose a design scheme for the performance test for the possible affected situation. At the same time, the feasibility of the design is verified by the data test results of the module. Finally, the relevant data of the system electric eye diagram and the light eye diagram are analyzed, and the conclusion is drawn.

Key Words:Optical module; modulation mode; Eye diagram; The extinction ratio; Average optical power


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究的目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 论文内容安排 3

第2章 模块测试的需求分析 4

2.1 功能与指标 4

2.2 光模块内部结构分析 4

2.2.1 光模块发射端内部结构 4

2.2.2 光模块接收端内部结构 5

2.3 光模块相关协议 6

2.4 测试内容 7

2.4.1 平均光功率 7

2.4.2 消光比 7

2.4.3 眼图 8

2.4.4 接收灵敏度 8

2.5 本章小结 9

第3章 100G模块测试方案设计 10

3.1 发射模块方案设计 10

3.2 接收模块方案设计 11

3.3 本章小结 12

第4章 性能测试的硬件设计 13

4.1 硬件需求分析 13

4.2 直流稳压电源设计 13

4.3 电流检测电路的设计 14

第5章 测试结果分析 16

5.1 光发射端测试结果 16

5.2 光接收端测试结果 17

第6章 总结与展望 19

6.1 总结 19

6.2 展望 19

参考文献 20

致谢 21

第1章 绪论



图1.1 光模块结构示意图



1.2 国内外研究现状



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