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 2020-04-13 11:08:26  

摘 要

随着时代的发展,传统课堂的“以知识为本位”的教学模式,已经越来越不能适应实际的教学现状,为了有效的解决理论与实践相分离的问题,各个学校都在进行如火如荼的教学改革。项目式教学作为一种工学结合 、任务驱动 、项目导向的新型教学模式,能有效的提高学生的动手能力、实践能力、协作能力,是一种很好的解决传统课堂困境的教学模式。但是项目式教学也存在课堂时间不足、教学节奏难以控制、情景难以模仿等问题。





With the development of the times, the traditional classroom "knowledge based" teaching mode has become more and more unable to adapt to the actual situation of teaching. In order to effectively solve the separation of theory and practice, all schools are in full swing of teaching reform. Project teaching is a new teaching mode, which is integrated with work, task driven and project oriented. It is a good teaching mode to improve the students' practical ability, practical ability and cooperation ability. But there are also problems in project teaching, such as lack of classroom time, difficulty in teaching rhythm and difficulty in imitating situations.

With the development of technology, the emergence of the overturned class has subverted the traditional classroom teaching methods, put the imparting of knowledge in the course, and put the internalization of knowledge in the class, so as to achieve the purpose of redistributing the class time. In order to solve the problem of project teaching, the author tries to combine the flipped class with the project teaching, and puts forward a project based teaching mode based on the overturned class, so that the students can use the courseware on the network to learn independently to reduce the time of teaching in class, and increase the practice and communication time of the students in class. To make up for the shortage of classroom time in project based teaching.

Through the study, it is shown that the application of the project teaching based on the overturned class to the C language program design can improve the students' independent inquiry ability and cooperative learning ability, and can stimulate the learning enthusiasm and creativity of the learners, improve the comprehensive energy of the learners, and finally achieve the purpose of improving the teaching effect. .

Key Words: Flipped Classroom;Project-based Teaching;Teaching model

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的与意义 2

1.2.1研究目的 2

1.2.2研究意义 2

1.3 研究现状 3

1.3.1翻转课堂研究现状 3

1.3.2项目式教学研究现状 4

1.4 研究方法与论文框架 5

1.4.1研究方法 5

1.4.2论文框架 6

第2章 相关理论综述 8

2.1 翻转课堂概述 8

2.1.1翻转课堂的定义 8

2.1.2翻转课堂一般教学流程 9

2.2 项目式教学概述 10

2.2.1项目式教学的定义 10

2.2.2项目式教学的特点 10

2.2.3项目式教学的基本流程 11

2.3 翻转课堂与项目式教学优劣分析 12

第3章 基于翻转课堂的项目式教学模式构建 14

3.1 必要性与可行性 14

3.1.1翻转课堂与项目式教学结合的必要性 14

3.1.2翻转课堂与项目式教学结合的可行性 14

3.2 可供参考的教学模型分析 15

3.2.1Robert Tallbert翻转课堂教学模型简介 15

3.2.2钟晓流等人的太极环式模式 16

3.3 基于翻转课堂的项目式教学模式构建 17

3.3.1基于翻转课堂的项目式教学模式的理论依据 17

3.3.2基于翻转课堂的项目式教学模式的教学目标 18

3.3.3基于翻转课堂的项目式教学模式的构建 18

3.3.4基于翻转课堂的项目式教学模式的实现条件 20

3.3.5基于翻转课堂的项目式教学模式的教学评价 20

第4章 基于翻转课堂的项目式教学案例设计 22

4.1 示例课程分析 22

4.2 教学设计的原则 22

4.2.1教师引导-学生主体教学原则 22

4.2.2学习资源丰富性原则 22

4.3 学习者分析 22

4.4 教学目标 23

4.4.1知识目标 23

4.4.2能力目标 23

4.4.3情感目标 23

4.5 教学内容设计 23

4.6 教学媒体的选择与利用 25

4.7 教学环境设计 25

4.7.1多媒体投影教室 25

4.7.2在线学习平台 25

4.8 软件开发设计 26

4.8.1程序选择 26

4.8.2程序开发流程 26

4.8.3代码编写 27

4.8.4软件测试 31

4.8.5项目拆分 31

4.9 课程开发设计 32

4.9.1课程视频开发流程 32

4.9.2知识点的划分 33

4.9.3脚本撰写 33

4.9.4工具选择 34

4.9.5音频录制 35

4.9.6课程视频制作 36

4.9.7成品输出 38

4.10 教学过程设计 39

4.11 教学评价设计 39

4.11.1 教师评价 40

4.11.2 组间评价 40

4.11.3 自我评价 40

第5章 基于翻转课堂的项目式教学案例实施与评价 41

5.1 课前教师教学准备 41

5.1.1教学平台的选择 41

5.1.2课程的平台发布 41

5.2 课前学生学习交流 44

5.2.1分组 44

5.2.2选课 45

5.2.3学生课前线上学习 46

5.2.4师生、生生课前线上交流 46

5.3 课中师生交流实践 47

5.3.1小组进展展示 47

5.3.2问题提出与解决 47

5.3.3任务完成 48

5.4 课后师生评价反馈 48

5.4.1教师对学生作品评价 48

5.4.2组间的互评 49

5.4.3学生自评 49

5.4.4学生对课程评价 50

5.5 教学案例评价 51

第6章 总结与展望 52

6.1 研究总结 52

6.2 创新与不足 52

6.3 研究展望 53

参考文献 54

附录 56

附录A 项目源代码 56

附录B 视频脚本 63

附录C 问卷01 66

附录D 问卷02 67



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