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7000 t三峡航运新通道通航散货船方案设计毕业论文

 2020-04-13 11:22:58  

摘 要


本船设计主要参数如下:总长Loa=127m,垂线间长Lpp=122m,设计水线长Lw=125.05m,型宽B=16.2m,型深D=6.6m,设计吃水T=5.2m,排水量Δ=9267t,浮心纵向位置Xb=1.0m(舯前),方形系数Cb=0.893,棱形系数Cp=0.902,中横剖面系数Cm=0.99 ,能达到的最大航速为18km/h。


关键词:三峡航运新通道通航散货船; 总布置设计; 船体型线设计; 稳性校核


This paper briefly introduces the background and significance of the appearance of this type of ship, and then introduces the design features of the new channel of the Three Gorges and the design of the 7000 ton bulk carrier, and introduces the design of the ship's type, the general layout, the performance of the ship and the calculation of the cabin capacity, the drawing of the static water force curve and the bond curve, and the longitudinal adjustment. The design contents of the whole, power and propeller calculation book, prescribed state stability and floating state calculation, wind pressure calculation and stability criteria. The design ship belongs to the load type ship. The design work focuses on the overall arrangement, the design of the shape line and the stability calculation, so as to ensure the safety and rationality of the design of the ship.

The main parameters of the ship design are as follows: the total length of Loa=127m, the length of Lpp=122m between the vertical lines, the design water line length Lw=125.05m, the width B=16.2m, the depth D=6.6m, the design draft T=5.2m, the drainage amount of =9267t, the vertical position Xb=1.0m of the floating center, the square coefficient Cb=0.893, the prism Cp= 0.902, the middle cross section coefficient Cm=0.99, which can reach the highest. The large speed is 20.29km/h.

The full content of the full content is illustrated with data and charts, and the overall design of the 7000 ton Three Gorges shipping new channel navigation bulk carrier is fully expounded. The overall design of the ship in general meets the 2016 comprehensive text of the code for the construction of the steel inland river ships of the China Classification Society, the regulations on the statutory inspection of ships and marine facilities, the rules for the statutory inspection of inland ships, and the related requirements for the revision of the notification (2015) of the People's Republic of China maritime bureau..

Key Words: Three Gorges shipping new channel, bulk cargo ship; the arrangement of the whole ship; molded line design; intact stability ;


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 国内外发展概况 1

1.2 任务书分析 2

1.2.1 市场分析 2

1.2.2 主要内容 2

1.2.3 船型特点及主要矛盾 3

1.2.4 采取的相关的技术措施 4

第二章 船体说明书 6

2.1 用途 6

2.2 船型 6

2.3 航区 6

2.4 规范规则 6

2.5 总体性能 6

2.5.1 主尺度 6

2.5.2 各层甲板间层高 7

2.5.3 定员 7

2.5.4 性能 7

2.6 总体布置 7

2.6.1 概述 7

2.6.2 舱室划分 7

2.7 舾装 8

2.7.1 螺旋桨 8

2.7.2 舵设备 8

2.7.3 锚泊系泊设备 8

2.7.4 救生消防设备 8

2.7.5 信号设备 8

第三章 船舶主要要素 9

3.1 确定船舶主要要素的思想 9

3.2 初估排水量 10

3.3. 主尺度确定 11

3.3.1 船长的确定 11

3.3.2 吃水的确定 11

3.3.3 船宽的确定 12

3.3.4 方形系数Cb 13

3.3.5 型深的确定 13

3.3.6 尺度比 14

3.3.7 排水量第二次估算 14

3.4 载重计算 14

3.4.1 主、辅机功率的选择 14

3.4.2 燃油重量 15

3.4.3 滑油重量 15

3.4.4 炉水 16

3.4.5 船员生活用水 16

3.4.6 人员及行李 16

3.4.7 食品 16

3.4.8 备品、供应品重量 16

3.5 性能校核 17

3.5.1 浮性 17

3.5.2 快速性 18

3.5.3 稳性 19

3.5.4 舱容校核 19

3.5.5 最小干舷 20

3.6 船舶经济论证 20

3.6.1 造价的估算 20

3.6.2 营运收入(每一年) 20

3.6.3 营运成本(每一年) 21

3.6.4 计算营利性 21

3.7 EEDI的计算 22

3.7.1 船舶设计能效要求 22

3.7.2 Required EEDI计算 22

3.8 设计方案选优 25

3.8.1 选优方法 25

3.8.2 优化程序的基本思路 25

第四章 型线设计 35

4.1 型线设计思想 35

4.2 型线设计的方法步骤 35

4.3 主要型线要素的选择 36

4.3.1 棱形系数 36

4.3.2 浮心纵向位置 37

4.4 型线绘制 37

4.4.1 母型改造 37

4.4.2 CAD 绘图作图步骤 39

4.5 静水力计算 41

第五章 总布置设计 44

5.1 概述 44

5.1.1总布置设计的基本原则 44

5.1.2总布置设计的具体工作 44

5.2 总布置图构成和表达方法 44

5.3 总体布置的区划 45

5.3.1 肋距 45

5.3.2 水密舱壁 45

5.3.3 双层底 46

5.3.4 甲板与平台 46

5.3.5 通道布置 46

5.3.6 机舱的部位及长度 46

5.3.7 液舱 47

5.3.8 上层建筑 48

5.3.9 船员舱室的布置 48

5.3.10 舱室及人员通行路线的布置 49

5.4 锚泊和系泊设备 50

5.4.1 舾装数计算 50

5.4.2 锚泊及系泊设备配置 51

5.5 救生设备 52

5.6 消防设备 52

5.7 信号设备 52

5.8 纵倾调整 53



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