2020-04-15 17:46:27
摘 要
The robotic arm is an automated mechanical device that is widely used in practice and can accept commands to accurately position a point in 3D or 2D. The robotic arm is also an important part of the robotic actuator, guiding the fingers to accurately grasp the workpiece and transport it to the desired location.
This design is a cylindrical coordinate manipulator , the device has three independent movement ( two linear motion, a rotary motion ) , also known as the three degrees of freedom. The agency in the column can rotate relative to the base 210 degrees , rotation speed 70 °/s , horizontally scalable distance 800mm, moving speed of about 0.25m/s, the robot up and down vertical movement , the vertical movements 330mm, moving speed of about 0.6 m/s, the maximum clamping manipulator weight 10Kg. Oscillating rotary motion using rotating cylinder driven , horizontal telescopic hydraulic cylinder driven movement , vertical movement is still driven by hydraulic cylinders .
This paper first analyzes the research status of the three-degree-of-freedom cylindrical coordinate manipulator and proposes a scheme to meet the design requirements. Then the detailed design and check of each part of the manipulator are carried out. Then the assembly drawing and main part drawing of the cylindrical coordinate manipulator are drawn by CAD software and the three-dimensional drawing of the designed manipulator is drawn by SOLIDWORKS software. Finally,the manipulator control system is analyzed in detail and the system schematic is designed.
Keywords: Hydraulic drive, Cylindrical coordinates , Robots, Hydraulic cylinders
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 背景及意义 1
1.2 机械臂概述 2
1.2.1 机械臂的组成 2
1.2.2 机械臂的分类 2
1.3 国内外发展状况 3
第二章 总体方案设计 5
2.1 设计要求 5
2.1.1 动作要求 5
2.1.2 参数要求 5
2.2 方案拟定 5
2.2.1 初步分析 5
2.2.2 拟定方案 5
第三章 机械手臂部设计 8
3.1 臂部整体设计 8
3.2 手臂伸缩驱动力计算 9
3.2.1 手臂摩擦力的分析与计算 9
3.2.2 手臂密封处的摩擦阻力的计算 10
3.2.3 手臂惯性力的计算 11
3.3 手臂伸缩油缸的设计 11
3.3.1 确定液压缸的结构尺寸 11
3.3.2 液压缸外径的设计 13
3.3.3 活塞杆的计算校核 13
第四章 机械臂机身设计 17
4.1 机身的整体设计 17
4.2 回转机构的设计 18
4.2.1 回转缸驱动力矩的计算 18
4.2.2 回转缸尺寸参数的确定 19
4.3 机身升降机构的设计 22
4.3.1 手臂片重力矩的计算 22
4.3.2 升降导向立柱不自锁条件 23
4.3.3 升降油缸驱动力的计算 24
4.3.4 升降缸尺寸参数的确定 25
第五章 机械臂液压系统设计 27
5.1 液压元件的计算和选择 27
5.1.1 液压泵 27
5.1.2 确定油箱容量 27
5.1.3 液压元件的选择 27
第六章 机械臂的PLC控制设计 33
6.1 可编程序控制器的选择 33
6.2 可编程序控制器的使用步骤 33
6.3 机械手可编程序控制器控制方案 34
第七章 设计成本估算 36
总 结 37
参考文献 38
致 谢 39
绪论 |
背景及意义 |