2020-04-15 18:02:34
摘 要
IAbstract II
第一章绪论 3
1.1课题的背景以及意义 3
1.2本课题的主要研究内容 6
1.3本章小结 7
第二章 铸造成型数值模拟基本原理 8
2.1充型过程中的数学模型 8
2.2充型过程中常用的数值模拟方法 10
2.3凝固过程的数学模型 11
2.4凝固过程中常用的数值模拟方法 13
2.5本章小结 14
第三章多连体铝合金铸件的工艺特点和模型前处理 16
3.1多连体铸件的工艺特点 16
3.2薄壁多连体铸件的铸造难点 17
3.3模型网格的划分 17
3.4网格划分所遵循的原则 17
3.5前处理参数的确定 20
3.6本章小结 22
第四章 数值模拟的结果分析和方案改进 23
4.1 原件铸造过程数值模拟结果分析 23
4.2 对原工艺的优化方案 27
4.3 经济性分析 32
4.4 本章小结 32
结论 34
参考文献 35
致谢 38
摘 要
This project takes the thin-walled large-size cylindrical casting with a single piece mass of 260kg AlSi7Mg as the research object.
Because the traditional casting process needs to be improved and optimized repeatedly, the former is a waste of efforts. There is a trait that numerical simulation technology is accurate and active. In this paper, the processes of aluminum alloy castings were analyzed by numerical simulation. Based on the simulation process and results, the possible shrinkage porosity and other defects of aluminum alloy castings are predicted and propose optimization plan to improve production efficiency and casting quality. The main contents of this topic are as follows:
The casting was molded and optimized by using ug 3d modeling software, and the exported file was imported into procast12.0 for surface grid and volume grid division. Then the pretreatment setting is carried out, that is, defining the material, heat transfer coefficient setting, boundary condition setting and operation parameter setting.
Numerical simulation of aluminum alloy casting was carried out by using procast software, combined with temperature field process analysis and result defect prediction. Through the active change of the t-field in the processes, the disadvantages in the casting were analyzed. Then The optimization scheme for casting was put forward.
After defect analysis, it was found that due to the complex structure of casting and the large number of wall thickness, the optimization scheme of adding cold iron at the wall thickness and increasing the riser to increase shrinkage filling was adopted to reduce the number of defects and improve the casting quality. It is worth noting that the design of virtual sand box in the optimization process greatly reduces the simulation time and improves the simulation efficiency.
Key Words:Low pressure casting; The numerical simulation; procast; The solidification process;Defect prediction