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On College Students' English Learning Motivation Strategies under the Network Environment 网络环境下大学生英语学习动机激励策略研究毕业论文

 2020-02-15 19:20:44  

摘 要




In the process of booming development of online learning, one of the heated issues that the scholars at home and abroad study is learning motivation, which plays a decisive role in college students' independent English learning, and has a direct impact on learning attitude, learning method and learning effect.

Online learning has been playing a critical role in college students' learning to meet their thirst for knowledge, enrich their knowledge, and improve their learning ability. Upon the situation, this study, based on data analysis and theoretical research, explores the online English learning and college students' motivations under the network environment in order to combine various factors affecting the motivation of online learning to put forward motivational strategies for students' learning. The analysis aims to give full play to the advantages of online learning and overcome its shortcomings under the network environment.

Keywords: the network environment; English learning motivation; motivational strategies


1 Introduction 1

2 Literature review 2

2.1 Network environment 2

2.1.1 The definition of the network environment 2

2.1.2 The characteristics of network learning environment 3

2.2 Learning motivation 4

2.2.1 Classification of learning motivation 5

3 Methodology 7

3.1 Participants 7

3.2 Instrument 7

3.3 Procedure 8

4 Data Analysis and Results 9

4.1 Reliability analysis 9

4.2 Validity analysis 9

4.3 Descriptive analysis 10

4.3.1 Current English learning situation under the network environment 10

4.4 Confirmatory factor analysis of English learning motivation types under the network environment 14

4.5 Six motivational factors 16

5 Discussion 18

6 Motivational strategies 19

6.1 From the perspective of internal motivation 19

6.1.1Enhance college students' English learning interest under the network environment 19

6.1.2 Instruct students to define the learning objectives and cultivate a sense of achievement 19

6.1.3 Improve students' self-confidence, enhance their self-efficacy 21

6.2 From the perspective of external motivation 22

6.2.1 Provide a proper network environment 22

6.2.2 Improve learners' device application level 22

6.2.3 Install supervision software 22

6.2.4 Introduce high-quality resources and improve resource design 23

6.2.5 Strengthen online learning interaction and establish an excellent online learning atmosphere 24

6.2.6 Optimize the system of online learning evaluation and feedback 25

6.2.7 Provide practical and exciting learning content to stimulate learners' desire for autonomous learning 26

7 Conclusion 29

8 Limitation 30

9 Further study 31

Reference 32

Appendix 33

Acknowledgments 38

1 Introduction

The internal learning motivation, with a decisive role in college students' independent English study, has a direct impact on their learning attitude, learning method, and learning effect. Under the network environment, independent learning online has become a trend. Convenient and fast without time and space limit, it is suitable for contemporary college students to pursue the freedom of personality. Thus, it has been penetrating an indispensable part of the study of college students in all aspects. Despite its gaining popularity and its advantages unparalleled by traditional learning, its utilization rate and effect in China is not desirable at present. There are many problems in online learning, such as the waste of time, the insufficient use of learning resources, ready interference, and low learning efficiency and poor learning quality. Therefore, it is of considerable significance to put forward strategies for online learning motivation.

English has become a communication medium among different native language learners in higher education (Altbach, 2014; Vinkea, Snippea amp; Jochemsa, 1998). In Tangyu's article (2016), we can learn that from 2005 to 2006, the number of articles on the study of learning motivation under the network environment increased rapidly, inspiring widespread research interest. It reached its peak in 2011, and then gradually declined and stabilized. Researchers pay more and more attention to the study of learning motivation. From the perspective of published journals, only a few articles in core journals concern educational technology, while the majority of the sample literature appears in general journals. There are fewer researches on English learning under the network environment. Thus, the study of learning motivation under the network environment in China still needs in-depth exploration and analysis.

2 Literature review

2.1 Network environment

2.1.1 The definition of the network environment

Environment refers to all circumstances and conditions surrounding the subject, which will exert a positive influence on the subject. In this paper, the network environment refers to a network learning environment. With further study to the network environment, people begin to understand the network learning environment from the perspective of people's psychological recognition and the perspective of the social life and interpersonal communication. Some scholars think that network is not the technical internet, but it refers to the social network composed of interpersonal communication ways and platforms. It guarantees the social sharing, educational communication, and knowledge explosion. Namely, the network learning environment is no longer just the material Internet. It includes a variety of complex factors such as learning psychology, learning atmosphere, interpersonal relationship, learning strategies, and the like. The network learning environment, an independent and participatory activity process, emphasizes the situational participation of learners themselves.

In a broad sense, a network learning environment refers to the conditions that network learners rely on in the process of learning. It includes not only the material conditions that support the learning process but also non-material conditions such as learning psychology, learning atmosphere, interpersonal relationship, and learning strategies.

In a narrow sense, the network learning environment refers to the situation, conditions and psychological factors that learners rely on when their learning activities are carried out in modern network education, with the Internet as the primary communication technology. It is shown not only in the material level of technical support but also a broader and deeper psychological impact on learners. According to different learning needs and motivation, learners can use diversified learning tools and abundant learning resources to study.

Therefore, network learning is a mode of on-demand learning and independent learning. Students often use school’s network teaching platform, English news websites, applications, such as Hujiang English, Lais and so on, English tweets on social network and online English games for English learning under the network environment.

2.1.2 The characteristics of network learning environment

Different from traditional classroom learning, online learning has its characteristics.

First, multimedia conveys that the network environment provides students with substantial multimedia learning resources. With the help of the network, teachers can present the teaching content to students in the form of sound, image, text, animation and other forms, create a real language environment and mobilize students' visual, auditory and other multi-sensory stimulation. So that students can understand what has taught in class through a variety of channels to improve their overall English application ability.

Second, initiative refers to the fact that in the process of learning, the network learning environment can promote learners to become the subject of information processing and the active constructor of knowledge meaning. In the network environment, students' independent learning has become the primary means of learning. Learners determine their learning objectives actively, choose what to learn, when to learn, where to learn, and how to learn independently. They take the initiative to collaborate with other students through the network. Network learning environment makes it flexible for learners to arrange their learning.

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