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 2020-04-23 20:04:57  

摘 要




关键词: 类金融机构 发展规模 风险扩散 监管机制

A Study of the Development and Supervision on Mechanism of our country’s Informal Financial Institution


With the further development of China's multi-ownership economy, all kinds of enterprises have a greater demand for capital, and non-legally recognized financial institutions begin to participate in the capital financing activities in the market, which also helps alleviate the problem of financing difficulties for small and medium-sized enterprises in the formal financial market. With the tightening of monetary circulation policy, some of informal financial institutions suffer from capital chain tension and operational problems, and some enterprises are unable to survive. This harms the interests of investors, breaks economic balance, and endangers the operation of the financial market and the progress of society.

Firstly, this paper defines the definition and coverage of informal financial institutions. Besides, four types of typical informal financial enterprises are selected. The scale of development in the past five years is analyzed in combination with the chart to understand the development trend of such institutions. Then the risk problems existing in the development process of such institutions are introduced through the development trend and classified, the characteristics of the diffusion of risk problems and the ways of mutual influence are studied, and the theory and behavior of risk diffusion are used for analysis. Finally, according to the risk problems of informal financial institutions, this paper selects internal control, government supervision, investor supervision, social supervision and traditional supervision mechanism from the two aspects of internal and external to explore the solution of risk problems of informal financial institutions, they can form a unified and multi-directional regulatory governance strategy. It can regulate such informal institutions, better solve financing problems, and help China's private economy get success.

Possible innovations of this paper :(1) this paper clarifies the complete definition of informal financial institutions , and divides their operation modes into three categories according to the scope of informal financial institution for unified analysis and research; (2) in terms of supervision of informal financial institutions , the internal control and consumer supervision of private institutions should be incorporated into the supervision mechanism of informal financial institutions to form a supervision mode combining internal and external supervision.

Key words: Informal Financial Institution; Development Scale; Risk Diffusion; Supervision Mechanism


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景与研究意义 1

1.2主要研究内容与研究方法 1

第二章 文献综述与理论基础 4

2.1文献综述 4

2.2理论基础 7

第三章 我国类金融机构发展模式与趋势 9

3.1类金融机构定义及范围 9

3.2类金融机构运作模式 10

3.3类金融机构发展规模及趋势分析 13

第四章 我国类金融机构发展存在的风险 17

4.1类金融机构的风险产生及分类 17

4.2类金融机构的风险扩散特点与途径 19

4.3类金融机构风险扩散的理论和行为分析 20

第五章 类金融机构内部治理及监管机制 23

5.1基于传统金融机构监管的相关借鉴 23

5.2类金融机构内部风险防范与控制 24

5.3类金融机构政府监管机制模式 25

5.4投资者的监管及社会监督 26

5.5基于类金融机构监管上的统一金融机构监管框架 28

第六章 结论与展望 29

6.1 结论与建议 29

6.2研究展望 30

参考文献 31

致谢 34


图3-1:民间借贷运作模式 10

图3-2:网络借贷运作模式 12

图4-1:流动性风险扩散过程 18

图5-1:金融监管框架 27


表3-1:2010-2016年我国小额贷款公司发展一览表 12

表3-2:2011-2016年我国典当行发展状况 13

表3-3:2011-2016年典当行业务结构比重 % 13

表3-4:2010-2014年我国融资性担保公司发展一览表 14

表3-5:2009-2014年我国融资担保业与中小微企业融资贷款发展状况 14

表3-6: 2006-2016年我国融资租赁业发展状况 15

表4-1:风险扩散过程详解 19

表5-1:监管机构职能分布 23

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