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 2020-04-23 20:12:35  

摘 要





Research on University Flattened Network Based on SDN


Since the beginning of the 21st century, with the continuous development of the information age and the continuous rise of Internet users. The network architecture of the traditional TCP/IP system has exposed more and more problems, and it has gradually failed to meet the needs and development of the times. In this context, a new network architecture with SDN as the core emerges.

The university network is the foundation of scientific research and education in universities, and its importance is self-evident. This paper studies the shortcomings of the existing university network architecture, and combines the development trend of the current network, proposes a new flat network architecture with SDN as the core, using SDN configuration delivery and flow table delivery function to achieve The unified management and control of the network element equipment, combined with the large Layer 2 network environment generated by the flat network to build the overall network environment, achieve a more efficient and stable network environment, and simplify the operation and maintenance management.

The paper analyzes a large number of related literatures in detail, from discovering problems to proposing solutions, and expounding in detail the functions that can be brought to universities in the flat network based on SDN, reflecting the disadvantages of traditional college architecture in operation and maintenance management. The value point of the solution, while describing the technical principles of its function implementation.

Keywords: Flattened network; manage and maintain; SDN; Three-tier Network Architecture

目 录


摘 要 2


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题来源及研究背景 1

1.2 国内外高校网络现状 1

1.3 课题研究的方法和框架 2

1.3.1 论文主要研究工作 2

1.3.2 论文研究框架 3

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1 SDN简介 4

2.1.1 SDN概念 4

2.1.2 SDN发展背景与过程 5

2.2 SDN相关协议 6

2.2.1 openflow协议 6

2.2.2 netconf协议 7

第三章 当前高校网络所存在的问题 9

3.1 高校网络架构分析 9

3.2 三层网络架构劣势 10

3.3 扁平化网络架构劣势 11

第四章 SDN 扁平化的解决方案 13

4.1 基于SDN的网络出口 13

4.1.1 传统网络出口模型 13

4.1.2 基于SDN的出口模型 15

4.2 SDN 扁平化的方案组成与整网拓扑 16

4.2.1 方案组成 16

4.2.2 整网拓扑 17

第五章 SDN 扁平化功能及其相关原理 18

5.1 哑终端快速准入 18

5.1.1 概述 18

5.1.2 实现原理 19

5.2 自动化运维 20

5.2.1 概述 20

5.2.2零配置上线 20

5.2.3 故障零替换 21

5.3 多业务承载 23

5.3.1 概述 23

5.3.2 办公网的二层互通与隔离 23

5.4 策略随行 24

5.4.1 概述 24

5.4.2 认证终端与免认证终端 25

5.4.3 IP分配机制 26

结语 28

参考文献 29

致谢 31

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题来源及研究背景


传统的一些针对高校的网络架构并不能完全满足如今信息化的迅猛发展。其不仅仅对于传统的网元设备(交换机,路由器等)难以管理维护,并且对于用户以及其行为难以进行管理控制,目前高校需要寻求更加高效的网络架构刻不容缓。 软件定义网络(SDN)是近几年新兴的一种网络架构,该架构将网络设备的控制层与转发层解耦并将其集中到独立的控制器中,通过该控制器能够获取全局网络视图[4]。通过SDN能够很好的解决目前高校扁平化网络所带来的问题。


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