2020-04-24 11:15:44
摘 要
关键词:避风港原则 著作权 网络服务提供商
The copyright infringement liability of Internet Service Provider under the "Safe Harbor"
——Take Baidu Netdisk resource sharing as the entry point
The development of the Internet and the advancement of science and technology have not only affected people's daily life and behavior but also greatly promoted the diversification of information media. Among them, the Netdisk attracts a large number of users with high efficiency, convenience and large storage capacity, but the infringement of popular movies, texts,and other works has also followed. In recent years, the number of network copyright infringement cases has increased, and the “safe harbor” introduced by China in 2006 has made the responsibility of Internet Service Provider (ISPs) a key issue in copyright infringement cases, but when our country introduced this principle, the relevant legal system was not revised and improved in time, which made the principle not fully play its positive role. In order to prevent this principle from becoming a "safe harbor" for ISPs to evade responsibility, it is necessary to modify and improve those problems arising in the implementation process in light of the current situation of our country's legislation to clarify the responsibilities of ISPs in network copyright infringement cases.
Key Words: Safe harbor; Copyright; Internet Service Provider
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、避风港原则概述 4
(一) 避风港原则的产生 4
(二) 我国现行法律文件中的“避风港原则” 4
二、 网络云盘著作权侵权案件的特殊性 5
(一)共享方式更便捷 5
(二)侵权行为更隐蔽 6
(三)侵权作品类型更多样 6
(四) 著作权人维权困难 7
三、避风港原则下网盘服务商的著作权侵权责任分析 7
(一) 直接侵权 7
(二) 间接侵权 8
四、我国避风港原则中责任认定存在的问题 9
(一) 网络服务商义务规定不明确 9
(二) 主观过错判断标准模糊 10
(三) 通知删除规定笼统 11
1、通知内容不合理 11
2、删除时间规定不明确。 12
五、完善避风港原则中网络服务商责任的建议 12
(一)明确网络服务提供商的审查注意义务 12
1、服务商是否直接从中获利 13
2、作品知名度 13
3、网盘服务商的能力大小 14
(二) 细化主观要件判断标准 14
1、“明知”的判断标准 14
2、“应知”的判断标准 14
(三)规范通知删除规定 15
1、通知渠道 15
2、用户的解释权 16
3、删除的期限 16
结语 17
参考文献 18
致谢 20
(一) 避风港原则的产生