2020-04-24 11:16:33
摘 要
Evaluation of immunological activity of polysaccharides and oligosaccharides from natural sources
Polysaccharide refers to a polymeric carbohydrate in which more than 10 monosaccharides are linked by glycosidic bonds. Oligosaccharide, also known as oligosaccharide, refers to a saccharide compound composed of 2 to 10 monosaccharides. A large number of studies have proved that polysaccharides and oligosaccharides have biological activities such as immunoregulation, anti-tumor and anti-oxidation. This subject mainly studies the immunological activity of Atractylodes oligosaccharides.
In this study, the amygdal oligosaccharides were used as raw materials to analyze the structure of the oligosaccharides by monosaccharide and methylation analysis. The mouse macrophages and Pythium cells were used to immunize different degrees of aglycone oligosaccharides. Evaluation--According to its effect on NO release amount, phagocytic ability, cytokine (IL-6, TNF-α) secretion of RAW264.7 macrophages and its effect on proliferation of bone marrow cells. The results showed that the oligosaccharides of Atractylodes lanceolata were daisy-type sugars, and the degree of polymerization was distributed between DP3-DP18, which had good immunological activity, and the pharmacological activity of Atractylodes oligosaccharides was screened by comparison.
Key Words: Atractylodes,Oligosaccharides,Immune activity,Macrophages,Peyer's Patches cells
摘要 I
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1概述 1
1.1.1天然多糖及寡糖简介 1
1.1.2苍术简介 1
1.1.3糖类物质的国内外研究水平概述 1
1.2.寡糖 1
1.2.1 寡糖的结构 2
1.2.2 寡糖的药理活性 2
1.3 免疫活性评价 3
1.3.1 免疫机制 4
1.3.2免疫活性评价方法 5
1.4 本研究的意义 6
第二章 苍术系列寡糖的结构表征 7
2.1 引言 7
2.2 实验部分 7
2.2.1 实验材料与仪器 7
2.2.2 HPLC-ELSD分析 8
2.2.3 单糖组成 10
2.2.4 甲基化 13
2.3 本章小结 16
第三章 苍术系列寡糖免疫活性研究 17
3.1、引言 17
3.2 实验部分 17
3.2.1 实验材料与仪器 17
3.2.2 对巨噬细胞活性影响的研究 18
3.2.3对骨髓细胞活性影响的研究 19
3.2.4 实验数据 20
3.3结果与讨论 25
3.4 本章小结 26
第四章 结论与展望 27
4.1全文总结 27
4.2 展望 27
参考文献 28
致谢 32
第一章 文献综述
多糖及寡糖均是由多个单糖分子通过糖苷键连接形成,是大自然赐予人类的功能化合物,多糖及寡糖广泛存在于动植物和微生物中,是维持生物正常生命活动的基础性物质,糖类物质的空间结构及其在生物机体中发挥的功能为糖组学内容,寡糖常参与蛋白质折叠和信号转导等多种细胞生命过程, 也常与蛋白质和脂类化合物结合在一起形成糖蛋白和糖脂。糖蛋白常出现于细胞表面, 参与细菌和病毒的识别以及蛋白质的识别过程, 从而发挥重要的生物学功能。研究者通过对蛋白质数据分析, 发现超过50%的蛋白质糖基化修饰[3-5]。多年来广大科研工作者也对其进行了多方面的研究,研究证实天然多糖及寡糖具有多种临床作用,如免疫调节、抗病毒、抗肿瘤及抗过敏等。本课题主要研究的是植物寡糖(苍术寡糖)的免疫活性。