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 2020-05-16 20:30:45  

摘 要


关键词:基金会 内部治理 透明度

A Study on the Transparency Construction of Foundations from the Perspective of Internal Governance Mechanism


In recent years, people have paid increasing attention to the transparency of foundations due to the frequent exposure of a series of charity scandals, Fund scandal triggered by the fund will be operational difficulties and trust crisis, to build a harmonious society in China has brought no small negative impact. Foundation is a part of charitable organizations in China's social assistance and security plays an irreplaceable role, at present, the foundation of our country generally does not open the issue of transparency.From the perspective of the internal environment of foundations, the internal governance quality of foundations has a profound impact on the information transparency level of foundations and sound internal governance can help foundations carry out effective supervision and restriction. In order to improve the credibility of charitable organizations, it is necessary to explore the transparency construction of foundations from the perspective of the internal governance of foundations based on the optimization of their survival and development environment, then constantly promote and strengthen internal governance, and perfect the internal governance structure and mechanism of foundations to improve their own capabilities.


Key Words: Foundation; Internal governance; transparency;

目 录

摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

一、绪论 1

(一)选题背景 1

(二)研究意义 1

二、我国基金会发展现状和面临的主要问题 3

(一)我国基金会发展状况 3

1.基金会透明度年度比较分析 4

2.我国基金会透明度水平总体评价 6

(二)我国基金会面临的主要问题 6

1.改革力度小 6

2.内部监督体系不健全 6

3.专业从业人员少 7

4.公开透明度不足 7

三、我国基金会内部治理存在问题的原因剖析 9

(一)理论支撑不够 9

(二)缺少实践经验 9

(三)内在动力不足 10

(四)重视投入不够 10

四、加强我国基金会内部治理建设策略 11

(一)构建基金会科学合理的内部治理结构 11

1.实现决策、执行、监督权的分立与制衡 11

2.内部治理结构要随外部治理环境变动而改变 12

(二)完善我国基金会的理事会治理 12

1.理事会的功能与使命 12

2.理事会的运作机制 12

(三)完善我国基金会的监事会治理 13

1.监事会的职能 13

2.监事会运转的主要原则 14

(四)强化我国基金会内部的审计制度 14

1.审计机构设置和人员配置要求 14

2.审计机构的责任和权力 15

参考文献 16

致谢 18






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