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 2022-10-02 21:58:13  


摘 要






The article compares the Chinese science education standard and the American "next generation science standard" from the five aspects of educational idea, teaching style, structure style, content requirement and evaluation method. China's science education standards include: "compulsory education primary school science curriculum standards (2017 version)" and physical, chemical, biological and geographical curriculum standards which were published in 2011, a total of five sets of standards.

Through the comparison, it was found that the United States science education standards emphasis on educational equity and inquiry learning, as well as Chinese science education standards , but our standards emphasize the cultivation of students 'emotional values, the United States emphasizes the cultivation of students' practical ability. In the learning content of the difference is small, but the United States for the convergence between the sections and the connection between the subjects is dominant, easy to grasp the teacher, and our two aspects of the content is invisible, the much more requirements of coaches. In the improvement of the way, the evaluation of the two countries rely on the behavior of verbs, but China's cognitive requirements more, the US standard application requirements more.

In general, China's science education standards for the modernization and information of the preparation and response to the lack of lack of requirements for practice, and English language arts, math as well as other relative basic capacity of the combination is very little, discipline, grade between the lack of convergence. But the standard of our operation and execution stronger, the effect is better.

Key Words:Science Education Standard ,《Next Generation Science Standard》, Content Requirement


东南大学毕业(设计)论文独创性声明 I

摘要 II

Abstract III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究现状 1

1.2创新点 2

第二章 《下一代科学教育标准》 3

2.1发展历程 3

2.2基本理念和基本结构 3

2.3主要内容 3

第三章 中国科学教育标准 5

3.1基本结构 5

3.2主要内容 6

第四章 对比分析 7

4.1教育理念 7

4.1.1中国科学教育理念 7

4.1.2美国科学教育理念 7

4.1.3相同点 7

4.2教学方式 8

4.2.1 美国科学教育教学方式 8

4.2.2 中国科学教育标准教学方式要求 9

4.2.3 不同点 10

4.3结构体例 10

4.3.1《下一代科学教育标准》结构 10

4.3.2中国科学教育标准结构 11

4.3.3相同点 12

4.3.4不同点 12

4.4内容要求 14

4.4.1小学阶段内容要求对比 14

4.4.2初中阶段内容要求对比——以物理课程标准为例 16

4.5评价方式 19

4.5.1《下一代科学教育标准》评价方式 19

4.5.2中国科学教育标准评价方式 19

4.5.3相同点 19

4.5.4不同点 19

第五章 结论 21

5.1 对比结论 21

5.1.1教育理念对比 21

5.1.2 内容层次对比 21

5.1.3 内容衔接对比 21

5.1.4 总结 21

5.2 论文创新和不足之处 22

参考文献 23

致谢 25

第一章 绪论




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