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系统功能视角下Martin Eden两中译本元功能对比分析Two Chinese Versions of Martin Eden: A Comparative Analysis of Their Metafunctions from the Perspective of Systemic Function文献综述

 2021-09-27 20:36:25  


1. Introduction1.1 Research background    Jack London (1876-1916) is an American critical realistic novelist and short story writer, whose works deal with the overwhelming power of nature and the struggle for survival. Concerned about the fate of common people, London sympathized with the poor, believed in socialism and took active part in the labor movement. With the thought of Marxist, his early works revealed miserable situations of working people under the rule of Capitalism and spoke for the poor. However, after his fame and fortune rose, he was dissatisfied with a normal life. In 1906 he decided to build a ship and sail around the world but it failed eventually. After his private expensive house was burnt, he was on the decline and committed suicide in 1916.   Martin Eden is a semi-autography which gets material from Londons early life experience. Nevertheless, although the image and experience of Martin are similar to those of London, the main story is fabricated. The novel vividly depicts how Martin, a poor and shallow sailor, ranks into the upper class and how he commits suicide in the sea after feeling disgusted with the hypocrisy of bourgeoisie, the fickleness of the world and the falseness of his American Dream and love.    SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics) is a linguistic theory mainly advocated by Halliday, who believes that all cultures can reflect the general metafunctions (ideational function, interpersonal function, textual function) through their language, which provides a new way to comprehend human language. Therefore, this thesis will make a comparative study of both Wu Laos and Sun Falis Chinese versions of Martin Eden from the perspective of metafunctions, aiming that we can both deepen the application of SFL to translation studies and obtain a more comprehensive appreciation of the language of Martin Eden. 1.2 Need for the study   The thesis has both practical and academic meanings. On one hand, as a outstanding novel about the growth of a young man, Martin Eden can teach numerous young people lessons and experience in many ways such as how to study themselves, how to improve themselves, and how to understand love and life, etc. On the other, so many Chinese versions that both show both fidelity to the source text and confirm to Chinese expressions, can enhance the spread of American culture and help readers appreciate the charm of the English language. Therefore, this thesis is to analyze the two Chinese versions of Martin Eden under the guidance of SFL, which can give scholars more hints at the combination of SFL and translation studies. 1.3 Layout of the thesis   The present thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One gives the description of the research background, need for the study and layout of the thesis. Chapter Two is the review of literature, including previous studies on SFL and the Chinese versions of Martin Eden. Chapter Three focuses on the research topic, methods and detailed description of Metafunctions of SFL. Chapter Four, the most important Chapter, conducts a comparative study of metafunctions in both Wu Laos and Sun Falis versions of Martin Eden. Chapter Five draw a conclusion of the whole thesis.2. Literature Review   Previous studies on SFL and the Chinese Versions of Martin Eden will be reviewed on in this section.2.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics2.1.1 Background    Halliday put forward and developed his SFL firstly on the basis of the theory of J. R. Firth who founded the linguistic school of London in 1957. Meanwhile, Firth borrowed the context of both culture and situation from Malinowskis theory and believed that language was a behavioral potential. Then Halliday improved contextualism further and developed field, tenor and mode in the context of situation. Therefore, it is true that Malinowski has paved the way for Firth and Halliday.    Furthermore, the linguistic school of Prague guided by Bhler, a famous psychologist, exerted a great influence on Hallidays theory. Hallidays ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function are the further summary of Bhlers representational function, conative function, referential function and expressive function coupled with textual function that can reflect characteristics of language itself (as cited in Wu, 2012). At the same time, the theme and information of the linguistic school of Prague constituted an important part of textual function in Hallidays systemic functional grammar.    Last, Halliday obtained a lot of inspiring beliefs from L. Hjelmslevs (1961) glossematics. Welter Simon told him that linguists were supposed to deem language as a research subject, take a serious attitude towards discourse, and need to both make the theory faithful to reality and inspire imagination (Halliday 1988). Luo Changpei (1983) from China taught him how to study a copula different from Indo- European one. Wang Li (1983) infused the idea that linguistic study should combine spoken and written language and regard clauses as the main grammar unit, and language was a multileveled and probabilistic system. 2.1.2 Definition   As a linguistic theory advocated by Halliday, SFL mainly consists of systemic functional grammar. In the 1990s, Halliday develops scale and category grammar, and then systemic functional grammar which is based on this and which is made up of systemic grammar and functional grammar. Systemic grammar regards language as the process of making choices. Language or any part of language realizes its meaning by making choices in a course of system. Therefore, SFL is metafunctional, systemic, stratificational, functional, contextual and probabilistic. In essence, it is functional and semantic rather than formal and syntactic; it studies texts instead of sentences; it pays attention to use and usage rather than grammaticality (Halliday, 1994a, p.4505). 2.1.3 Categorization   In functional grammar, Halliday believes that all cultures will reflect the general metafunctions through their language. Clauses can simultaneously embody the metafunctions. Additionally, these matefunctions include many affiliated functions. Ideational function is comprised of transitivity, voice and polarity; interpersonal function consists of mood, modality and key; textual function contains theme, information and cohesion.   Table 1.1 introduces the technical names for the metafunctions, matches them up with the different statuses of the clause and shows the kind of structure favored by each (Halliday, 2008, p.61).    Table 1.1 Metafuntions and Their Reflexes in GrammarMetafunction(technical name) Definition(kind of meaning) Corresponding status in clause Favored type of structureExperiential constructing a model of experience clause as representation segmental(based on constituency) Interpersonal enacting social relationships clause as exchange prosodicTextual creating relevance to context clause as message culminativeLogical constructing logical relations -- iterative2.1.3.1 Ideational Function    A fundamental property of language is that it enables human beings to build a mental picture of reality, to make sense of what goes on around them and inside them. This is the content of a meaning in the language, or what Halliday terms as Ideational function. It is a means of representing patterns of experiences: The experience of the world that lies about us, and also inside us, the world of our imagination (Halliday, 1994b, p.53).   Transitivity is used as one of the major methods to describe peoples experience in ideational function. The transitivity system construes the world of experience into a manageable set of process types (Halliday, 2008). Halliday (1994) proposes six process types, among which there are three principal processes: material process involving physical actions; mental process dealing with something that goes on in the internal world of the mind; relational process setting up a relationship between two concepts. The three main processes are not so clearly set apart but nevertheless recognizable in the grammar as intermediate between the different pairs-- sharing some features of each, thus acquiring a feature of their own. The intermediate process refers to the behavioral process, verbal process and existential process. A diagrammatic summary is given in Figure 1.1 (Halliday, 2008, p.172)      Figure 1.1 Types of Process     relational   having having  existential attributing identity  existingsymbolizing  world of abstract relations   beingverbal   happening saying[being created] doing sensing creatingphysical world world ofthinking    Changingconsciousness materialdoing(to) feeling   acting    behaving seeing    mental   behavioural Interpersonal Function    The interpersonal function involves meaning as an exchange (Halliday, 1994, p.68), of whether goods, service or information. Language is generally used to help people to participate in communicative acts with other people, take part in certain activities, express their feelings and judgments, and understand others attitudes (Ma, 2005). This function is what we call interpersonal function. It has something to do with the interpersonal relations of both the speaker and the hearer in a discourse and it is realized by the mood system. Textual Function   Language is used to relate what is said or written to the real world and other linguistic events. This involves the use of language to organize the text itself. This use of language is known as textual function. It represents meaning that is relevant to the context, both the preceding and following context, and the situational context (Zhang, 2011). The textual function consists of thematic structure, information structure and cohesion.   This thesis will pay attention to the transitivity system in terms of ideational function, mood and modality in terms of interpersonal function, and thematic structure and cohesion in terms of textual function, combined with the comparative analysis of the two Chinese versions. 2.1.4 Previous Studies on SFL from the perspective of translation   In recent years, hundreds of articles under the guideline of functional linguistics have been published such as in Hatim Bell, 1991/2001; Munday, 2001. It is obvious that an increasing number of people try to apply systemic functional grammar to translation studies.    More and more Chinese scholars take notice of the issue from the perspective of systemic functional grammar. According to the data collected from the CNKI (National Knowledge Infrastructure), there are about 1,600 articles from 2011 to 2014 and only about 400 from 2000 to 2005. For example, Huang Guowen (2004) gives a brief description of translation studies under the framework of SFL and six procedures with case studies, which contributes to the relevant development. Furthermore, Si Xianzhu (2014) states the theoretical meaning and practical value of systemic function towards translation studies and comes up with some measures and problems, believing the issue will be resolved in a beautiful prospect by reviewing the related literature. 2.2 Previous studies on Chinese versions of Martin Eden    Chinese versions of Martin Eden are listed as follows:      Table 1.2 Chinese Versions of Martin EdenTranslator Name of Translation Year(s) of Publication Publishing PressWu Lao 《马丁伊登》 1981,2003,1990,2011 Shanghai Translation Publishing HousePan Shaozhong 《马丁伊登》 1984 The Commercial PressFang Huawen 《马丁伊登》 1994 Taibai Literature&Art Publishing HouseJia Wenhao 《马丁伊登》 1995,2010 New Century Press&China Peace PressZhang Xuemei 《马丁伊登》 1996 Anhui Literature&Art Publishing HouseYin Weiben 《马丁伊登》 1996,2004,2013 Peoples Literature Publishing HouseSun Fali 《马丁伊甸》 2000 Yi Lin PressSun Jing 《马丁伊登》 2000 Foreign Languages PressWu Guoqi 《马丁伊登》 2003 Shanghai Translation Publishing HouseSi Min 《马丁伊登》 2003 Lijiang PublishingLin Jing 《马丁伊登》 2004, 2009 21st Century Publishing HouseZhang Jinghao 《马丁伊登》 2005 China Book PressJia Wenhao 《马丁伊登》 2010 Beijing Yanshan Press      The data of CNKI and Scholar.google.com demonstrate the fact that there is no study on Chinese versions of Martin Eden abroad. The majority of Chinese scholars make efforts to study Wu Laos and only a few make a comparison of different versions.   She Qiuying (2011) compares six versions of Martin Eden, including Zhou Xings, Wu Laos, two versions of Sun Falis(1956,1981), Zhang Jinghaos and Jia Wenhaos on the lexical level. By evaluating the versions in four ways---lexical complexity, lexical density, empty words, culture-loaded words, She comes to a conclusion that Zhou Xings version shows more fidelity to the target tradition and the others confirm to the source text.    Li Fei (2011) analyzes the subjective factor in the process of Wu Laos and Sun Falis translating Martin Eden and demonstrates how translators play their subjective roles and break through objective conditioning by taking Liu Miqings theory of translation aesthetics as a framework.    As far as the author of this thesis can figure out, the fact that only Li Fei (2011) interprets both Wu Laos and Sun Falis illustrates the lack of relevant studies on this issue. Therefore, this thesis aims to compare the two versions from the perspective of SFL. It is expected that the thesis can promote a profound and complete understanding of Martin Eden and its translations. ReferencesBell, R. T. (1991/2001). Translation and translating: Theory and practice. London: Longman / Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.Cao, L. L. [曹璐璐], 2010, 浅论系统功能语言学. 吉林省教育学院学报, (4): 64-66.Deng, Q. (1996). Iron man in life, tragedy in spiritAnalysis of success and tragedy of Martin Eden. 咸宁师专学报(4):57-59.DouBanDuShu. [豆瓣读书], 马丁伊登全部版本. n.d. Retrieved 2014-01-24 from http://book.douban.com/works/1004664Firth, J. R. (1957). Papers in linguistics 19341951. London: Oxford.Halliday, M. A. K. (2008). An introduction to functional grammar. 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