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The Pragmatic Strategies of the Political Speeches in English 英语政治类公共演说的语用策略研究文献综述

 2021-10-14 20:42:02  


Introduction:Pragmatics is the study of language u se. According to the Wikipedia definition, pragmatics refers to a branch if linguistics concerned with the use of language in social contexts and the ways in which people produce and comprehend meanings through language. "Pragmatists focus on what is not explicitly stated and on how we interpret utterances in situational contexts. They are concerned not so much with the sense of what is said as with its force, that is, with what is communicated by the manner and style of an utterance."(Geoffrey Finch, Linguistic Terms and Concepts. Palgrave Macmillan, 2000)    This study examines pragmatic strategies applied in political speeches from the perspective of pragmatic principles, through analysis of three presidents speeches in American national candidates election. It depicts the using and development of pragmatic strategies during different era in American history and how the speaker made it a success.   The study of pragmatic strategies in China has become popular since 1990s. More and more researchers have paid much more attention to the pragmatic strategies, such as strategies of politeness, euphemism and humor applied in political conversations from different perspectives. This study focuses on the strategies supported by specific language structures and the communicative situations in realistic political speeches. The significance of this thesis is applicable both in theory and teaching and learning for non-native English speakers. From the perspective of the theory, it develops the theory of pragmatics and applies pragmatic theory into public speaking. Human communication can be concluded as the employment of pragmatic strategies( Qian Guanlian, 2002). From the perspective of English learning and teaching, pragmatic strategies are taken into consideration both linguistic and non-linguistic factors to achieve communicative goals( Kong Lihui, 2011). It plays an essential role in foreign language leaning when we can appropriately show the competence. On one hand, we can choose proper pragmatic strategies in accordance with our speaking aims. On the other hand, the listener can better understand what the speaker imply behind the words. When we talk about politics, struggle for power is always the focus during the process of conveying ideas and and pursuing interests and put them into practice. During this process, language plays an important role. With the growing popularity and the spread of media and the Internet, the general public currently has an unprecedented level of access to reports and videos of what a public speaker has talked about. A linguistic analysis of political texts in general and of political speeches in particular, can be most successful when it relates the details of linguistic behavior to political behavior. The political situations can be linked to linguistic structures by way of an intermediate level that of pragmatic strategies( Kong Lihui, 2011). In the pragmatic field, Austin(1962) and Searle(1969) are the pioneers. Leech(1977), Brown and Levinson(1987), and Verschueren(1995, 1999, 2000) are the major representatives of later pursuers. literature review:   Austin and Searle put forward the Speech Act theory, which is one of the most influential topics in the studies of pragmatics. Austins work How to Do Things with Words(1962) first brought out the concept of Speech Act, and Searle developed it to Speech Act theory and gave a new categorization of speech acts.   Leech(1983) pointed out that it is by the use if language that the speaker can understand the meaning that has being implied but not expressed, directly or indirectly.    According to Verschueren, pragmatics is the study of language use. Using language must consist of the continuous making of linguistic choices. These choices can be situated at any level of linguistic form: phonetic/ phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical, semantic(Verschueren, 2000:55-56).   A study in Tsing Hua University investigated intermediate and advanced Chinese EFL learners requesting behavior in their L1 and L2. Their request realizations were compared to those of Chinese and English native controls along three dimensions: request strategies; internal modifiers; and external modifiers. Transfer from both directions was found in learners of different proficiency levels; nonetheless, the evidence for bidirectional transfer was mainly restricted to the use of request strategies.   Barack Obamas speeches have aroused more attention both home and abroad. Say It Like Obama and Win is about the art of persuasion, the power of presentation, and the most effective methods of communication. Say It Like Obama and Win! gives you the tools to instill positive change at every level of your organization by teaching you how to: make a strong first impression; use body language and voice; establish common ground; gain trust and confidence; win hearts and minds; drive your points home; convey your vision through imagery and words that resonate; and leave a lasting impression.    Dennis Tay has examined just one aspect of metaphor use in psychotherapythe strategic deployment of metaphors by therapists in negotiating interactional discourse goals and objectives. He argues that discourse objectives are shifting and pragmatically modulated in ways that are reflected in more intricate patterns of metaphor deployment.   Relevance Theory was originally proposed by the French Scholar Dan Sperber and the British scholar Wilson in 1986. The core of the Relevance Theory is the notion of relevance. It means that the information conveyed by people who are engaged in the communication should be relevant to arouse the listeners attention.From the above, it can be seen that most of the scholars deal with only one or two specific speeches from few aspects, such as Obamas election speech. On the basis of all the above researches, this paper is a further research through three speeches of different speakers in American switching periods about their language and styles.

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