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 2022-04-19 18:14:19  


摘 要




The programmable metasurface is composed of a large number of coding units, and its spatial electromagnetic response is determined by its spatial coding form. Since the state of the coding unit can be switched in real time, the programmable metasurface can simultaneously form a coding sequence in the spatial and temporal domains, thereby controlling the spatial and time-frequency domain characteristics of the metasurface can be realized. In this paper, the space-time modulation coding theory of programmable super-surface is studied, and the relationship between different space-time coding sequences and electromagnetic scattering waves is studied. Firstly, the full-wave simulation of the designed metasurface unit is carried out to obtain its reflection characteristics. It is verified that the unit has two working states with a phase difference of 180 degrees. The state of the unit can be switched by adjusting the bias voltage across the diode. Then the unit is used to form an 8×8 metasurface array, and an independent time coding can be designed for each unit in the array, and the length of each time-coded sequence is 8, so, finally, an 8×8×8 three-dimensional space-time coding matrix can be obtained. In this way, the coding unit can obtain a more diverse reflection phase, thereby it is equivalent to high bit phase codin. In addtion, according to the generalized Snell's law, different phase differences can deflect the reflected waves to different angles. With the metasurface array is rationally designed, the distribution of the phase gradient can be controlled, so, the purpose of freely controlling the reflected beam can be achieved. The simulation calculation results obtained was consistent with the theoretical analysis which verified the correctness of the theory. The study of space-time coding lays the foundation for further realization of a new system information system which is based on programmable metasurface.

KEY WORDS: programmable metasurface, space-time coding characteristics, generalized snell’s.

目  录

摘要 ………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅰ

Abstract …………………………………………………………………………… Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2 可编程超表面单元结构介绍 2

1.3单元仿真实验 3

第二章 空时编码数字超表面的理论 5

2.1广义斯奈尔定律 5

2.2空时编码理论 5

2.2.1超表面的空间编码 5

2.2.2可编程超表面的空时编码理论 6

2.2.3可编程超表面单元的时域编码 8

2.3 一比特编码和多比特编码 9

第三章 空时编码数字超表面仿真实验 12

3.1 理论验证 12

3.2 谐波波束转向 14

3.3 降低RCS 18

3.3.1完美吸收器 18

3.3.2 雷达吸波涂层 19

3.3.3非定向性散射 19

结论 21

参考文献 22

致 谢 24

第一章 绪论


超材料是一种人工材料,其本身拥有与自然现有材料所不同的电磁特性,可以用于通过非常规途径控制电磁波的传播。关于超材料的研究最早可以追溯到1968年前苏联物理学家维克多·菲斯拉格关于负折射率材料的理论假设。在他的假设中电磁波的传播介质可以拥有负的介电常数或者磁导率,这样就会有负的折射率,这种材料会展现出与寻常材料不同的物理特性。2000年,英国科学家Pendry在文献[1]中提出可以用负折射率材料制造一种“完美透镜”,并且2001年加州大学的David Smith在Pendry的建议下成功以铜为基础材料制造出一种拥有负介电常数和负磁导率的物质,并从中观察到了反常的折射现象。

作为超材料的二维等价物,超表面也拥有特殊的电磁特性。由于它可以提供电磁波的相位突变、幅度调制和偏振转换从而引起了来自工程界与科学界里面越来越多的研究人员的兴趣。相比体积庞大的立体超材料,超表面表现出可以忽略不记的电器厚度,因此其拥有更好的可集成性与更低的插入损耗。在2011年,Yu Nanfang等人推广了广义斯奈尔定律中的反射和折射定律。根据推广的广义斯奈尔定律,通过设计具有相位分布不连续的超表面就可以控制电磁波的波阵面。从那时开始,超表面经历了飞速的发展,导致各种能够操纵微波、太赫兹波以及可见光的设备的出现。但是,基于广义斯奈尔定律的超表面仅仅在表面显示出空间梯度的不连续性,而本质上会受到洛伦兹互易性和时间反转相对性的约束。在2015年,Hadad等人提出了空时梯度超表面的概念,通过对表面阻抗的电子特性进行时间调制,从而获得电磁波的空时调制并且打破时间反转相对性。同年,Shaltout等人通过引入时间梯度相位不连续性提出了时变超表面,这可以打破洛伦兹互易性并且为控制电磁波带来新的自由度。


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