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 2022-04-27 20:16:21  


摘 要


关键词:多样化 集聚经济 知识溢出 创新水平增长


Innovation has become the core driving force for the development of a country and region, and innovation capability has become an important symbol of the city's comprehensive competitiveness. In the era of China's economic growth rate decline and the world economy is sluggish, how to improve the level of innovation and get out of the predicament is an urgent problem to be solved. Whether the regional industrial structure can better promote the growth of regional innovation level has always been the subject of fierce debate in the economics literature. The external effects brought by Jacobs' industrial diversification and the impact of knowledge spillover on urban innovation have been increasingly affected more attention. The degree of industrial diversification of cities at all levels in China is constantly increasing. The eastern region has a high degree of industrial diversification because of its geographical advantages, while the western region has a low degree of industrial diversification because of the constant traffic benefits.Result shows that industrial diversification has a significant effect on the growth of urban innovation level. The empirical test also supports this conclusion. Under the condition of controlling other influencing factors, on average, the industrial diversity index increases by 1,the total number of patents per capita in the city has increased by about 32%, indicating that a higher industrial diversity index is conducive to promoting the growth of urban innovation. The policy enlightenment we can get from it is that we should appropriately improve the degree of regional industry diversification, strengthen inter-regional communication and cooperation, and build a regional industrial innovation system to promote the growth of regional innovation level.

Keywords: Industrial diversification, Agglomeration economy, Knowledge Spillover, Innovation growth

目 录

摘要 III


第一章 绪论 1

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1产业多样性的度量 3

2.2创新的度量 4

2.3产业多样化与创新之间的联系 5

2.4产业多样化及专业化与创新之间的联系 6

第三章 理论基础 9

3.1产业多样性的概念 9

3.2创新的概念 9

3.3产业多样化和创新增长的基本理论 10

3.4产业多样化影响创新增长的机制分析 11

第四章 模型设定和变量说明 13

4.1模型设定 13

4.2数据来源 13

4.3变量说明 13

第五章 实证分析 16

5.1对产业多样性指数的分析 16

5.2基准回归 17

5.3固定效应 19

5.4稳定性检验 21

第六章 结论与建议 22

6.1主要研究结论 22

6.2政策建议 22

6.3研究不足与展望 24

参考文献 25

附录 30

致谢 32


第一章 绪论




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