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 2022-04-29 21:13:32  


摘 要






Since the concept of gamification was mentioned in 2011, gamification practice has been widely used in education and training, employee management, etc. Domestic and foreign marketing practitioners have an insight into the fascinating qualities of the game, thinking that gamification will guide the corporate marketing activities. Marketing. As an emerging orientation of corporate marketing, gamification marketing has a positive role in brand communication, customer engagement, and customer loyalty. With the upgrading of consumption in the Chinese market, fast fashion apparel brands have undergone tremendous changes in the Chinese market in recent years, facing the threat of consumer demand, fierce homogenization in the industry, and the threat of e-commerce, sharing and other modes. The brand is in urgent need of a change.

This paper points out that the important problem facing fast fashion clothing brands is to win customer loyalty, think about how to use gamification marketing as the guide, and use the game's fascinating characteristics to guide fast fashion brands to strengthen customer stickiness. This paper summarizes the existing gamification marketing strategies by analyzing the psychological dependence of gamers, the gamification marketing literature, and the practical research. Through the questionnaire survey method, the consumers of fast fashion clothing brands are analyzed to explore the main reasons for the lack of customer loyalty. Combining the advantages of fast fashion clothing brand to develop gamification marketing, the gamification marketing strategy design aiming at customer loyalty precipitation is proposed.

In order to optimize the communication channel of brand information, solve the problem of consumer wear and share, establish the relationship between consumers and brands, and optimize the consumer shopping experience, this paper designs the following four gamification marketing strategies with customer, data and fun-oriented research. : interactive game-type media matrix brand communication strategy; gamification sharing wear optimization optimization guidance strategy; full-hearted investment and fun immersive store experience upgrade strategy; achievement-driven consumer brand value co-creation behavior incentive strategy.

Keywords:Game player psychological dependence, gamification marketing, fast fashion, customer loyalty

目 录

摘要 1


第一章 绪论 4

1.1 研究背景 4

1.2 研究问题与意义 4

1.2.1 问题界定 4

1.2.2 研究意义 5

1.3 研究内容 5

1.4 研究思路与框架 6

1.4.1 研究思路 6

1.4.2 研究框架 6

第二章 文献综述 9

2.1 游戏玩家心理依赖形成机理 9

2.1.1 网络游戏成瘾概念 9

2.1.2 内在引力:自我决定与心流体验 9

2.1.3 外在助力:多因素影响 10

2.2 游戏化营销 11

2.2.1 游戏化思维 11

2.2.2 游戏化营销界定及其运作机制 11

2.2.3 游戏化营销主要类型 12

2.2.4 游戏化营销策略及相关实践 13

第三章 游戏玩家心理依赖与客户忠诚的同构性分析 16

3.1 基于形成动机的同构性分析 16

3.2 基于形成过程的同构性分析 17

3.3基于形成结果的同构性分析 18

第四章 快时尚服装品牌行业消费者分析 20

4.1 问卷设计 20

4.2 问卷分析结果 20

4.3 消费者画像 23

4.4 快时尚服装品牌行业客户忠诚沉淀乏力的主要原因 24

4.5 基于游戏玩家心理依赖的快时尚服装品牌客户粘性强化的可行与必然 25

第五章 快时尚服装品牌行业游戏化营销策略 27

5.1 快时尚服装品牌行业游戏化营销开展的优势 27

5.2 游戏化营销策略设计的目标与导向 27

5.3 快时尚服装品牌游戏化营销策略设计 28

第六章 总结与展望 33

6.1 研究结论与意义 33

6.2 研究创新与不足 33

6.3 研究展望 34

致 谢 35

参考文献 36

附录一 37


1.1 研究背景




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