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 2022-04-29 21:18:10  


摘 要






5. 针对以上各过程,通过编制了计算程序,结合桥梁实际算例,验证了程序的正确性和适用性。



In order to ensure the safety, applicability and durability of long-span cable-stayed bridges, it is necessary to establish a scientific and reasonable evaluation system. At present, there are two main sources of cable-stayed bridge evaluation data: one is the manual inspection system based on inspection and detection; the other is the health monitoring system based on real-time sensor detection. But both systems have their own limitations. The research objective of this paper is to integrate two data sources and establish an effective bridge evaluation system for long-span cable bridges. The main contents are as follows:

1. Based on the actual annual inspection report of Anqing Yangtze River Bridge in Anhui Province, the existing national standard "Evaluation Standard for Technical Conditions of Highway Bridges" (JTG/T H21-2011) and Jiangsu provincial standard "Standard for Maintenance and Evaluation of Long-span Suspension Bridges and Cable-stayed Bridges" (DB 32/T 1648-2010) are used to evaluate the existing bridges. The results are compared and the differences between the two evaluation systems are pointed out. Suggestions for improvement and improvement

2. A new evaluation system of cable-stayed bridges is established based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The evaluation indexes are determined by comparing the actual common diseases of long-span bridges and the existing specifications. The evaluation indexes are divided into qualitative, quantitative and sequential indexes, and corresponding evaluation standards are established for different indexes. The weights of indicators are obtained through expert questionnaire survey.

3. Based on the health monitoring data of cable-stayed bridges, the time series analysis of cable force, deflection, displacement and other sequence indicators is carried out, and the trend changes of these indicators are extracted, and the sequence indicators are evaluated according to their trend changes and upper and lower limits.

4. By using D-S evidence theory and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the reliability of the final technical condition evaluation results of cable-stayed bridges is analyzed to avoid the traditional direct weighted calculation method masking the difference between sub-indicators and obtain the reliability distribution of the evaluation grade.

5. In view of the above processes, the calculation program is compiled by Matlab, and the correctness and applicability of the program are verified by the actual bridge example.

Key words: Cable-stayed bridge; Maintenance management; State assessment; AHP; Evidential reasoning approach;

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究现状 2

1.2.1桥梁养护管理系统和健康监测系统现状 2

1.2.2国内外桥梁状态评估方法现状 2

1.2.3 桥梁状态评估存在的主要问题 3

1.3工程背景介绍 4

1.4 本文主要内容 7

第二章 大跨度斜拉桥运营状态评估标准的对比分析 8

2.1 概述 8

2.2 基于《公路桥梁技术状况评定标准》的状态评估 8

2.3 基于《大跨径悬索桥和斜拉桥养护规范》的状态评估 13

2.4基于“国标”与“地标”的评估体系对比 16

2.4.1斜拉索系统 16

2.4.2钢箱梁 17

2.5基于Matlab平台的“国标”与“地标”综合评估系统 18

2.6 本章小结 20

第三章 新的大跨径斜拉桥评估体系构建 21

3.1 概述 21

3.2 层次分析模型及评价指标的确立 21

3.3指标体系评定标准 23

3.3.1定性和定量指标评定标准 23

3.3.2评定标准融合及改进 24

3.4指标体系评定方法 26

3.4.1构件层的评价方法 26

3.4.2斜拉索系统的评价方法 29

3.4.3部件层的评价方法 29

3.4.4整体的评价方法 30

3.5指标体系权重确定 30

3.6 本章小结 34

第四章 桥梁序列指标的评定 35

4.1索力监测数据评价 35

4.1.1 索力数据采集 35

4.1.2 索力预测模型 38

4.1.3 识别季节性影响 39

4.1.4 索力评价方法 41

4.1.5 索力评价的Matlab交互界面 42

4.2位移监测数据评价 43

4.3应力监测数据评价 48

4.4 本章小结 50

第五章 不同指标体系的结果比对 52

5.1指标体系评定结果比对 52

5.2 基于Matlab平台的新指标体系综合评估 54

5.3本章小结 55

第六章 基于模糊综合评价和证据理论的全桥状态综合评估 56

6.1指标隶属度计算 56

6.2多级模糊综合评判 57

6.3 DS证据推理评定 59

6.3.1 DS证据理论基本原理 59

6.3.2 DS证据应用于桥梁等级状态评估 60

6.4 两种评估方式的Matlab实现 61

6.5 本章小结 64

第七章 总结 65

7.1本文的主要结论 65

7.2有待改进的方面 66

致 谢 67

参考文献 68

第一章 绪论




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