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 2022-05-02 22:15:20  


摘 要


本文以这八个碳排放权交易所为研究对象,通过它们开业至今的成交数据来分析其运行和效率情况。本文介绍了国内碳交易市场的基本架构和交易活跃程度。接着,本文对各个碳交所的日收盘价和收益率进行Jarque-Bera检验,发现这八所碳交所的收盘价和收益率序列均不是正态分布。本文以有效市场假说作为理论基础,运用ADF检验、方差比率检验(VR)和游程检验(Run Test)对收盘价和收益率序列进行检验,以此来判断我国是否有交易所达到了弱式有效。




In order to better develop the low-carbon economy, China has actively explored the carbon trading market. In 2011, it has approved the establishment of pilot carbon trading markets in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hubei, Chongqing, Guangdong and Shenzhen. The seven pilot exchanges opened in 2013 and 2014, and the non-pilot carbon emission exchange in Fujian also opened at the end of 2016. The carbon trading market will help promote carbon emission enterprises to save energy and reduce emissions, which is of great significance for promoting the development of domestic green economy.

By taking the eight carbon emission trading exchanges as the research object, these markets’ operation and effectiveness is analyzed through the transaction data of their opening to date. The basic structure of the domestic carbon trading market and its trading activity are also analyzed. Then, a Jarque-Bera test on the daily closing price and yield of each carbon exchange is conducted, and finds that the closing prices and yield series of the eight carbon exchanges do not obey the normal distribution. Based on the effective market hypothesis as the theoretical basis, the ADF test, the variance ratio test and the run test are used to empirically test the closing price and the yield series to judge whether or not the exchange has achieved weak effectiveness.

The results of the ADF test show that the six carbon emission exchanges in Guangzhou, Hubei, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Fujian have achieved weak effectiveness; the results of the variance ratio test indicate that only the trading market in Tianjin has reached a weak and effective national level. The exchanges generally did not meet the requirements of the weak effective market; the result of the run test was that the trading markets of Guangdong, Shanghai, Tianjin and Fujian reached a weak effective, and the efficiency of other exchanges basically increased year by year. In view of the advantages and disadvantages of each test, the overall carbon trading market in China has not reached the full weak and effective, but with the improvement of the policy rules, the market efficiency is slowly increasing.

KEY WORDS: Carbon Emission Rights, ADF Test, Variance Ratio Test, Run Test, Efficient Market Hypothesis

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2研究问题与思路方法 1

1.3本文的论文结构 2

第二章 相关文献综述 3

2.1碳金融的定义 3

2.2碳金融市场的定义 3

2.3碳交易市场的效率 4

2.4小结 6

第三章 我国碳交易市场的现状与发展分析 7

3.1我国碳交易市场的建立和市场框架 7

3.1.1建立基础与过程 7

3.1.2市场框架 8

3.2我国碳交易市场的发展现状 10

3.2.1交易额和交易量 10

3.2.2交易活跃程度 11

3.2.3小结 13

3.3目前存在的问题 14

3.3.1交易机制缺陷 14

3.3.2市场参与主体自身的不足 15

第四章 碳交易市场有效性实证检验 16

4.1数据选择与描述性统计 16

4.1.1数据选择 16

4.1.2描述性统计分析 16

4.2中国碳排放权交易市场收益率的正态检验 18

4.3ADF检验 19

4.4方差比率(VR)检验 20

4.5游程检验 21

4.6小结 23

第五章 结论和展望 24

5.1研究结论 24

5.1.1市场交易活跃度不足 24

5.1.2总体未达到弱式有效 24

5.3.3效率大致表现出逐年增强的趋势 25

5.2碳交易市场展望 25

5.2.1市场发展前景好 25

5.2.2全国性的碳交易市场是建设重点 26

参考文献 27

致 谢 29

第一章 绪论







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