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 2022-06-21 23:03:29  


摘 要




In the 1970s, people began to realize the relationship between inhalable particles and health problems. According to scholars' statistics, most people spend most of their time indoors, and children and the elderly spend longer hours. Therefore, research on the characteristics of indoor PM2.5 is particularly important. According to the results obtained by the model established by Hussein et al., the key characteristics affecting indoor PM2.5 concentration are its sedimentation rate, permeability coefficient, and the number of house ventilation. This article studies the relationship between the sedimentation coefficient of PM2.5 and the number of air changes in a house. The study is divided into three stages: the previous theoretical analysis, the mid-term experimental verification, and the later error analysis. Firstly, theoretical analysis was conducted to derive the relationship between the settlement rate without room ventilation, no room release source, and the number of air changes in the room. Then select three rooms with different structures for experiment and adjust the room ventilation times by changing the window opening. According to the data, the permeability coefficient is mainly determined by the particle diameter and the gap size of the room envelope structure. Considering the actual situation of the experiment, an approximate value of 1 is used. The number of air changes was measured using a carbon dioxide drop method. The final conclusion is that under the premise of natural ventilation and ventilation times of 0 to 5 times/h, the settlement rate is positively correlated with the number of ventilations, and the correlation coefficient is related to the characteristics of the envelope structure. It is hoped that this paper can provide some new ideas for indoor PM2.5 governance by exploring the relationship between indoor PM2.5 sedimentation rate and room ventilation times.

KEY WORDS: PM2.5, deposition effect, ventilation frequency, indoor air purification, carbon dioxide tracer


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 2

1.1 引言 2

1.2 室内PM2.5沉降率研究现状 2

1.3 本文的研究目的和主要研究内容 3

第二章 实验原理及方法 4

2.1 沉降率计算及方法 4

2.2 换气次数计算方法 5

2.4.1 选择计算换气次数方法 6

2.4.2 换气次数计算公式 6

2.3 实验仪器以及测点布置要求 7

2.4 仪器校准 7

2.4.1 PM2.5校准 7

2.4.2 CO2校准 9

第三章 实验过程 11

3.1 实验步骤 11

3.2 换气次数计算 11

第四章 误差计算及分析 15

4.1 误差传递公式推导 15

4.2 误差计算 15

4.3 误差分析 17

4.4 实验中遇到的问题及反思 19

第五章 结论与展望 20

5.1 结论 20

5.2 展望 20

致谢 22

参考文献 23

附录 25








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