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 2022-06-25 22:53:03  


摘 要


本文以探究失能老人护理获得状况及其影响因素为研究目的,首先总结了已有研究中有关影响因素以及相关概念的界定和选取的研究成果。其次,在文献研究的基础上,以中国健康与养老追踪调查(China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, CHARLS)2011年全国基线调查的数据为研究样本,通过描述性分析、相关分析、多元回归、嵌套模型等分析工具探究影响失能老人护理获得状况的影响因素,以及相关因素的影响程度。研究结果显示:失能老人获得的平均护理时间为168个小时每月,即每天5-6个小时,但有超过15%的失能老人没有得到护理照料。在影响因素方面,以个人年收入、家庭总资产为代表的经济资本对护理状况获得具有显著影响,但以子女数量、居住地距离等为代表的来自传统家庭范畴的社会资本影响并不显著。此外,以政府为主体的社会资本影响也不够显著。




Along with the serious Population Aging problem and increasing percent of disabled elders, the long-term care for disabled elders has become the focus of the whole society instead of individual families. Besides, under the deficiency of related policy system and changes of the family scale and structure in recent years, researchers are eager to know the obvious influence factors of disabled elders’ care condition in order to review the current situation and make better policies to establish and improve the long-term care system for improving elders’ retirement life quality.

This study is aimed at discovering the influence factors of care condition and their significance. Firstly, the former researches with important hypotheses, concepts and conclusions are classified and summarized. Then, based on the former document research and data from China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study of 2011, the potential factors are analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regression in order to find the influence factors with their significance.

The research result shows that: The average hour of caring for disabled elders is around 168 hours per month, but more than 15% of disabled elders received no caring service. As for the influential factors, the economic capital factors like individual annual income and household wealth with imputed value have obvious significance. But social capital from traditional family factors like the number of children and the distance between the two generations does not have obvious significance as assumed. Besides, social capital from government factors does not have obvious significance either.

Based on the above procedures and research methods, the inapplicability of medical insurance system in long-term care area is revealed and advice such as increasing the pension subsidy for the disabled elders and encouraging the market factors to be involved in care respect is proposed in the end.

KEY WORDS: disabled elders, caring duration, influence factors


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 导论 1

一、 研究背景和问题 1

二、 文献综述 1

1、失能程度评估标准与长期护理获得状况评估 1

2、影响因素研究 2

3、对现有研究的简单总结与评价 6

三、 研究意义 6

1、理论意义 6

2、实践意义 6

第二章 研究设计 7

一、理论视角 7

1、社会资本理论 7

2、经济资本理论 7

二、分析框架 8

三、研究假设 9

四、调查数据 9

1、数据来源 9

2、样本特征 10

五、 变量测量 10

1、因变量 10

2、自变量 11

3、控制变量 11

一、 分析结果 14

1、失能老人护理时间的描述性分析 14

2、失能老人护理时间获得相关分析 14

3、失能老人护理时间获得回归分析 15

一、 总结 19

1、经济资本是护理获得的显著影响因素 19

2、社会资本影响不显著,传统家庭因素影响势微 19

3、建立护理保障体系势在必行 19

二、 讨论 20

致谢 21

参考文献 22

第一章 导论


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