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 2022-06-25 22:56:11  


摘 要




In the transitional period in China, with the commercialization of the media, the status of the official media is being challenged by new media and self-media. While the official media transmits information that benefits the government's image, netizens also absorb a large amount of negative political information transmitted from non-state media. Changes in the source and nature of this information will undoubtedly affect the degree of political trust of the audience. This research uses the Internet social awareness survey questionnaire to describe the current state and characteristics of Internet users' political trust habits using different media, and explore the influence mechanism of political trust, continuing the research traditions of Shi Tianjian, Ma Deyong and other scholars on China’s political trust. From the institutionalist and culturalist approaches, the factors that influence the political trust are analyzed. It was found that the political trust of netizens used by different media shows significant differences. Netizens who are accustomed to using official media have a higher degree of political trust than netizens who are accustomed to using non-official media. Moreover, according to the results of regression analysis, the cultural path and the institutionalist path are two very important paths to explain the political confidence of netizens, but the explanatory power of these two paths is different. However, institutional variables have stronger explanatory power for netizens' political trust no matter in which group of samples. This means that the evaluation of government work and the degree of fulfillment of government functions by netizens, which can be directly perceived by the public, are more strongly explained by the indirect perceived cultural values ​​of interpersonal trust and authoritarian values.

Keywords: political trust; media use; culturalism; institutionalism


摘要 3

Abstract 4

第一章研究背景、研究问题与意义 6

(一)研究背景与研究问题 6

(二)选题意义 8

第二章文献综述 10

(一)概念与定义 10

(二)两种解释路径 10

(三)中国相关研究 14

(四)媒体使用与政治信任 15

(五)对现有研究的简单评析 16

第三章研究设计 17

(一)理论视角 17

(二)研究假设 17

(三)数据来源 19

(四)变量测量 19

第四章研究结果 23

(一)不同群体网民政治信任的影响因素分析 23

(二)网民的政治信任现状 28

第五章结论与讨论 30

(一)结论 30

(二)讨论 31

参考文献 33

致谢 35






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