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 2022-06-27 21:59:31  


摘 要






Effective risk identification and control are prerequisites for the healthy development of China's micro-credit (P2P network lending) platform. Among them, the borrower’s personal credit characteristics are extracted to identify the borrower’s credit status and predict the default probability effectively. It has been one of the most important competitive advantages of a small micro-credit platform. With the development of big data technology, the risk identification method of P2P lending platform based on data mining and algorithm improvement has become a research hotspot.

In response to this problem, this paper selects 126,090 completed loans of Ren Ren Dai in 2016 as samples and adopts an integrated strategy approach to establish a personal credit risk assessment system based on the purpose of optimizing neural networks. Firstly, the characteristics of the borrower and its regional economic conditions are extracted through Q-clustering and K-Means clustering; secondly, logistic, neural network, and decision tree methods are used as the base classifier, and the decision tree is used as the sub-classifier, based on the Stacking ensemble learning strategy. Then the paper establishes a small and micro credit personal credit evaluation model on the basis of these theories to predict the default risk of the borrower and compares the prediction results of the four methods.

Numerical experimental results show that the integrated strategy method has better model stability than other methods and can improve the accuracy of default prediction. Therefore, establishing a personal credit rating system based on big data has strong practical significance for the healthy and sustainable development of the small and micro loan industry.

KEY WORDS: ensemble learning; P2P platform; assessment of personal credit risk


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 2

1.3 P2P发展现状与存在问题 2

1.4 技术路线与全文结构 6

第二章 文献回顾 8

2.1 借贷平台的运营与发展 8

2.2 信用风险评价方法研究 9

2.3 P2P借贷平台的风险管控研究 9

2.4 小结 11

第三章 模型构建原理 12

3.1 模型所涉基础理论介绍 12

3.2 研究思路 14

第四章 实证分析 18

4.1 指标与样本 18

4.2 模型建立 20

4.3 模型检验 23

4.4 模型应用效果对比 24

第五章 结论及建议 25

5.1 结论 25

5.2 对策建议 25

5.3 不足与展望 26

致谢 27

参考文献 28

附录A 30


近年来,随着互联网信息技术的发展,互联网平台给人们提供了便捷的服务,金融领域也不例外,一系列“互联网 金融”模式应运而生,其中P2P(peer to peer)网络借贷以其快捷方便的操作以及以个人信用申请贷款的简便模式广为普及。但是,由于其信用风险显著,国家自2014年起开始颁布条例与办法以求对P2P网贷行业进行规范,目前我国网贷行业进入行业调整期,在此阶段如何有效控制风险,成为平台能够在行业中形成竞争优势的重点。


作为实现普惠金融的重要渠道之一,P2P模式在增加小微个体融资和增强经济活力等方面被寄予厚望。因此,P2P网络借贷平台成为了互联网金融创新中的热点。P2P借贷平台是指贷款人与投资者之间通过网络借贷平台而非传统金融机构进行的基于信用的借贷交易(Lin et al.,2009;Bachmann et al.,2011)。通过P2P借贷平台,个人与个人之间可以直接进行资金的借贷,不需要通过银行等中介机构。平台通过互联网发布借款人的借款信息与需求,投资者通过平台筛选借款人的信息后进行投资,直接实现了借贷信息的点对点交互。实质上,P2P借贷平台是尤努斯创造的“乡村银行”小额贷款方式的网络化,它致力于帮助“长尾客户”获取金融服务,满足最基层群众的贷款需求,从而从根本上促进经济的发展,因此成为了实现普惠金融的重要渠道。另一方面,P2P借贷平台的出现也拓展了居民的投资领域,优化了社会资金的运转。

然而,近年来P2P借贷平台“跑路”与倒闭的消息不断传来, P2P借贷平台的发展好像陷入了瓶颈期。行业乱象较多,两极分化情形严重。这也揭示了这一创新金融方式中蕴涵的巨大风险。在我国,绝大多数P2P借贷平台在运营时已经偏离了信息中介的范畴(曹晓路,2016),平台的收益和借款人的信用高度相关。如何有效区别高质量和低质量的借款人,降低整个平台的违约率,对于P2P借贷平台的持续健康运营,从而发挥其社会价值具有极强的现实意义。


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