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 2022-06-28 23:01:13  


摘 要




Based on the information asymmetry of China's credit market and the current situation of endogeneity and asymmetry of monetary policy, this research studies the relationship between monetary policy and financing constraints of listed companies. Firstly, the research object for eligible gem listed companies' data in 2011-2016, at the same time the research constructs the gem companies financing constraint index to measure the degree of financing constraints. To concrete the effects of monetary policy on the gem companies, this research selects the monetary policy experience index, M2 growth rate of GDP over the same period and the balance of loans of financial institutions to grow at an annual rate of different proxy variables of monetary policy choice. The research results of this study show that loose monetary policy can not effectively ease the financing constraints of listed companies on the gem. In the study of the impact of monetary policy on small and medium-sized enterprises, the index of monetary sensitivity is the first choice of currency policy proxy variables. Finally, this research suggests that the expected management of monetary policy should be strengthened. At the same time, we should promote diversified competition in the financial industry, optimize the credit assessment risk system of enterprises on the gem board, and improve the financing environment of enterprises on the gem board. The gem enterprises should also pay attention to innovation and research so as to improve their profitability and competitiveness and obtain more financing channels.

KEY WORDS: Monetary policy, financing constraints , growth enterprise market

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3论文结构和技术路线 1

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1概念介绍 3

2.2文献综述 3

2.3文献评述 6

第三章 研究设计 6

3.1研究假设 7

3.2变量设定 8

3.2.1被解释变量—融资约束 8

3.2.2解释变量—货币政策 8

3.2.3 控制变量 9

3.3样本选择和数据来源 10

3.3.1 数据来源 10

3.3.2 数据筛选 10

第四章 模型设定和实证分析 11

4.1描述性统计 11

4.1.1融资约束指数分组样本情况及指数构建 11

4.1.2描述性统计 12

4.2相关性分析 13

4.3实证检验 13

4.3.1模型设定 13

4.3.2模型修正 14

4.3.3回归结果分析 16

第五章 结论和建议 20

5.1研究结论 20

5.2政策建议 20

5.2.1加强货币政策预期管理,逐步提高货币政策有效性 20

5.2.2 完善金融市场发展,扩大间接融资体系 20

5.2.3 创业板上市公司应注重自身素质的发展 21

致谢 22

注释 23

参考文献(References) 23

第一章 引言





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