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 2022-06-28 23:01:46  


摘 要





"Belt and Road Initiative" concept put forward since 2013, has been widespread concern in the international community, it is China's economic development has entered a new normal pattern, an important impetus and opportunities to promote China's economic development. The implementation of the strategy has far-reaching implications for China, as well as its economic, cultural and political implications. To strengthen regional cooperation and trade is the key construction The Belt and Road concept in the content, so the trade of China economy, especially the potential impact of foreign trade is huge. The development of The Belt and Road concept not only improve the overall economic situation in our country, but also has a significant impact on China's iron and steel industry. The downturn of China's iron and steel industry in recent years, many companies are facing bankruptcy, the main reason is the problem of overcapacity, The Belt and Road creates a great opportunity to solve the problem. In the The Belt and Road related countries, there are a number of infrastructure construction which is not perfect and needs a lot of steel construction in emerging developing countries and backward countries. The steel industry no longer has the advantage of our country to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with these countries, to improve China's steel production The export of products can seize the opportunity to solve the excess capacity of China's steel industry.

This paper mainly through the two aspects of theoretical and Empirical Study of "The Belt and Road" concept of influence on Chinese steel trade. The theory of the article discusses the development status of China's steel industry and The Belt and Road "concept at present, combined with the classical theory and literature, analyzes the necessity of China's iron and steel industry into the" The Belt and Road "idea. The empirical aspect firstly through the development strategy in recent years exports of some steel products in China and statistics "The Belt and Road" part of the country of trade and investment opportunities in data analysis, analysis of China's steel products is to export The Belt and Road "part of relevant national higher than that of the The Belt and Road" countries, and The development strategy of these countries has also created many opportunities for the export of steel products in China. In addition the paper also selected in China in 2015 to the United States, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and other 146 countries and regions in steel exports (SE) data, a regression model is established to analyze whether the "The Belt and Road" countries or regions (BR), a country's GDP (GDP) and the average collected from imported steel products in China The effect of ad valorem import tax rate (TM) on the export volume of steel products. The results of regression analysis indicated that the GDP and whether the influence of "The Belt and Road" countries on China's steel export volume significantly, while there was no significant difference from the average Chinese of imported steel products from the price of import tax rate influence. Through the research on the two aspects of theoretical and empirical studies, this paper finally gives some suggestions, hope to be able to use the "The Belt and Road" concept to strengthen steel exports to solve China's iron and steel industry overcapacity problems help.

Key words: Belt and Road Initiative; iron and steel industry overcapacity

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究现状 2

1.3.1国外研究现状 2

1.3.2国内研究现状 4

1.4研究难点 5

第二章 我国钢铁出口的理论基础及现状 6

2.1钢铁产业总体概述 6

2.2钢铁产业总体现状 7

2.3钢铁产业进出口现状 8

第三章 “一带一路”构想发展概况 11

3.1“一带一路”构想的提出背景 11

3.2“一带一路”构想的发展意义 11

3.3我国钢铁行业与“一带一路”进行结合的意义 12

3.4“一带一路”构想对中国钢铁产业出口作用 13

3.4.1贸易数据方面 13

3.4.2投资机会分析 16

第四章 实证建模分析 17

4.1 数据来源和变量说明 17

4.2 模型构建和数据统计 18

4.3 实证分析过程和结论 18

第五章 “一带一路”战略下我国钢铁行业对外贸易发展建议 19

5.1积极响应“一带一路”构想,不断开发新兴国家市场 20

5.2维持与目前我国钢铁产品出口中非“一带一路”国家的合作 20

5.3政府与企业共同努力,促进我国钢材产品出口 20

致 谢 22

参考文献 23

第一章 绪论







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