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 2022-07-24 20:12:13  


摘 要



学号:21213118 学生姓名:何添源

指导教师 张永





Research on Metropolitan Logistics System Planning Framework

21213118 He Tian-yuan

Supervised by Zhang Yong


Urbanization process of China has accelerated significantly, but the resulting urban problems, industrial structure and other issues to a large extent affected the sustainable growth of China's national economy.In recent years, some cities in China began to take the big city as the core, driven by the role of small towns around the economic development of the metropolitan area model, but as one of the main support of the metropolitan economy, the development of logistics is relatively slow. Therefore, the overall planning of the metro logistics system will help to ensure the steady and healthy development of the metropolitan area, which is of great significance to the sustainable development of China's national economy.

First of all, the development history and concept of the metropolitan area were studied. On this basis, it analyzes the economic characteristics of the metropolitan area and the characteristics of metropolitan logistics system. Secondly, on the basis of regional logistics, the three theories of constructive function of metropolitan logistics system are collected: modern logistics theory, growth pole theory, center-periphery theory, and the basic planning of metropolitan logistics system in principle. Thirdly, through the study and analysis of China's existing development of the metropolitan area, summed up the metropolitan area of logistics development model, at the same time introduced the metropolitan logistics node level division, metropolitan logistics demand forecasting content and analytic hierarchy process, BP neural network In summary. Then, the paper analyzes the present situation of the representative metropolitan area, analyzes the logistics node level based on the analytic hierarchy process, and establishes the BP neural network model to forecast the logistics demand, and puts forward some suggestions based on these contents. Finally, the contents and shortcomings of this paper are summarized.

Key words:metropolitan area; logistics system; logistics network; network model

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 技术路线 3

第二章 都市圈物流相关概念和基本理论 5

2.1 都市圈 5

2.1.1 都市圈概念 5

2.1.2 都市圈经济特征分析 5

2.2 都市圈物流 6

2.2.1 物流网络系统 6

2.2.2 都市圈物流系统特点 6

2.3 理论基础 7

2.3.1 现代物流理论 7

2.3.2 增长极理论 8

2.3.3 中心—外围理论 8

2.4 都市圈物流系统规划基本原则 8

第三章 都市圈物流模式研究 10

3.1 以产业聚集区域为主要服务对象的物流模式 10

3.2 基于产业链的一体化型物流模式 10

3.3 依托于货运枢纽的综合服务型物流模式 11

3.4 基于交易市场商贸型物流模式 11

第四章 都市圈物流网络规划 13

4.1 物流网络的结构类型 13

4.2 物流网络的结构层次 14

4.2.1 单中心单层次网络结构 14

4.2.2 单中心多层次网络结构 14

4.2.3 多中心多层次网络结构 15

4.3 物流节点层次确定 16

4.3.1 节点层次划分 16

4.3.2 节点层次划分指标 16

4.3.3 基于层次聚类法的的物流节点层次划分 17

第五章 都市圈物流需求预测 19

5.1 都市圈物流需求预测指标体系 19

5.2 基于BP神经网络的物流需求预测 19

5.2.1 BP神经网络 19

5.2.2 BP神经网络的学习算法 20

5.2.3 BP神经网络模型的建立 21

第六章 兰白都市圈物流系统规划框架研究 24

6.1 兰白都市圈经济发展概况 24

6.2 兰白都市圈物流发展现状 26

6.3 兰白都市圈物流节点层次确定 27

6.3.1 原始数据及处理 27

6.3.2 SPSS程序相关设置 29

6.3.3 聚类结果分析 31

6.4 兰白都市圈物流需求预测 32

6.4.1 原始数据及处理 32

6.4.2 函数及参数设计 35

6.4.3 预测 38

6.5 对兰白都市圈物流系统规划的建议 40

第七章 总结 42

致谢 43

附录 44

参考文献 50






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