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 2022-08-30 09:47:48  


摘 要





Under the background of the country's new "thermal power plant air pollutant discharge standards" GB13223-2011, we regard ultra-low emissions as the goal. Firstly we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the dust removal method in thermal power plant through study those measure from domestic and foreign. Secondly we draw on its advantages in the removal of fine particles according to the collection and research of existing air purification technology information.

According to the research and evaluation of the existing work on the variety of thermal power plant dust removal technology, the existing equipment is difficult to achieve the requirements of "thermal power plant air pollutant discharge standards" . Mainly because there are still a large number of small particles can not be removed after desulfurization and denitrification. It is inspired by the elimination of haze and bubble tower, gas - liquid separation theory and mass transfer theory and other related theories as a guide. We propose to use the method of washing the air to remove fine particles. In order to explore the optimum conditions, we use the gas holdup and bubble diameter as characterization parameters. The aeration tube length and aeration water level were taken as control parameters and explore the relationship between characterization parameters and characterization parameters by experiments. It was found that when the aeration tube length was 40cm and the aeration level was 15cm, the gas holdup was higher and the bubble diameter was smaller. We can get a good aeration effect no matter from the intuitive feel or theoretical calculations. In the future, this experiment is still necessary to follow-up feeding experiment, determine the concentration of small particles in the air before and after washing, resulting in the efficiency of the bubble method of dust removal.

KEY WORDS: Smoke and dust removal; Fine particles; Bubble Tower; Gas rate

目 录

摘 要 i

Abstract ii

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2 火电厂烟尘脱除方法 2

1.2.1电除尘 2

1.2.2袋式除尘 2

1.2.3电袋复合除尘技术 3

1.2.4低低温电除尘技术 3

1.3空气净化技术简介 4

1.3.1机械过滤技术 4

1.3.2吸附过滤技术 4

1.3.3离子化技术 4

1.4本文研究目的及内容 5

1.4.1 本文研究目的 5

1.4.2本文研究内容 5

1.5本章小结 5

第二章 鼓泡法烟尘脱除理论 7

2.1气液分离理论 7

2.1.1 相平衡理论 7

2.1.2 相平衡分离 7

2.2鼓泡塔原理 8

2.2.1鼓泡塔简介 8

2.2.2鼓泡塔流动特性 8

2.2.3鼓泡现象及影响因素 9

2.2.4表征传递特性的参数 10

2.3气-液传质理论 11

2.3.1双膜理论 11

2.3.2溶质渗透理论 11

2.3.3表面更新理论 12

2.4 matlab图像处理技术 12

2.5本章小结 13

第三章 鼓泡法烟尘脱除实验装置与系统 14

3.1实验设备 14

3.2实验系统 15

3.2.1风机和管路系统 15

3.2.2测量系统 16

3.2.3加料系统 17

3.3实验工况 17

3.4本章小结 17

第四章 实验结果及分析 18

4.1管内压力结果及分析 18

4.2管内气体流量结果分析 19

4.3气含率结果及分析 19

4.4气泡大小结果及分析 21

4.5本章小结 21

第五章 总结与展望 23

5.1工作总结 23

5.2研究展望 23

致 谢 24

参考文献 25

第一章 绪论



根据国家统计局数据显示:2015年二氧化碳排放量1859.1万吨,相比2014年降低了5.8个百分点;氮氧化物排放1851.0万吨相比2014年降低10.9个百分点;烟(粉)尘排放量1538.0万吨,同比下降11.6个百分点。据2015年中国环境公报显示[1],全国338个地级城市的环境超标天数中主要受PM2.5、O3、和PM10污染的天数占大多数,而以二氧化氮、二氧化硫、一氧化氮为主要污染物的天数仅占很少的部分。特别是火电厂作为空气污染的主要来源,一直以来都是环保工作的重点对象。在最新的排放标准《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》GB10223-2011中规定燃煤锅炉烟尘排放量不得超过30mg/m3,其中重点地区不得超过20 mg/m3


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