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 2022-09-06 09:44:21  


摘 要




In this paper, all the A-share listed companies in 2015 are viewed as the research object to investigate the relationship between the board of directors, agency costs and corporate tax avoidance relationship for the theoretical analysis and empirical test. Tax is an important cost of the enterprise. In order to maximize the value of the business, enterprises tend to hire tax consultants, search for external tax advice or set up tax department to carry out tax evasion activities. Tax avoidance activities in the enterprise to bring tax savings at the same time will have the corresponding risk costs, and management of opportunistic behavior caused by non-tax costs. In the past, scholars measure the tax avoidance degree of the enterprise indirectly through the financial statements data, but the accounting and the tax are not exactly the same. Therefore, this paper chooses to examine the influence of the board governance factors on the corporate tax avoidance through the "difference of account tax". The results show that both the ownership of the directors and the remuneration of directors will have a positive impact on tax avoidance activities. The proportion of independent directors is negatively related to the avoiding tax. There is reverse impact on the company's tax avoidance activities, but no significant. The results of this study not only provide the latest empirical evidence for the corporate governance factors affecting the company's tax avoidance, but also enrich the academic literature of corporate tax planning from the perspective of incentive and agency costs.

KEY WORDS: board governance, tax avoidance, agent cost, account difference

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 2

第二章 文献回顾 4

2.1公司避税的相关文献综述 4

2.2董事会治理的相关文献综述 5

2.2.1关于董事会组成的文献综述 5

2.2.2 关于董事会交错的文献综述 6

2.2.3关于董事薪酬的文献综述 6

2.2.4关于高管薪酬的文献综述 7

第三章 理论分析与研究假设 8

3.1股权集中程度与公司避税程度的关系分析 8

3.2董事会特征与公司避税程度的关系分析 8

3.3董事薪酬激励与公司避税程度的关系分析 8

第四章 研究设计 10

4.1样本的选取 10

4.2公司避税程度的衡量 10

4.2.1适用税率的判定 10

4.2.2衡量账税差异的方法 11

4.3模型设计 12

第五章 实证结果分析 14

5.1描述性统计 14

5.2相关性分析 15

5.3多元回归分析 15

5.4稳健性检验 16

第六章 研究结论与启示 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 21

第一章 绪论



2014年7月份,财长和央行行长会议举行,在此期间OECD发布报告称一些跨国公司利用法律上存在的漏洞之处或是利用 “避税天堂”进行“合法”避税的现象十分严重。OECD在2013年的报告中写道,在2002至2011年之间通过该避税活动造成的损失累计高达 3.79 万亿美元。

近年来,有许多跨国企业与个人纷纷将目光转向避税天堂,主要是因为这些避税天堂的金融监管环境相对来说比较宽松,对跨国企业与个人来说,用来掩盖利润转移巨额的财富是非常方便的。世界主要的离岸公司注册地包括Cayman Islands(开曼群岛)、BVI(英属维尔京群岛)、毛里求斯、泽西岛等,就是通常意义上指的 “避税天堂“。


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