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 2022-09-11 20:56:23  


摘 要





Shanghai Huangpu River port is located in the sea estuary area, both bear the task of the river, docked thousands of tons of cargo ships, but also bear the maritime mission, stop ten thousand tons of cargo ship. The cargo task more and more heavy, the loading and unloading machinery of the original old port (a large and small) is not matched, loading and unloading capacity is too low, the rear of the library is small too, far from meeting the needs of production development.Therefore, the urgent need to expand the expansion of large, and medium-sized dock. Approved by the planning and higher authorities, the demolition of the old pier and the original shoreline reconstruction of two terminals, total length of 380m, including 1 # pieces of grocery terminal a berth, berth length is 120m; 2 # steel terminal, berth length is 210m, two berths planned long-term throughput of 1.5 million tons.

After the design and related calculation, combined with the original location of the old port, the reconstruction of the new terminal length 390m, width 18m, by the two bridge and the rear land area connected. Taking into account the economic and security factors, a total of two design proposals, the use of different bay spacing, the calculation of a program with the amount of concrete used to estimate the number of economic, through the calculation, select the program one, that is, the spacing of 10m The After calculation, the selected structure is calculated and checked. In the design, the longitudinal beam is considered by the rigid support continuous beam, and the influence line method is used to calculate the beam. The beam is considered by the elastic support continuous beam. The calculation results are in accordance with the five moment equations.

KEY WORDS: high-pile wharf, bay spacing, influence line, rigid support continuous beam, elastic support continuous beam.

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 概述 1

1.1项目背景 1

1.2项目概况 1

1.3设计依据 1

1.4设计内容 1

第二章 自然条件 1

2.1气象 1

2.1.1气温 1

2.1.2降水 1

2.1.3风况 1

2.1.4雾 1

2.2水文 2

2.2.1特征潮位 2

2.2.2设计水文 2

2.2.3水流 2

2.3地形地质 2

第三章 码头总平面布置 3

3.1总平面布置原则 3

3.2设计船型 3

3.3作业标准与作业天数 3

3.3.1船舶装卸作业标准 3

3.3.2码头年作业天数 3

3.4高程 4

3.4.1码头前沿设计高程 4

3.4.2码头前沿设计水深 4

3.4.3码头前沿设计河底高程 5

3.4.4航道设计水深 5

3.5平面尺度 5

3.5.1码头前沿停泊水域 5

3.5.2回旋水域 5

3.5.3航道宽度 5

3.5.4泊位长度 6

3.6装卸工艺 6

3.6.1主要设计参数 6

3.6.2装卸工艺流程 7

3.7泊位通过能力 7

3.8堆场面积计算 8

3.9 结构方案比选 10

3.9.1码头结构形式 10

3.9.2结构断面尺寸 10

3.9.3方案比选 13

第四章 荷载 15

4.1 设计条件 15

4.1.1 设计标准和使用年限 15

4.1.2 水工建筑物主尺度 15

4.1.3 设计水位 15

4.1.4 设计风速 15

4.1.5 设计流速 15

4.2 主要荷载 15

4.2.1 恒载 15

4.2.2 均布荷载 15

4.2.3 门机荷载和流动机械荷载 15

4.2.4 船舶荷载 16

4.2.5 作用效应组合 20

第五章 面板设计 20

5.1内力计算 21

5.1.1计算原则 21

5.1.2面板计算尺寸 21

5.1.3计算跨度 21

5.1.4作用计算 22

5.1.5作用效应分析 23

5.1.6作用效应组合 33

5.2强度计算 35

5.2.1计算依据 35

5.2.2预制板配筋 36

5.2.3现浇板配筋 36

5.2.4分布钢筋的确定 37

5.2.5吊环设计 37

5.2.6使用期裂缝开展宽度验算 38

5.2.7斜截面抗剪验算 39

第六章 轨道梁设计 39

6.1内力计算 39

6.1.1计算原则 40

6.1.2计算尺寸 40

6.1.3计算跨度 40

6.1.4作用计算 42

6.1.5作用效应分析 43

6.2强度计算 51

6.2.1计算依据 51

6.2.2纵梁横截面配筋 52

6.2.3纵梁斜截面配筋 53

6.2.4构造钢筋的确定 54

6.2.5吊运裂缝开展验算 54

6.2.6使用期裂缝开展宽度验算 55

第七章 横梁设计 55

7.1结构形式 55

7.2桩台特性 55

7.2.1横梁的几何特征 55

7.2.2基桩特性 56

7.3横梁荷载计算 59

7.3.1恒载和施工荷载 59

7.3.2使用期荷载 60

7.4内力计算 61

7.4.1计算假定和公式 61

7.4.2施工期内力计算 62

7.4.3使用期内力计算 71

7.5强度计算 89

7.5.1计算依据 89

7.5.2正截面配筋计算 90

7.5.3斜截面配筋计算 91

7.2.4抗裂验算及裂缝宽度验算 92

参考资料及设计规范 94

致 谢 95

第一章 概述







港口工程桩基规范(JTS 167-4-2012);






第二章 自然条件







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