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 2022-10-16 11:49:54  


摘 要


引 言 1

一、品牌化营销理念介绍 2

1.1 品牌概述 2

1.1.1 品牌的涵义 2

1.1.2 品牌的作用 2

1.2 品牌化营销理念概述 4

1.2.1 品牌化营销理念 4

1.2.2 品牌营销的内容 4

二、移动短视频发展及现状分析 6

2.1 移动短视频概述 6

2.2 移动短视频的发展阶段 6

2.3 移动短视频的现状 7

2.4 移动短视频的产业链和商业模式 8

三、移动短视频发展对重塑品牌化营销理念的影响及分析 9

3.1 协同创意成为品牌建构的过程 —用户参与 9

3.1.1 从广告到创意传播:品牌建构主体化 9

3.1.2 “沟通元”:形成品牌建构的网状结构 9

3.2 社交属性成为品牌战略优化的关键 —用户分享 11

3.2.1 社交属性:优化品牌传播战略布局 11

3.2.2 社群建构:传播价值潜力升级 11

3.3 创意传播管理的想象 —用户即品牌 13

3.3.1 打破层级区隔:营销管理重要性凸显 13

3.3.2 品牌价值塑造:打通内容管理与数据管理 13

四、移动短视频引发的问题及成因分析 15

4.1低俗问题及其成因 ——低俗问题的心理动因及经济驱动 15

4.2标题、封面党问题及其成因 ——大数据指向的技术规则失灵 15

4.3信息窄化问题及其成因 ——技术限制认知,形成信息茧房 16

五、移动短视频发展策略研究 17

5.1优化视频审核,为算法判断提供基础特征 17

5.1.1完善审核流程,安全+质量双重把关 17

5.1.2提高审核人员素质,培训+质检两手抓 17

5.2扶持原创内容,加大新内容分发力度 19

5.2.1原创内容保量分发,以流量换质量 19

5.2.2设立创作者评级体系,优质内容曝光加权 19

结 论 21

致 谢 22

参考文献 23


摘 要



关键词:短视频 创意传播管理 品牌营销

The Impact of Mobile Short Video Development on Rebuilding Brand Marketing Concept


The first short video application in China was born in 2011. After that, the Internet was exploded rapidly, resulting in a variety of short video forms, and constantly developed and improved in the form of application software. In order to cater to the audience's reading habits in the new era and meet the audience's audiovisual needs in the fragmented time, many Internet mobile short video products are emerging. For a time, the short video industry has become the major Internet giants competing to enter the field. In this process, the definition of short video is constantly reshaped and its functions are constantly optimized, while the product attributes of its services to users are consistent. In the new marketing environment, the unique communication characteristics of short video application provide conditions for its brand development and highlight the brand value.

Based on the theoretical framework of "Creative Communication Management", this paper attempts to analyze and summarize the development characteristics of short video applications at the present stage and the future development trend, and to explore the concept innovation of short video branding operation.

Key words: short video creative communication management brand marketi


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