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 2022-10-23 14:45:07  


摘 要





Empirical study on factors influencing the total financing amounts of technology-based crowd funding projects

-Based on Jingdong crowd funding platform


Innovative middle and small-sized enterprises are an important pillar of China’s economic development, but the difficulty in financing has seriously hindered the development of them. With the development of China’s Internet finance, crowd funding financing model can effectively alleviate its financing difficulties. The three participants of the crowd funding project are the initiator, the investor and the crowd funding platform. Based on these three perspectives, this paper studies the influencing factors of the total financing amount of technology-based crowd funding projects. Based on Jingdong crowd funding platform, 200 successful technology-based crowd funding projects were randomly selected. Take the total amount of financing as the dependent variable and the 8 elements in the project as the independent variables. Its relationship with total financing was evaluated by regression analysis. At the same time, three specific cases of crowd funding projects were selected to further analyze and explain the impact of various factors on the total amount of financing.

This paper draws a conclusion by regression method that the number of supporters, like count, topic, update, projects, price and evaluation has a positive correlation with the total amount of crowd funding, but the return grade has a negative correlation with the total amount of crowd funding.

Finally, countermeasures and suggestions are proposed based on the problems found and the conclusions obtained, so as to guide the design of crowd funding projects.

Keywords: Innovative middle and small-sized enterprises, crowd funding, influencing factors, regression analysis


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究内容 1

1.3研究意义与创新性 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1众筹支持中小企业融资的相关研究 3

2.2众筹融资运营模式的相关研究 3

2.3众筹融资模式法律监管系列相关研究 4

第三章 创新型中小企业科技型众筹项目现状和问题 5

3.1创新型中小企业融资特点与现状 5

3.1.1创新型中小企业融资特点 5

3.1.2创新型中小企业融资现状 5

3.2众筹融资对缓解创新型中小企业融资困境的作用分析 6

3.3我国众筹平台项目现状和问题 6

3.4我国科技型众筹项目存在的问题 8

第四章 科技型众筹成功项目融资额的影响因素 9

4.1科技型众筹项目的影响因素 9

4.1.1众筹发起人情况对项目的影响 9

4.1.2众筹平台情况对项目的影响 9

4.1.3众筹项目具体情况对项目的影响 9

第五章 科技型众筹成功项目影响因素的实证分析 11

-以京东众筹为例 11

5.1模型的选用与变量的选择 11

5.2数据的采集 11

5.3 总体多元线性回归结果及分析 13

5.4案例分析 14

第六章 对策建议 16

6.1 提高创新型中小企业众筹项目成功率的对策建议 16

6.2促进众筹投资者理性投资的对策建议 16

6.3 促进众筹平台平稳发展的对策建议 16

结 论 17

致 谢 18

参考文献 19

第一章 绪 论



同时,李克强总理也首次提出“互联网 ”这一新概念。随着双创发展与互联网技术的融合,为解决创新企业融资困境并降低其融资成本与发展成本,众筹融资模式顺应而生并迅速崛起与发展。美国学者Michael Sullivan(2006)首次提出“众筹”即“人们通过互联网集中资金来支持他人的项目。”赵保国(2016)指出,众筹即项目发起人通过互联网平台发布项目信息和筹资目标金额等详细情况,并在规定时间内向社会公众筹集资金的模式。2011年,“点名时间”在我国正式上线,意味着我国众筹行业的兴起。众筹可以让创业者或中小企业等实力较弱的人通过便捷的渠道获得融资,正是因为众筹进入门槛低、操作灵活、融资便捷等特点,使得众筹在中国发展迅速。


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