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 2022-11-16 10:14:16  


摘 要



Causes of Listed Companies' Financial Statement Fraud and Countermeasures

——Based on the Case Study of Chinasun Pharmaceutical Machinery


Financial statements are a way for listed companies to demonstrate their performance to the outside world, and are also a necessary reference for investors to make investment decisions. Good business performance indicates that the company has a good development prospect and naturally becomes an investment target for investors. For a company with a good business and bright prospects, good operating performance can attract more funds and provide solid financial support for the company's development and strong competitiveness. But for companies with poor operating performance, they have lost the ability to attract funds. So a lot of public companies in order to get investment often engage in financial fraud. Among them, false profits by falsely increasing assets and fictitious income are common fraud methods used by listed companies, in particular, the recent related party transactions financial fraud, is the majority of listed companies commonly used financial fraud methods. The research object of this paper is Chinasun pharmaceutical co., LTD. First, the organizational structure, operation and fraud process of the company are introduced. After that, the fraud methods were analyzed from four aspects: illegal connected transactions, false increase in income and profit, false reduction of bad debt provision, and false increase in construction in progress. Next, the article focuses on the traditional fraud triangle theory, using pressure, excuses, and opportunities as the analytical framework, and analyzes the causes of fraud in Chinasun Pharmaceutical from two aspects: macro factors and micro factors. After understanding the fraud motive of Chinasun pharmaceutical, from the internal control mechanism, government supervision and punishment, and social supervision, with a view to regulating the financial behavior of capital markets and pharmaceutical listed companies.

Keywords: Financial fraud; Affiliate transaction; The analysis of the reason

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 2

1.4 创新点 2

第二章 财务舞弊相关理论 3

第三章 医药上市公司舞弊特征与常见的舞弊手段 6

3.1 医药上市公司财务舞弊特征 6

3.1.1 受产品定价影响较大 6

3.1. 2 受产品研发因素影响 7

3.1.3 IPO上市的压力 7

3.2 医药上市公司常见的舞弊手段 7

3.2.1 关联企业交易 7

3.2.2 调整利润 7

3.2.3 调整资产 7

第四章 千山药机财务舞弊案例分析 9

4.1 千山药机案例简介 9

4.1.1 千山药机企业简介 9

4.1.2 千山药机股权结构 10

4.1.3 千山药机财务舞弊案件经过 10

4.2 千山药机舞弊动因分析 10

4.2.1 压力 10

4.2.2 机会 12

4.2.3 借口 12

4.3 千山药机财务舞弊手段分析 13

4.3.1 违规关联方交易 13

4.3.2 虚构收入及利润 13

4.3.3 虚增在建工程 14

4.3.4 虚减坏账准备 14

第五章 防范上市公司财务舞弊的对策建议 15

5.1 完善公司内部环境 15

5.1.1完善公司的内部结构 15

5.1.2 完善股权质押制度 15

5.1.3 合理实施战略扩张 16

5.2 加大政府监管惩治力度并拓宽民间融资渠道 16

5.2.1 完善相关监管措施的制定 16

5.2.2 加大惩罚监管力度 16

5.2.3 放宽民间融资渠道 16

5.3 强化社会监督 17

第六章 结论及后续研究的方向 18

参考文献 19

致谢 20

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究目的及意义



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