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 2022-11-17 15:41:11  


摘 要





Study on The Influencing Factors of Patients' Satisfaction To Online Medical Platform: Take Nanjing As An Example


With the sharp development of the Internet, people's need for online medical treatment also follows. The medical industry gradually integrates more information technology and other high technologies, and medical services are promoting the prosperity and development of China's medical industry. Online health care will quickly enter the lives of ordinary people in the context of China's new health care reform.

Based on the customer satisfaction index model of the United States and other related theoretical research results, combined with the characteristics of the online medical service platform, this study established the satisfaction evaluation index system and model, and put forward the hypothesis; made the online medical satisfaction questionnaire, and used SPSS and Amos software to test the reliability of the questionnaire results Validity analysis, satisfaction analysis and result equation model analysis are used to verify the previous assumptions. Finally, relevant improvement suggestions are given.

Through empirical investigation and analysis, this study concludes that the platform function and indirect value perception have no significant impact on patients' satisfaction with online medical service platform. Corporate image, professional skills of doctors, professional quality of doctors, platform mechanism, safety factors, disease recovery, direct perceived cost and after-sales treatment are the key influencing factors, among which patients' satisfaction with after-sales treatment is higher, while patients' satisfaction with disease recovery and direct value perception is lower. This study aims at the influencing factors of patients' satisfaction in Nanjing area of online medical service platform, and puts forward relevant improvement suggestions, so as to promote the better development of online medical service platform.

Key words: Online health care; Customer satisfaction; Influencing factors

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究内容 2

1.4 研究方法 2

1.5 技术路线图 2

第二章 在线医疗平台国内外研究现状 4

2.1 关于在线医疗现状的研究 4

2.2 关于在线医疗问题的研究 4

2.3 关于在线医疗改进建议的研究 5

2.5 本章小结 5

第三章 患者对在线医疗平台满意度测评指标体系的构建 7

3.1 患者对在线医疗平台满意度评价指标体系 7

3.2 变量操作化的定义 9

3.3 研究方法 9

3.4 模型构建和假设提出 10

第四章 在线医疗服务平台南京地区患者满意度问卷调研与描述性统计 11

4.1 问卷调研 11

4.1.1 调查研究对象 11

4.1.2 调查问卷设计 11

4.1.3 调查问卷的发放和回收 11

4.2 信度效度检验 11

4.3 描述性统计分析 14

4.4患者用户对在线医疗服务平台的满意度分析 14

第五章 患者对在线医疗平台满意度影响因素研究——以南京地区为例 21

5.1 评价指标对于在线医疗服务平台满意度的重要性分析 21

5.1.1 结构方程模型构建 21

5.1.2 结构方程模型分析结果 21

5.2 假设检验 24

5.3 满意度——重要性分析 24

第六章 结论与建议 26

6.1 结论 26

6.2建议 26

参考文献 28

致 谢 30

附录 患者对在线医疗平台满意度调查研究 31

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景




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