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 2022-11-21 09:50:32  


摘 要

獐子岛公司在2014年遭遇了北黄海异常冷水团,10月30日公司发布公告宣称,受北黄海异常冷水团的影响,公司在2011年以及一些在2012年播种的,价值八亿元,总面积达一百多万亩的扇贝离奇出走。这则公告在A股市场引起轩然大波,獐子岛前三季度业绩受到了重大的影响,使得獐子岛公司从先前预估的盈利状态一下子转变成了预估为大额亏损的状态。2017年獐子岛的扇贝又遭遇 “扇贝饿死了”。2019年11月11日,獐子岛又发布公告宣称,经过公司的抽测,发现去年底播的扇贝出现了大规模死亡。次日,獐子岛股票一字跌停。獐子岛几次三番地经历了“黑天鹅”事件,使得獐子岛公司以及公司的股东深深陷入了到了公众以及相关利益相关者的质疑之中,公司最终也未能从汹涌的舆论中逃脱。




Research on Inventory Audit of Zhangzidao Company


October 30, 2014,ZhangzidaoThe announcement said that due to the abnormal cold water mass that had been encountered in the North Yellow Sea for decades, the company broadcast more than 1 million acres of 800 million scallops in 2011 and part of 2012. Caused a great uproar, the first three quarters of Zhangzidao's results were significantly affected, making Zhangzidao's company's profit from forecasting turned into a huge loss. In 2017, the scallops of Zhangzidao were "starved to death." On November 11, 2019, Zhangzidao suddenly announced After spot testing, it was found that the company's bottom scallops had died on a large scale. The next day, Zhangzidao stocks fell and fell. Zhangzidao repeatedly encountered the "black swan" incident, which caused the company's shareholders and the company to fall into public doubt for a long time.The company also always Failed to escape from turbulent public opinion.

Inventory plays a decisive role for most enterprises. Inventory is an important indicator for measuring the cash flow, operating status, and management level of an enterprise. As a company mainly based on the marine aquaculture industry, its inventory items are mostly biological assets. The biological assets have strong specialities and complexities such as various types, diverse breeding forms, and long growth cycles.This provides convenience for counterfeiting that is not available in other industries, which also leads to a certain level of inventory audit for Zhangzidao Company. Difficulty has brought many problems to the audit of accounting firms.

This article adopts a case study method, describes the scallop incident in Zhangzi Island and related concepts of biological asset auditing, and makes a detailed introduction to the inventory accounting problems and audit risks of Zhangzi Island. First, this article refers to a large number of recent On the basis of several years of domestic and foreign literature, the related concepts of biological assets were elaborated, and the status and problems of inventory accounting at home and abroad were analyzed. Secondly, combined with the two incidents of Zhangzidao Company, the existing inventory accounting problems and auditing were introduced in detail. Risks, and then summarized the possible inventory risks, audit risks, and financial risks of Zhangzidao Company from various aspects and angles. Finally, according to these existing problems, put forward corresponding solutions and preventive measures.

Keywords: Zhangzidao Company; Inventory measurement; Audit risk;

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.2.1 理论意义 1

1.2.2 现实意义 2

1.3 研究内容及方法 2

1.3.1 研究内容 2

1.3.2 研究方法 2

1.4 论文框架 2

1.4.1 研究思路 2

1.4.2 论文框架 3

第二章 相关文献综述 4

第三章 獐子岛事件简介及其存货核算方法 6

3.1 獐子岛公司简介 6

3.1.1 獐子岛公司概况 6

3.1.2 獐子岛事件经过 6

3.2 獐子岛公司经营情况分析 7

3.2.1 经营分析 7

3.2.2 财务分析 7

3.2.3 同行比较 9

3.3 獐子岛现有存货的特征 10

3.3.1 獐子岛公司存货的基本特点 10

3.3.2 獐子岛公司的存货分类 10

3.4 獐子岛公司存货核算体系存在的问题 11

3.4.1 獐子岛公司的初始计量问题 11

3.4.2 獐子岛公司的后续计量问题 11

第四章 獐子岛公司存货审计风险问题分析 13

4.1 獐子岛公司的固有风险分析 13

4.1.1 存货占总资产的比例较大 13

4.1.2 深海底播面积广 14

4.2 獐子岛公司的控制风险分析 14

4.2.1 内部控制体系存在缺陷 14

4.2.2 内部经营管理存在问题 15

4.3獐子岛公司的检查风险分析 15

4.3.1 事务所盘点形式化 15

4.3.2 审计人员对审计风险的识别不足 15

4.3.3 审计人员缺乏相关专业知识 16

4.3.4 审计独立性易受影响 16

第五章 獐子岛案例启示与借鉴 18

5.1 对獐子岛公司管理层面的建议 18

5.1.1 加强对生物资产的信息披露 18

5.1.2 完善风险预警机制 19

5.1.3 加强对存货的监管 19

5.2 对会计事务所的建议 19

5.2.1 优化监盘方法 19

5.2.2 利用专家工作 19

5.2.3 加强对专业能力的培训 20

5.3 对政府监管机构的建议 20

5.3.1 制定相关的法律法规 20

5.3.2 加大监管力度 21

5.3.3 加大对各企业的宣传力度 21

第六章 研究结论和研究展望 22

6.1 研究结论 22

6.2 研究展望 22

致谢 23

参考文献 24

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景




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