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 2022-12-07 11:22:41  


摘 要

目前,我国城市轨道交通蓬勃发展。截至2016年12月,中国大陆已有30多个城市开通了轨道交通地铁线路,共计124条城市轨道交通线路,城市开始布局一体化综合交通体系,轨道交通线路为主要连接枢纽。但是,当旅行者前往不同的轨道交通站点,尤其是偏远的郊区站点时,连接问题越来越明显。正因为如此,2016年从一开始就有人提出要解决城市连接问题中的 “最后一公里” 问题,这使得共享单车在我国的发展,这赋予了行者一种新的连接方式。因此,研究不同衔接方式的影响就显得尤为重要,本文正是在这一研究背景下,对城市轨道交通郊区车站的衔接方式选择进行了研究。






At present, China's urban rail transit is booming. As of December 2016, 30 cities in mainland China have opened and operated subway lines, a total of 124 urban rail transit lines, and the city has begun to build an integrated and comprehensive transportation system with rail transit as the backbone. But solving the problem of "the last kilometer of the city" has become a new difficulty in urban traffic planning. For this reason, since 2016, shared bikes have been developed in a gusher style in China, which provides a new choice for the connection of urban rail transit stations. In this paper, the selection of urban rail transit station connection mode is studied under such research background.

Firstly, this paper analyzes the behavior characteristics of connection mode selection of urban rail transit stations, especially suburban stations, through literature reading and field research. This paper mainly defines the connecting behavior of urban rail transit stations, summarizes the connecting characteristics of nine connecting modes of urban rail transit stations, and discusses the influencing factors of the connecting modes of urban rail transit stations into four categories: traveler's personal attributes, travel characteristics, connecting mode characteristics and rail transit station characteristics.

Secondly, the questionnaire survey method is used to formulate the investigation scheme for the selection of rail transit station connection mode. In the analysis of the influencing factors, the questionnaire is designed, which mainly includes two parts: personal basic information and travel information. According to the survey scheme, a field survey was conducted in Nanjing, and the data obtained from the questionnaire were compared, analyzed and summarized in terms of the proportion of various connection modes, personal travel purposes, personal choice characteristics of passengers and the percentage of geographical characteristics of traffic suburban stations.

Finally, on the basis of obtaining data, from four aspects: improving governance, strengthening the management of rail transit enterprises, improving the overall citizen awareness and layout planning of transfer facilities, the optimal route for the location of the joint operation of urban rail transit is proposed. In order to optimize the connection structure of urban rail transit stations, help the development of green transportation and promote the development of rail transit.

Key words: urban suburban rail transit station; Choice of connection mode; Passenger travel characteristics.


摘要 I


目录 III

第一章:绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.22国内研究现状 2

1.3研究内容 3

1.4研究技术路线 1

国内外研究现状 1

1.5 论文组织框架 2

第二章:城市轨道郊区站点及接驳方式特性分析 3

2.1轨道交通郊区站点特征 3

2.1.1郊区站点的概述 3

2.1.2城市轨道郊区站点不同接驳方式的特性分析 4

2.2轨道交通郊区站点特性 5

2.3本章小结 5

第三章:城市轨道交通郊区站点接驳方式选择 5

3.1城市轨道郊区站点接驳方式选择基础理论 5

3.1.1轨道交通郊区站点接驳范围 6

3.1.2轨道交通郊区站点接驳方式的选择影响因素 6

3.2 调查方案的设定 8

3.2.1 调查方法确定 8

3.2.2 调查对象 8

3.2.3 调查问卷的设计 8

3.3结构模型变量 9

3.4实地调查数据整理 11

3.5本章小结 14

第四章:案例分析—南京地铁三号线郊区站点 15

4.1南京地铁三号线郊区站点 15

4.1.1 三号线郊区站点现状概述 15

4.1.2交通站点接驳行为概述 16

4.2城市轨道郊区站点接驳方式Logit模型构建 19

4.2.1 Logit模型介绍 19

4.21 模型变量处理 19

4.2.2模型分析 21

4.3 本章小结 24

第五章:城市轨道交通郊区站点接驳建议 25

5.1 完善政府治理 25

5.2 加强轨道交通所属企业管理 26

5.3本章小结 26

第六章:结论与展望 27

6.1研究结论 27

6.2研究展望 28

致谢 29

附录 30

参考文献 2



根据2017年国民经济和社会发展统计公报[1],改革开放以来,我国经济高速发展,特别是我国进入21世纪以来,工业化进程加速,城市规模不断扩大。2001年至2010年,中国GDP连续十年保持10%左右的增长率,2011和2017年基本持平在7%左右。2017年,我国城镇常住人口8.1347亿,各个城市的城镇化率由1978年(17.9%)提高到2017年(58.52%)[2]。 根据国家统计局2017年数据[3]表明,年末总人口为400万以上的城市数为17 个。在改革开放期间,我国城市交通面临着许多问题,尤其是机动化快速增长、一二线城市面临生态环境污染土地资源短缺等多重压力。距研究表明[4],在过去十五年中,我国私人汽车拥有量增加23倍,2016年底达到1.63亿辆。因此,越来越多的居民选择乘坐地铁出行,从而发展轨道交通来缓解城市的交通运输压力,方便市民的优先出行称为我国交通事业发展的重中之重,克服各个交通站点的换乘连接问题,是发展城市轨道交通的重要课题。



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