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 2023-01-13 08:34:31  


摘 要






Study on China and Germany New Energy Vehicle Trade Cooperation under the Background of Globalization


The new energy vehicle industry is a new industry attracting worldwide attention in the 21st century.Among them, both China and Germany are actively engaged in the development research of the new energy automobile industry and related industries, and actively deploy the development strategies of the new energy automobile industry and related fields. China and Germany have actively carried out cooperation in research and development, production and investment to jointly promote the development and progress of the new energy vehicle industry and related industries in China and Germany.

This paper analyzes the relationship between national policies and the development of new energy automobile industry based on the relevant policies of China and Germany in each stage and the production and sales of new energy vehicles in each stage. Analyze and study the feasibility of cooperation between China and Germany in the new energy vehicle industry. Finally, the problems and effective suggestions in the cooperation between China and Germany in the field of new energy vehicle industry are summarized and analyzed.

This paper mainly uses comparative analysis, literature research and other methods. The new energy vehicle brands cooperated by China and Germany are listed, and the latest data is searched to rank the sales volume of the cooperative brands, so as to confirm the influence of the new energy vehicle brands cooperated by China and Germany. At the same time, the motivation and feasibility of promoting the cooperation between China and Germany in the new energy automobile industry will be studied from multiple aspects. In the end, by examining relevant documents to find problems arising in the new energy cooperation between the two countries, analyze for possible recommendations for solving related problems.

Sincerity hopes that Germany and China will be able to continue long-term cooperation in the areas of new energy, trade cooperation and self-improvement between the two countries.

Keywords: New energy; Cooperation in the automobile industry; China-Germany cooperation; globalization

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪  论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容和方法 1

1.4 论文框架 1

第二章 新能源汽车近年相关文献综述 2

第三章 中德新能源汽车发展现状 4

3.1 中国新能源汽车各阶段发展 4

3.1.1 2009-2012年新能源汽车产业相关政策及发展状态 4

3.1.2 2013-2015年新能源汽车产业相关政策及发展状态 4

3.1.3 2016-2020年新能源汽车产业相关政策及发展状态 4

3.2 德国新能源汽车发展 5

3.2.1 2009-2011年新能源汽车产业相关政策 5

3.2.2 2012-2016年新能源汽车产业相关政策 5

3.2.3 2017-2020年新能源汽车产业相关政策 5

3.2.4 德国新能源汽车产业近期发展数据 6

3.3 中德合作的新能源汽车合作现状 6

第四章 中德新能源汽车贸易合作可行性研究 7

4.1 经济全球化对中德贸易的影响 7

4.1.1 经济全球化推动 7

4.1.2 中德贸易在全球化影响下的变化 7

4.2 中德多方面优势互补 7

4.2.1 中德政治紧密可成为贸易伙伴 7

4.2.2 中德经济技术互补 8

4.2.3 中德经济主张相同 8

4.3 全球对环境可持续发展的需求 8

4.4 中德拥有新能源汽车贸易合作的基础 9

4.4.1 贸易基础促进中德新能源汽车友好合作 9

4.4.2 中德传统动力汽车贸易合作延伸至新能源汽车 9

4.4.3 中德新能源开发应用为新能源汽车产业奠定基础 10

第五章 中德新能源汽车贸易合作存在的问题 11

5.1 中国新能源汽车贸易市场培育程度低 11

5.1.1 中国消费者消费观念落后 11

5.1.2 我国新能源汽车研发内容单一 11

5.1.3 中国新能源汽车零件制造成本高 11

5.2 我国新能源汽车基础设施不足 12

5.2.1 充电设施数量与新能源汽车数量不匹配 12

5.2.2 充电设施布局不合理结构建设困难 12

5.3 贸易壁垒影响中德新能源汽车贸易 12

5.3.1 关税壁垒限制我国价格优势 12

5.3.2 技术性壁垒增加我国贸易障碍 13

5.4 中德合作“失衡” 13

第六章 中德新能源汽车贸易的合作建议 14

6.1 加强新能源汽车贸易市场培育 14

6.1.1 提升我国消费者环保消费意识 14

6.1.2 增强研发方向多样性 14

6.1.3 提高新能源汽车售后服务水平 14

6.2 完善充电设施建设 14

6.2.1 加快充电设施建设 14

6.2.2 改善设施布局 14

6.3 面对贸易壁垒的建议 15

6.3.1 政府制定应对政策 15

6.3.2 企业提高重视提升质量 15

6.4 提高中国自主研发能力,培养专业人才 15

结  论 17

致 谢 18

参考文献(References) 19

第一章 绪  论

1.1 研究背景


1.2 研究目的及意义


1.3 研究内容和方法



1.4 论文框架



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