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 2023-01-14 12:27:17  


摘 要





The Design of Xiaomi Mall E-Commerce Website Based on ASP Technology


Electronic information technology in the process of development of modern society with the extensive application of Internet and the development of electronic information technology has expanded in the national scope of application, in the process of production and living of electronic information technology to develop electronic commerce coruscate gives new characteristics in the process of application, such as electronic business pay more attention to the user"s personalized experience, the social attribute of e-commerce is more strong, With the virtual properties of the Internet, e-commerce is more virtual and other emerging characteristics, on this basis, e-commerce has shown its broad application prospects and research value.

In modern society, people"s living standards are constantly enriched with the development of society. At the same time, the Internet is also constantly developing and progressing, and more and more kinds of commodities are entering into all aspects of people"s life. Therefore, people have gradually adapted to the increasingly fast pace of life, and purchasing behavior has gradually become a part of people"s life. In particular, mobile payment applications derived from e-commerce have become a national habit. General users more and can accept the network shopping, because online shopping can the high efficiency of some goods even on the day of the order on the day of the delivery, the user"s choice is also much broader, and the traditional shopping way more can save user time and the user more convenient to use, in contrast to goods don"t like traditional shopping site to identify, so get the welcome of people. This paper analyzes the current development status of online shopping and intelligent equipment industry, after understanding the development background of these two industries, combined with the characteristics of the more mainstream online shopping website, in learning the basic construction process and operation mode of Internet shopping website, to understand the future development of this industry. The related technologies used in this paper are ASP and ACCESS.

Keywords: Internet,Smart devices,shopping online,ASP

目 录

基于ASP技术的小米商城电子商务网站设计 I

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究动态 2

1.3 研究内容及方法 3

1.4 论文框架 3

第二章 开发平台和技术简介 5

2.1相关软件 5

2.1.1 IIS简介 5

2.1.2 asp技术 5

2.1.3ACCESS数据库 6

2.2.4三层架构 6

2.2开发环境 6

第三章 系统分析与设计 8

3.1 系统分析 8

3.1.1可行性分析 8

3.1.2需求分析 9

3.2 系统设计 11

3.2.1 前台系统设计 12

3.2.2 后台系统设计 12

3.2.3 系统业务总流程图 13

3.3 系统功能模块划分 14

3.4 数据库设计 15

第四章 系统功能模块实现及测试 17

4.1 网站前台系统功能实现 17

4.1.1 网站首页实现 17

4.1.2会员注册页面实现 17

4.1.3 会员登录页面实现 18

4.1.4购物车管理页面 18

4.1.5会员中心页面实现 19

4.2 网站后台系统功能实现 19

4.2.1 后台管理员登录页面 20

4.2.2 后台管理页面 20

4.2.3 商品信息管理页面实现 20

第五章 设计总结 22

5.1 总结 22

5.2 系统中存在的不足 22

5.2.1注册页面问题 23

5.2.2数据库问题 23

5.2.3订单退款问题 23

致谢 24

参考文献 25

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景




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