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 2023-01-31 09:21:41  


摘 要


石油行业是我国的支柱性产业,石油企业是我国国有企业的重要组成部分,中国石油天然气股份有限公司(简称:中石油)是中国主要的油气生产商、供应商之一,其经营绩效、发展趋势和核心竞争力始终是业内人士和学者们关注的焦点,因此以中石油为例研究基于 EVA 的石油行业绩效评价指标体系具有代表性。本文采用规范研究法、案例分析法,运用绩效评价理论和EVA相关理论对中石油进行绩效评价研究。研究结论表明EVA指标能够反映中石油价值创造过程,能够反映企业创造的价值是否大于资本成本,能够反映企业为投资者创造了价值还是损害了投资者价值,EVA是评价企业业绩的有效指标。要发挥EVA考核指标评价作用,还需在企业生产经营等方面进行驱动因素的分析,才能实现中石油增长模式发生改变,提高企业可持续发展的能力。


Research on performance evaluation of Oil industry based on EVA

-- take CNPC for example


With the deepening of economic globalization and information technology revolution, the market environment is increasingly complex, and social demands are more diversified .Along with the increasing competition between companies, regardless of their own survival and development needs, or corporate shareholders, managers and other stakeholders, than any time in the past, more needs to be an important means of evaluating enterprise development status and prospects. Enterprise performance evaluation is not only the driver of the development of enterprise, but also the core competitiveness of the management of enterprise value and independent innovation. The performance evaluation system which is with the traditional financial indicators as the core shows many deficiencies in application. Compared with traditional financial performance indicators, EVA performance evaluation index is conducive to promoting enterprises to achieve the goal of value-added and value preservation, pursue long-term value, and improve the level of enterprise management.

Oil industry is a pillar industry of our country, the petroleum enterprise is an important part of China"s state-owned enterprises, China"s oil and gas co., LTD. (referred to as: CNPC) is one of the major oil and gas manufacturer and suppliers in China, is a comprehensive international energy company, its business performance, development trend and core competitive ability is always the personage inside course of study and the focus of attention of the scholars so in CNPC, for example research based on EVA performance evaluation index system of the oil industry is representative. In order to study the performance evaluation of CNPC, this paper adopts normative research method, the method of case analysis and performance evaluation theory and EVA related theory. The research conclusion shows that EVA index can reflect the value creation process of CNPC,whether the value created by enterprises is greater than the cost of ability.

Keywords: EVA;Performance study;CNPC


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究的意义 1

1.3研究的思路 1

1.4 研究方法 2

第二章 相关文献综述 3

2.1国外有关EVA指标与企业绩效研究文献综述 3

2.2国内有关EVA指标与企业绩效研究文献综述 3

2.3 文献述评 4

第三章 理论基础 5

3.1企业绩效评价相关理论 5

3.1.1 企业绩效评价的定义 5

3.1.2 绩效评价的功能 5

3.2国内企业绩效评价应用状况及局限性 5

3.3 EVA的理论概述 5

3.3.1 EVA的概念和管理评价体系 5

3.3.2 EVA的计算公式 6

3.3.3企业引入EVA的必要性 7

第四章 基于EVA的中石油绩效评价指标体系构建 8

4.1中国石油天然气股份有限公司概况及财务职能现状 8

4.1.1中国石油天然气股份有限公司简介 8

4.1.2中国石油天然气股份有限公司财务职能现状 8

4.2基于 EVA 绩效评价指标体系的构建(以中石油为例) 8

4.2.1中石油2011至2017年度税后净营业利润计算 8

4.2.2中石油2011至2017年度债务资本计算 9

4.2.3中石油2011至2017年度债务资本成本计算 10

4.2.4中石油2011至2017年度权益资本成本计算 11

4.2.5中石油2011至2017年度权益资本计算 12

4.2.6中石油2011至2017年度EVA计算 12

4.3基于EVA综合评价结果分析 13

第五章 结论与建议 14

5.1研究结论 14

5.2研究建议 14

5.3本文的不足之处 14

致 谢 16

参考文献 17

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景


1993 年美国斯图斯特财务咨询公司提出了 EVA (Economiocs Value Add)概念[1]。它用于评价企业财务经营业绩,衡量企业是否创造价值。如果税后净营业利润大于资本成本,此时EVA大于零,说明企业完成了超额利润。如果税后净营业利润小于总资本成本,此时EVA小于零,说明企业实际利润亏损,股东价值损失。国外企业经过多年的实践证明:EVA指标可以客观反映企业经营业绩,它可以激励管理者实现经营管理绩效最大化,并引导企业投资方向追求长期价值。


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