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 2023-02-11 12:44:25  


摘 要


面对一个高速变化的环境,国内通信运营商如何塑造出创新力与竞争力,发挥平台组织(Platform organization)能力,保障客户及开发者的利益,提高其使用黏性,从而实现自身品牌的不断推广和营销,是本文的研究的目的。

本文以苹果应用商店(App Store)和中国移动应用商城(mobile market,MM)的运营模式作为研究对象,应用案例分析法进行探析影响互联网开放平台可持续发展的组织作用。结论表面:基于互联网开放平台的企业在搭建开放式平台中应树立与时俱进的创新思想,在平台组织中应有明确的组织情境,建立起管理思维,把自己看作为资源的提供者和支持者,提升核心技术支撑能力,构建更加开放、更加协同、更加促进全员参与的运行模式和发展机制,契合时代潮流和客户需求,从而促使平台企业、平台的参与者、平台的使用者形成良好的互动关系,从而实现自身的可持续发展。

关键词: 平台组织;苹果模式;中国移动MM;App Store

Analysis on the organization of enterprise platform based on Internet open platform.

-- based on the apple model and case study of China mobile app store.


The success of the apple model has led Internet companies around the world to implement platform construction and raise the open platform to strategic height. The Chinese operators have also started to develop towards the platform from the beginning of the pipeline, and through various mechanisms in the platform organizations to stimulate the interaction of various groups, so as to bring new vitality to the enterprise.

In the face of a fast changing environment, the domestic telecommunication operators how to create innovative and competitive, organizations play a Platform ability to protect the interests of customers and developers and increase its use sticky, so as to realize the further promotion of the brand and marketing, is the purpose of the study in this paper.

Based on apple"s App Store and China mobile application Store operation mode as the research object, the application of case analysis to analyze the organization affect the sustainable development of the Internet open platform. Conclusion: surface based on open Internet platform of enterprise should be established to keep pace with The Times in the build an open platform of innovative ideas and the platform in the organization should have a clear organization situation, establish the management thinking, see themselves as the provider of resources and supporters, promote core technical support ability, build a more open, more collaborative, more promote the participation of operation mode and development mechanism, fit the trend of The Times and the needs of customers, prompting platform, platform of the participants, users to form a good interaction, so as to realize the sustainable development of itself.

Key words: platform organization; Apple model; China mobile MM; App Store

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究的意义 2

1.3 研究的内容和方法 2

1.4 论文框架 3

第二章 文献综述 4

第三章 苹果模式优劣势分析及平台组织作用 6

3.1.1 苹果模式 6

3.1.2苹果模式的运行模式优势分析 6

3.1.2苹果模式的运行模式劣势分析 7

3.1.3苹果在中国市场的发展趋势 7

3.1.4苹果模式中平台组织作用的思考 7

第四章 中国移动MM优劣势分析及平台组织作用 9

4.1.1 中国移动MM运营模式 9

4.1.2中国移动MM运营模式的特点和优势分析 9

4.1.3中国移动MM运营模式的劣势分析 10

4.1.4中国移动MM平台组织作用思考 11

第五章 结 论 13

致 谢 14

参考文献(References) 15

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

苹果公司于2008年3月6日发布了针对iphone的应用开发包(SDK),供用户免费下载,自此第三方应用开发达人粉墨登场,在这款应用软件神器上尽情展露才华。短短一周,这个SDK便超过10万次下载量,三个月后这个数字飞跃到25万次。截至2011年1月22日,App Store内应用软件个数已经超过35万个,下载数量也突飞猛进达到100亿次。App Store的成功推动苹果公司整个产业模式的发展,在全球范围掀起了争相开发在线应用商店的热潮。

基于iphone的应用商店(Applicationg Store,APP Store)平台,向iphone的用户提供苹果App Store平台内应用,开创性地将手机软件与自身平台构建结合,创新推出属于自身独特的经营模式。激励了包括软件开发者、软件平台经营者和用户三者之间的互动,形成了互相激励的产业结构,被称为苹果模式。


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