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 2023-02-11 12:44:27  


摘 要

进入21 世纪以来,随着信息技术的发展越来越广泛,大数据的技术创新已逐渐从IT界发展至产业界,数据开始成为除劳动、资本等生产要素外的又一重要要素。“大数据”的概念由麦肯锡全球研究所正式提出,并且预示了“大数据时代”的到来。这种变化给企业会计信息化的发展带来了一定的挑战。另外,会计信息化发展已经在逐渐发展,传统的会计电算化已经不能适应现代社会财务会计业务的发展,国家战略也将大数据战略作为目标。



The Thinking about the Development of Enterprise Accounting Information in the Era of Big Data——Take e-commerce enterprises as an example


Since entering the 21st century, with the development of information technology is more and more widely, big data technology innovation has been gradually from the development of IT industry to industry, data to be in addition to the factors of production such as labor, capital of another important factor. The concept of "big data" was formally put forward by the McKinsey global institute and heralded the arrival of the "big data era". This kind of change brings a certain challenge to the development of enterprise accounting informationization. In addition, the development of accounting informationization has been gradually developed, the traditional accounting computerization already can not adapt to the development of modern social financial accounting business, national strategy will also be big data strategy as a goal.

Therefore, in this context, this article through the analysis of the characteristics and advantages of big data, in-depth analysis the current situation of the development of accounting informationization era of big data and the data and the opportunity to challenge, combination of JD electricity enterprise case, put forward suggestions for the development of enterprise accounting information era of big data and its thinking, that a certain assistance could be provided for enterprise accounting informationization development, made in what is now the high-speed economic development, the era of big data, enterprises can take measures to make sustained and effective accounting informationization development.

Keywords:Big Data; Accounting informatization; E-commerce

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

第二章 理论与文献回顾 3

2.1会计信息化的概念及发展 3

2.2大数据的概念及研究 3

2.2.1大数据的概念 3

2.2.2大数据的研究 4

2.3 文献综述 4

2.3.1关于大数据的研究 4

2.3.2关于会计信息化的研究 5

2.3.3关于大数据时代下企业会计信息化发展的研究 5

第三章 大数据与企业会计信息化 7

3.1会计信息化在我国的应用现状 7

3.1.1 会计信息化在我国中小企业的应用现状 7

3.1.2会计信息化在我国高校中的应用现状 7

3.2大数据对企业会计信息化的促进作用 7

3.3大数据时代下企业会计信息化面临的挑战 8

3.3.1数据的来源以及处理方式 8

3.3.2传统用户对云计算、云会计的排斥 8

3.3.3超满负荷的网络传输问题 8

第四章 大数据时代下的企业会计信息化发展分析 9

4.1大数据时代下企业会计信息化的发展和趋势 9

4.1.1从理念上更新,促进其发展 9

4.1.2做好信息安全工作,促进其发展 9

4.1.3改革管理模式,促进其发展 9

4.2大数据时代会计信息化应用过程中存在的问题 9

4.2.1会计信息化管理认识方面 9

4.2.2 会计信息化会计软件方面 10

4.2.3 会计信息化人员素质方面 10

第五章 案例分析 11

5.1大数据时代下电商企业会计信息化的典型案例分析 11

5.1.1京东集团 11

第六章 结论及建议 16

6.1大数据时代下企业会计信息化所面临问题的解决建议及应对策略 16

6.2结论 16

致 谢 18

参考文献(References) 19

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景




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