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 2023-02-14 09:21:46  


摘 要





The Idea of Perfecting the Value Added Tax System in the Era after " Replacing Business Tax With VAT "


Since China entered the era after "replacing business tax with VAT", The main tax status of VAT has been further strengthened, which occupies a more important position in China"s tax system. In terms of revenue, VAT revenue has maintained a high proportion of national tax revenue after "replacing business tax with value-added tax". In terms of scope, VAT has achieved full coverage of goods and services, it is closely linked to social production and people"s lives. This means that the VAT system will continue to have a great impact on China"s economic and social development.

Since the plan of "replacing business tax with value-added tax" has been fully promoted, the reform effect has gradually appeared, it can be said that "replacing business tax with VAT" is an important milestone in China"s VAT reform, But China"s VAT reform should not stop there. At present, China"s VAT system still needs to be improved, which needs to focus on and try to solve in the era after "replacing business tax with VAT".

Based on the condition of our country, this paper combines the implementation status of the VAT in the era after "replacing business tax with VAT", mainly adopts the method of combining literature research with theoretical analysis to study the further reform of VAT. This paper first introduces the principle of VAT system, then analyzes the current situation of the VAT in China , and then lists possible problems, and finally puts forward the corresponding suggestions on perfecting the VAT system.

Keywords: Value-added tax; Replace business tax with value-added tax ; Countermeasure research

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

1.3.1 研究内容 1

1.3.2 研究方法 2

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1 “营改增”的成效研究 3

2.2 “营改增”后对各行业影响 3

2.3 “营改增”时代研究增值税改革的必要性 3

2.4 增值税存在的问题及对策研究 3

第三章 增值税税制原理 5

3.1 增值税的理论介绍 5

3.2 增值税的产生和发展 5

3.3 增值税的类型 6

3.4 本章小结 7

第四章 后“营改增”时代我国增值税现状及问题 8

4.1 我国增值税现状 8

4.1.1 增值税在我国的实施情况 8

4.1.2 增值税的地位评价 8

4.1.3 “营改增”后增值税取得的成效 9

4.2 现行增值税存在的主要问题梳理 10

4.2.1 对增值税认识不清 10

4.2.2 税率结构缺乏科学性 10

4.2.3 优惠政策过多 11

4.2.4 税收征管不到位 12

4.2.5 增值税立法滞后 12

第五章 完善增值税制的建议 13

5.1 厘清增值税本质 13

5.2 优化增值税税率结构 13

5.3 适当整合税收优惠政策 13

5.4 提高税收征管效能 13

5.5 适时推动增值税立法 14

结 语 15

致 谢 16

参考文献 17

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景




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