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 2023-02-16 08:52:13  


摘 要

随着互联网的不断普及,“互联网 ”时代来到,移动社交媒体兴起,各式各样的新型营销模式走进公众的视野,给传统的营销模式带来巨大冲击。现代信息的技术发展使信息传播的方式产生了根本性的变化。尤其是自媒体的发展,为个体与个体、个体与群体、群体与群体之间的信息传递提供了崭新的信息传播方式。信息传播不再局限于单项传播,个体开始成为信息多样化传播的信息源。截至2015年初,我国手机网民数量达到5.57亿。随着无线网络覆盖的发展,人们对以手机为基础的自媒体体的使用频率日益增加。正是基于这一变革,依存于社交媒体的微商应运而生,且大有取代传统商业的态势。

微信作为一种基于微信生态圈的移动社交电子商务,在中国刚刚开始蓬勃发展,已成为中国分享经济发展的新型业务和新领域。萌芽期,成长期和整合期是微商在中国经历的三个发展阶段。下一阶段是成熟期。移动社交媒体的分散化是微商的一个属性。它重视社区的粘性,方便和廉价的销售方式,形成符合互联网发展趋势 - “分权”的消费者商业模式。大型团队,社区用户,立体渠道,标准化技术,个性化产品,市场营销,资本化运营,优化布局将成为微商未来的发展方向。面对微商发展面临的一系列问题,如主体界限不清,现行法律难以适用,混乱的商业模式,非标准化的市场,与传销混淆,缺乏行业主管部门,缺乏行业监督和信任建议政府机构采取措施加强产品的引导和质量,微型商业主管部门要明确,要加强市场准入依法加强监督管理,逐步建立信用评估体系,逐步建立统计监测制度。探索和推广经验;建议微商可以更加努力地加强自律,适当地建立和维护正确的社交媒体环境。


Research on the Countermeasures and development situation of Wechat Business


With the popularity of the Internet, the advent of the "Internet Plus" era, the rise of mobile social media, and various new marketing models have entered the public"s field of vision, bringing a huge impact on traditional marketing models. The development of modern information technology has fundamentally changed the way information is disseminated. In particular, the development of the self-media provides a new way of information transfer between individuals and individuals, individuals and groups, groups and groups. Information dissemination is no longer confined to single dissemination. Individuals have also begun to become sources of information for information diversification. By the beginning of 2015, the number of mobile phone users in China reached 557 million. With the development of wireless network coverage, the frequency of using mobile phone-based self-media is increasing. It is based on this change that micro-businesses relying on social media have been formed and tend to replace traditional businesses.

Micro business is a new marketing model under the background of the Internet. In the model of micro business, the marketing subject and sales expansion, marketing thinking and shopping thinking have undergone tremendous changes. The marketing of the micro business is based on the online channels such as WeChat, QQ and micro-blog. "A new transaction model of micro circle of friends taking [1] using WeChat deal, in the development of mobile shopping market, micro business has been rapid development, has become an important form of mobile providers, to play a positive role in promoting the development of electronic commerce. In recent years, the group of micro merchants has grown more and more, and it has become a force that can not be underestimated in the network economy.

But at the same time, the potential risks and problems are also exposed. As an emerging industry, mobile-end businesses have attracted broad attention from all sections. However, problems such as the sale of counterfeit and shoddy products and the spread of illegal and harmful information are criticized by consumers. Till now, since mobile-end businesses have made some progress, the development prospect of the industry is bright as long as the dealers stick to the win-win principle, abide by rules and regulations, and take operational strategies. At the same time, the dealers should carry forward the strengths and improve the weakness based on the analysis of the development status of mobile-end businesses and offer satisfying services with the sale of products, so as to raise consumer content and product competitiveness.

As a mobile social business based on the WeChat ecosystem, micro merchants are in the ascendant in our country, and have become a new field and new form of sharing economic development in China. The development of micro business in China has experienced three stages of germination, growth and integration, which is about to enter the mature period. Micro business has the attribute of centralization of mobile social networking. It attaches importance to social stickiness and sells conveniently and cheaply. It forms a business mode of consumers, which is consistent with the trend of Internet development. Team scale, user community, channel stereoscopic, technology standardization, product personalization, marketing media, operation capitalization and layout optimization will become the future development trend of micro industry. The face of the main line is unknown, it is difficult to apply the existing laws, business model, market confusion is not standardized, easy to be confused with the MLM industry department vacancy, lack of industry regulation, trust agent risk, difficult to guarantee the quality of goods and other micro business development faces a series of problems, suggested that the government departments to strengthen guidance, clear micro business department in charge of industry, strengthen market access in accordance with the law, strengthen supervision and management, the establishment of credit evaluation system, constructing the statistical monitoring system, research support to promote micro business experience; suggestions to further strengthen self-discipline, to create the correct public opinion environment.

By analyzing the marketing strategy of micro dealers, this paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of micro marketing, and puts forward some pertinent suggestions, and puts forward feasible suggestions for its future development, so as to make it develop better.

Key words: mobile-end businesses, development status

Keywords: Wechat business; marketing means; marketing problems; prospects for development

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

1.4 论文框架 1

第二章 微商营销的发展现状与对策研究的文献综述 2

第三章 微商的发展现状与特征 3

3.1 微商营销的含义及特点 3

3.2 微商的发展现状 3

3.2.1 微商营销模式的现状 3

3.2.2 微商的目前的销售模式种类 4

3.2.3 大众对微商的优势认知分析 4

第四章 微商的营销策略 5

4.1 朋友圈囤货售卖模式 5

4.2 中介直销模式 5

4.3 代理分销模式 5

图1 层层代理的销售模式 5

第五章 微商目前存在的问题 6

5.1 宣传不到位,甚至虚假宣传 6

5.2 微商的售后状况及售后服务的满意度分析 6

5.3 缺乏第三方平台,用户权益得不到保障 7

5.4 缺乏完善的监管制度 7

第六章 微商营销的经营对策 8

6.1 加强正面宣传 8

6.2 建立完善的售后服务体系,提高顾客满意度 8

6.3 建立安全统一的第三方支付平台 8

6.4 建立完善的监管制度 8

结 论 9

致 谢 10

参考文献(References) 11

附 录 12

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

作为腾讯的一款即时社交软件——微信,自从2011 年推出以后,短短几年内,已经发展到了拥有6 亿多用户的数量,其中,也确实让更多的人痴迷热衷的是朋友圈功能。慢慢地,朋友圈里出现了发图片来销售东西的人,这就是微商产生的开端。2014年微商开始火爆发展,渐渐愈来愈多的人加入这个行业。在《微信对社会经济影响力研究报告》中,中国信息经济学会描述,截至2015年一季度,微商从业人员已达到1007万人,甚至达到96亿元的市场规模。 在这个壮观而巨大的消费市场下,微商发展的关键是消费者。因此,微商运营的现状,消费者接受微商的程度以及作为一种新型电子商务模式,都对微商的发展起到了重要作用。

1.2 研究目的及意义


1.3 研究内容及方法

本次研究采用的是方便抽样的研究方法以及自填问卷的调查方式,用来了解群众对该新兴行业的认知程度。为了使调查样本能够具有代表性,本人根据江苏省的苏北、苏中以及苏南这三片区域不同的城市经济发展规模,慎重选择了淮安、泰州、南京、无锡这四座城市作为调查的地点,于2017年12月,在交通流量较高的多个商业地区进行抽样调查。调查对象被选为路人,并发布并要求填写“关于微商的发展现状与前景研究———消费者”调查问卷。 - 消费者共发放问卷500份,有效回收问卷446份,问卷有效率为89.2%。

1.4 论文框架



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