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 2023-03-30 08:53:25  


摘 要





Research on Current Situation and Key Problems of Mobile Electronic Payment


With the advent of the era of 3G, mobile electronic payment is more and more people concern, according to statistics, the domestic mobile phone users has topped 800 million, is expected in 2011 the use of domestic mobile electronic payment scale of the whole number of users will reach 220 million households, users, showing a remarkable growth. Predictably, the future of mobile electronic payment will become an integral part of consumer life. There are more and more transactions will be done by mobile payment and completed. But our country the development of mobile electronic payment is still in its infancy, mobile electronic payment the life for the masses of users is still far away.

This paper hope through the study of specific case and mobile electronic payment scheme, clarify the development of the mobile electronic payment market in China, find out the development of domestic mobile electronic payment problems, and from the operational level, gives the corresponding solution to the problem, to determine the future of mobile electronic payment.

First, this paper introduces the definition of mobile electronic payment system in this paper and a classification, business process, business operation mode, etc. Second, detailed introduces the development status of domestic mobile electronic payment and size. Then is the core part of this article, through the case study, analysis the development of domestic mobile electronic payment problems. , and possible solutions are given in the end, the domestic mobile electronic payment for the future development direction, give their corresponding views.

Keywords: Mobile payment; Network security; WeChat pay

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究内容 1

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 移动电子支付的概述 3

2.1 移动电子支付的定义 3

2.2 移动电子支付的发展历程 3

2.3 移动电子支付的商业运营模式 3

2.3.1 移动电子支付服务提供商主体 3

2.3.2 金融机构与运营商之间的合作模式 4

2.4 移动电子支付的业务流程及应用 4

2.5 移动电子支付的发展现状 5

第三章 国内移动电子支付的典型案例分析 7

3.1 微信支付 7

3.1.1 微信支付的支付流程 7

3.1.2 微信支付的应用现状及信用现状分析 7

3.1.3 微信支付的优劣势分析 8

3.2微信支付存在的问题分析 8

3.2.1 微信账号的安全隐患 8

3.2.2 用户的培养,使用习惯和接受程度 9

3.2.3 支付模式存在漏洞 9

3.2.4 相关法律制度的不完善 9

第四章 移动电子支付发展存在的关键问题及建议 11

4.1 移动电子支付发展存在的关键问题 11

4.1.1 安全问题 11

4.1.2 法律监管问题 11

4.1.3 缺乏丰富的业务支持,商户的广泛参与 12

4.1.4 政策问题 12

4.1.5 NFC路线和标准不一致 12

4.2 移动电子支付发展的建议 13

4.2.1 强化安全 13

4.2.2 完善移动支付法 13

4.2.3 业务支撑能力和便捷性 14

4.2.4 提高行业信用指数 14

4.2.5 突破技术路线瓶颈 14

第五章 移动电子支付的未来展望 16

致 谢 17

参考文献(References) 18

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景


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