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 2023-03-31 20:45:31  


摘 要




Today, the society is developing so rapidly , people"s income levels are also getting higher and higher,more people become the subject of individual income tax, and the personal income tax planning of enterprise staff and workers is also receiving extensive attention.As you know,reasonable tax planning can reduce the tax burden of enterprise employees, safeguard the interests of enterprises and employees earnestly,enhance the enthusiasm of the staff and workers and maintain the country"s long-term peace and stability.It has great significance for enterprise employees, enterprises themselves and even the country,which contains a lot of benefits.Therefore,under the new tax law allowed,how to analysis wages and salaries of specific planning ideas and skills, reduce the actual tax burden of the staff and workers of the enterprise, safeguard the interests of the staff and workers of the enterprise is particularly important. From September 1, 2011,China has carried out the new individual income tax law, adjusted the threshold in individual income tax,tax rates, tax level, and played an effective role in income distribution .It is well known that the main group of our country"s personal income tax burden is the general working class.Papers on the premise of legal principle, I take reasonable use of the preferential tax policy, trying minimize the tax, maximizing the expense deduction, applying low level of tax rate as far as possible,in order to discuss wages and salaries and annual one-time bonus income tax planning methods.Through the policy interpretation and case analysis, I study enterprise employee salary management system of wages and salaries in the personal income tax planning , and find the best tax scheme for enterprise employees .In this way,we can increase the actual income of employees without increasing labor costs.At the same time ,we can achieve a win-win situation of enterprises and workers.

Key words:Salary administration; Individual income tax; Tax planning


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外现状 1

1.2.1 国外现状 1

1.2.2 国内现状 1

第二章 文献综述 2

第三章 个人所得税、职工工资薪金相关定义 4

3.1 个人所得税 4

3.1.1 纳税人 4

3.1.2 纳税范围 4

3.1.3 税率 4

3.2 企业职工工资薪金 4

3.2.1 企业职工工资薪金定义 4

3.2.2 企业职工工资薪金的构成 4

3.2.3 企业职工工资薪金的计算方法 5

第四章 企业职工工资薪金具体筹划方法 6

4.1 分摊工资 6

4.2 奖金均衡发放 6

4.3 关注纳税临界点 7

4.4 纳税项目的转换和选择 7

4.4.1劳务报酬转化为工资、薪金 8

4.4.2 工资、薪金转化为劳务报酬 8

4.5 工资薪金福利化 8

4.5.1 企业提供住所 9

4.5.2 企业提供员工福利设施 9

4.6 居民纳税人与非居民纳税人之间的转换 9

第五章 结论 10

致谢 11

主要参考文献 12

第一章 绪论


1.1 研究背景及意义

1.1.1 研究背景


1.1.2 研究意义


1.2 国内外现状

1.2.1 国外现状


1.2.2 国内现状


第二章 文献综述


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