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 2023-04-10 16:49:39  


摘 要

随着科技的发展,网络的普及,网络营销变得越来越盛行起来。淘宝网“双十一”销售业绩屡创新高的现象成为了人们关注的焦点。面对“世纪神棍”节的到来,淘宝网商城就这一事件,利用网络传播平台进行精心策划和实施营销活动,增强商家和客户的活动参与度,吸引或转移公众注意力,提高商城入驻商的信心, 改善、增进与公众的关系,塑造淘宝网商城的良好形象,以谋求长久、持续性发展。



The Problem and Analysis of Countermeasure for The Promotional of E-Commerce of "Single Day" –Taobao As an Example


With the development of science and technology, the network popularization, the network marketing is becoming more and more popular. Taobao "double a" sales performance of this new phenomenon has become the focus of attention, this article analysis on this phenomenon, and its existing problems put forward some countermeasures.

In the face of the arrival of the "double one" in section, taobao mall Over the incident, the use of network communication platform for careful planning and implementation of marketing activities, strengthen the participation of merchants and customers, attract or divert public attention, improve the mall in business confidence, improve, improve relations with the public, to shape a good image of the taobao mall, to seek long-term and sustainable development. This article from the activities of the goal set, campaign, heat to maintain activities, and provide perfect after-sales service point of view, for the marketing activities planning and operation of a brief analysis.

Refer to the method in this paper, through literature, first expounds the concept of a "double", in the case of taobao, analyzing how to promotion, and promotion the status quo, and taobao, the "double a" shopping festival in developing the problems. And then through the "double a" economics to illustrate, and put forward the prospects for and e-commerce sites in the singles day "double a" shopping event to the better development countermeasure and the suggestion. And combined with their own knowledge, consulting the literature and practice experience, put forward his own views, Suggestions and comments, and analyze all information fusion analysis.

I will adopt the following methods and means: contrast argumentation, reference analysis, facts, for example, the combination of theory and practice. This paper also used statistics, finance, computer science, economics, management, psychology knowledge to write this paper, the research of channel mainly through check information, online information, professional journals, books, consult others, summarize the experience to achieve.

Keywords: ; Taobao; Index analysis; Promotion,; Online retailers

目 录

摘 要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 引 言 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究的意义 2

1.2 研究内容及方法 3

1.3 研究路线图 3

第二章 相关文献综述 5

2.1 国内网购方面的研究 5

2.2 行业专家的研究 5

2.3 网购现状研究 6

2.4 国内外研究的综合评述 6

第三章 淘宝网“双十一”促销的问题 7

3.1 淘宝网“双十一”活动概述 7

3.1.1 “双十一”关键词指数分析 9

3.1.2 “双十一”淘宝网营销策略 10

3.2 “双十一”淘宝网存在的问题 12

3.2.1 “双十一”淘宝网冷热不均 12

3.2.2 快递爆仓的问题以及售后管理 13

3.2.3 支付系统以及服务器的问题 14

3.2.4 移动终端未得到重视和利用 14

3.2.5 淘宝的恶性价格大战 15

第四章 “双十一”电商促销对策分析 17

4.1 创立更有利于小商家的发展平台 17

4.2 创拥有属于自己的物流 17

4.3 建立更稳定的购物系统 18

4.4 更加注重移动端的作用 18

4.5 合作博弈对让利策略的解决之道 19

结 论 20

致 谢 21

参考文献(References) 22

第一章 引 言

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景




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