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摘 要





1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1The Definition of Immersion Teaching 1

2.2 Related Studies 2

3. Relevance Theories 3

3.1 Critical Period Hypothesis 4

3.2 Motivation Mode 4

3.3 Cognitive Theory 5

4. The English Immersion Teaching Methods 6

4.1Creating English Environment in classroom and on campus 6

4.2Establishing Friendly Relationship between Teachers and Students 7

4.3 Employing Strategies for Language Input and Output 7

4.4Cooperating with Parents and Creating Family Immersion Environment 9

5. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 12

1. Introduction

With the development of economic globalization, English has become more and more important in the 21st century. And the immersion method has become one of the popular English teaching methods. This method has been experimented in many primary schools and has greatly improved English teaching quality in China. The findings of many experiments have confirmed that this method can improve the students’ comprehensive abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing far more efficiently than the traditional teaching method. And it is also reported that the students in the experiment school become more agile and creative at the same time (Chi Yanping amp; Zhao Wei, 2004:13). So far many scholars have further, home and abroad, explored more effective ways of immersion English teaching from different perspectives. And this thesis, based on their studies, try to search out the principles guiding the English immersion teaching in primary school.

2. Literature Review

2.1The Definition of Immersion Teaching

Immersion teaching refers to the model which uses the second language as the instruction of language teaching. Children in school are immersed in the second language environment full or half time, teachers only use the second language to speak to the students, not only to teach a second language by using the second language, but also teaching other subjects by using the second language. That is to say, the second language is not only just to be learned, but also is the tool for learning. Immersion transforms the traditional and isolated foreign language teaching into the direction of the foreign language teaching combined with subject knowledge. This change is mainly based on four principles: first, the various types of school courses for learning a second language provides the natural foundation and the environment, offered for children in a second language exchange opportunities. In such conditions, children can learn a second language effectively (Jackamp;Theodore, 2010:260-295). Second, the important and interesting subject content can make the children master the second language and using a second language motivation. Thirdly, the children’s first language acquisition itself is the binding of the language and the cognitive content. During this process, the cognitive and interpersonal skills develop with the language. It is the same with children learning a second language and it is the organic combination of the children’s cognitive and the interpersonal communicative ability development. Fourth, the language features change according to circumstances, teaching mode of combining of the language and the subject matter provides a broad and rich language environment for children using second language (Li Shengli, 2004:2).

In partial immersion, about half of the class time is spent learning subject matter in the foreign language. In complete immersion, almost 100% of class time is spent in the foreign language. Subject matter taught in foreign language and language learning per se is incorporated as necessary throughout the curriculum. In content-based foreign languages in elementary schools (FLES), about 15–50% of class time is spent in the foreign language and time is spent learning it as well as learning subject matter in the foreign language.

Early immersion is a method of teaching and learning a foreign language. It entails having a student undergo intense instruction in a foreign language, starting by age five or six. Frequently, this method entails having the student learn all or much of his or her various “regular” subject matter (such as mathematics and science) via the foreign language being taught.

It has been found that students enrolled in an early-immersion program learn the language being taught at an almost-native proficiency by age 11.

2.2 Related Studies

Li Yingcheng carried out a research addressing three primary research questions regarding EI students’ academic achievement represented by English, Chinese and mathematics. The study was conducted with a group of Grade 2, Grade 4 and Grade 6 students in immersion or non-immersion programmes in three schools in China. Cambridge Young Learners English Tests were employed as the measure. School-issued achievement tests in Chinese and in mathematics were also employed. The results show that immersion students, compared with non-immersion students, did better in English at all three grade levels. They also did similarly in Chinese and mathematics at Grades 2 and 4, but better at Grade 6. His research demonstrated that second language immersion is an effective means of facilitating primary school students’ second language without undermining competence in their first language (Li et al, 2010:151-169)

Yu Xi made a research on the immersion teaching. The study combines the immersion teaching with the situation of English teaching in Chinese secondary schools. Through the analysis, the author proposes some useful suggestions which are good for the English immersion teaching of China. She thinks that the language is of great importance to the language learning. So we must provide a good English environment for the students. Gao Bing finds out some efficient ways of creating English atmosphere in the classroom, on the campus and at home.

And in the paper A Study on English Immersion Teaching for Hui Children in Wuzhong, the author Li Shengli made an experiment on English immersion teaching about Hui children in Wuzhong. Eighty-two children in Wuzhong Normal School were selected randomly to do the experiment. By using quantitative (T-test, correlation and questionnaire) and qualitative (interview) research methods, the author studied English immersion teaching and results. The research shows that the children’s interest of learning is greatly aroused and the children can speak in English unconsciously during the proper situation (Li Shengli, 2004:2).

Liu Aixia suggests that constant praise, role play and games can stimulate students’ enthusiasm of learning English (Liu Aixia, 2010:74). Zhao Lin and Liu Hua emphasize the importance of establishing harmonious relationship between teachers and students (Zhao Lin, 2004:19). Liu Xiaoyan, through her experiment in English immersion teaching, discovers some strategies for language input and output.

3. Relevance Theories

This thesis is based on three main relevance theories. They are Critical Period Hypothesis, motivation mode and cognitive theory. This section will have general introduction of these theories.

3.1 Critical Period Hypothesis

The critical period hypothesis was popularized by Eric Lenneberg in 1967 for L1 acquisition. According to this hypothesis, the ability to acquire language is biologically linked to age. The hypothesis refers to that there is an ideal time window to acquire language in a linguistically rich environment, after which further language acquisition becomes much more difficult and effortful. The critical period hypothesis claims that the first few years of life is the crucial time in which an individual can acquire a first language if presented with adequate stimuli. The individual will never achieve a full command of language if language input doesn"t occur until after this time—especially grammatical systems. Now considerable interest now surrounds age effects on second-language acquisition. Second-language acquisition theories suggest causal factors for a possible CP for second language acquisition (SLA) and explain learning processes. It mainly attempts to explain seeming differences in adults by distinct learning routes and language aptitudes of children, and clarifying them through psychological mechanisms.

3.2 Motivation Mode

Motivation model (attitude / motivation model) derived from the individual aptitude and attitude research. He thinks, in bilingual learning, aptitude and attitude are the two important, relatively independent factors; bilingual learning needs not only a cognitive ability, but also need a positive attitude; attitude relate to motivation. Therefore, the bilingual ability based on the relationship between the aptitudes, the attitude and the motivation.

Motivation mode is also applied to my paper. As an old saying goes, “attitude is everything”. So attitude and motivation plays an important role in language learning and teaching. Gardner (1968) indicates in the paper “Attitudes and Motivation” that the students will have better language achievements if they have better attitude to language learning. A positive and active attitude not only helps learners to achieve more progress during the learning process, but also eases the hard and boring part in learning English. What’s more, a positive attitude can also create increased motivation. Therefore, the English teachers and parents can use this theory when they help students learn English.

3.3 Cognitive Theory

Cognitive Learning Theory:Piaget ( Piaget ) related to children’s cognitive learning theory in language learning has great influence, a lot of research on second language and theory often quoted Piaget’s cognitive theory to explain to children’s language learning. Piaget’s cognitive theory is combined with the biology and psychology research results the stage theory of cognitive development (“Development Stage” Theory of Cognitive Development, Harste, Woodward and Burke, 1984). In Piaget’s view, knowledge is not originated from the object, is not originated from the main body, but originated from the contact object action (activities), the characteristic is that it is the main object, the interaction process. The main object of the activity is the interaction between cognitive structures of the source. Piaget thought that the children’s cognitive development process has several characteristics: Association (Relative), functional (Functional), dialectic (Dialectical). Association refers to that children’s cognitive developments are all associated with existing knowledge. Function is to achieve in the environment of survival function and must acquire knowledge. Dialectical refers to all of the cognitive development is assimilation (Assimilation) and hue (Accommodation) the two opposite course result. The children’s cognitive development is divided into 4 periods, namely the perceived motion period (birth to 2 years of age), operation period (2 to 7 years old), the concrete operational period (7 to 12 years old), formal operations period (12 years later). Perception of movement is by using the sensory organ explore external things period. During this period, children tend to act to the characterization of the external world (see also the external world for children’s actions to reaction). In early childhood computing only concrete thinking, self-centered (other means of sensation and perception are often associated with the children’s own feeling and the perception of the same). The concrete operational stage, individuals have been able to use specific things to make logical thinking. Children of every stages of cognitive development has a unique, basis of cognitive structure; the four cognitive development stages of sequence fixed, not only cannot span, also cannot be reversed, and each phase is formed behind the stage must be known(Lightbownamp; Spada, 2006:126). Thus, learning is a new thing connected to the existing old cognitive meaningful process. When the children are engaged in meaningful learning, their mind puts the new material to form meaningful chunk and has been associated with the presence of cognitive structure convergence.

4. The English Immersion Teaching Methods

From above we can see that scholars have contributed a lot to improving English immersion teaching results from different perspectives. Based on their findings, this thesis tries to find out more general principles in guiding English immersion teaching methods with the aim of improving the teaching quality.

According to their findings, the thesis classifies the principles into the following spheres: 1. creating English atmosphere on campus, in the classroom. 2. establishing friendly relationship between teachers and students encourage students. 3. employing strategies for language input and output. 4. cooperating with parents.

4.1Creating English Environment in classroom and on campus

The learning atmosphere of English consists mainly of three parts: classroom atmosphere, campus atmosphere and family atmosphere. So what we should do to create English environment in classroom and on campus?

First, we should build English environment on campus and try to let students enjoy the English surroundings. The primary school can conduct “campus English” activity to promote students to learn the famous English sentences and encourage students to remember the sentences. What’s more, “daily English” and “English songs” could be played for students in the English broadcast. Students are encouraged to greet each other in English every morning. What’s more, primary schools should provide “English corner” for students. “English corner” is a good place as where students can exchange English study experience, widen their sight and improve interest in English (Gao Bing, 2012:1-4).

Second, it is important to create a good classroom environment for students. The English textbooks are lively and vivid. Therefore, we can change the classroom environment according to the specific contents of English textbooks. For example, we can set up English windows which introduce foreign cultures or display the learning efforts of English course. Each grade holds the English competition once a month. Teachers also can hold their own English competition in the classroom. The competition can develop competitive spirit of students and let students decorate the classroom environment consciously (Gao Bing, 2012:1-4).

4.2Establishing Friendly Relationship between Teachers and Students

During the English teaching, the relationship between teachers and students is a kind of dialogic, equal communication. (Zhao Lin, 2004:19) For example, the teachers and students should have their own English names. They can call teachers’ English names directly. The students can talk to teachers like this: “Susan, let me try!” By doing so, the teachers will be closer to their students. Students are treated as friends of their teachers and students will enjoy the English learning. This will make the learning process much easier. Teachers respect the students. They try to give a positive response to the students’ answers. A friendly environment can ease students’ emotion. In such a environment, students will not feel shy and afraid. On the contrary, students will take active part in the classroom activities. They will like to communicate with each other for a long term (Feng Xia, 2010:74-76).

Teachers should try their best to use natural daily language when they are teaching English. The education of daily language is the best chance for students to acquire the language. As for the mistakes which children make in the teaching process, the teachers should not correct the mistakes directly (Oxford, 1990:26). They should repeat the correct sentences constantly and let the students listen and imitate the sentences. By doing so, the learning initiative is protected and the students will not suffer a setback. Therefore, they are willing to learn the English. During the English immersion teaching, teachers can communicate with every student and introduce students to learn English in a related atmosphere. And what’s more, the friendly relationship between teachers and students is conductive to students’ English learning (Feng Xia, 2010:74-76).

4.3 Employing Strategies for Language Input and Output

4.3.1Input Strategies

The English input plays a significant role in the process and outcome of English teaching and learning. In China, English teachers talk is one of the most important sources of language input for primary school students. However, there are many problems such as inadequate input, not enough effective guidance, less active interaction between teachers and students, and considerable constraints from hardware. Niu Xiaoyan made an experiment on the teacher’s language input of English immersion teaching. According to the experiment, the author put forward three language input strategies during the English immersion teaching.

First of all, frequent language input should be ensured during the English immersion teaching. In other words, the teachers ought to express as much the information of objective language as possible in the teaching process. And what’s more, teachers should change the ways of expression frequently. Krashen’s Input Hypothesis indicates that intensive language input will greatly improve the learners’ language ability. Therefore, during the English learning process, teachers should use English to encourage and help students from time to time. This strategy makes full use of students’ unconsciousness. It increases the amount of language input and provides a good English environment for students (Niu Xiaoyan, 2009:12-17).

Second, the correction of language input should be ensured during the English immersion teaching. The students’ language is under the development and they tend to imitate others’ language. Therefore, it is important to provide correct language input for students and set up good example (Niu Xiaoyan,2009:12-17).

Third, teachers should also provide more comprehensible input in accordance with students’ English level. Long once pointed out that obtaining adequate amount of comprehensible input is vital for language teaching (Niu Xiaoyan, 2009:12-17). Teachers can carry out this teaching strategy with the aid of multimedia, pictures, stick figure and role play. All of these means can let students understand the learning content better.

4.3.2 Output Strategies

It stresses that language input and output is a complete process of language learning, which is inseparable. Niu Xiaoyan proposed three language output strategies according to the English immersion teaching.

First, teachers can adopt the special question during the learning process. The main way of students’ language output is to answer question. And the question types affect the quality and opportunity of students’ language output. Facing yes or no question (YQ), the students just need to answer “yes” or “no”. However, the special question has very high demand for the students. Student’s answer is not only a word. By answering the special question, the students have more chance to produce the language. And the English language ability will be improved through the language output (Liu Xiaoyan, 2010:48-55). If students have difficulties in answering the special questions, the teachers can change the special questions to yes or no question. And then teachers can guide the students to answer the questions. This change can protect students’ interest of learning English.

Second, teachers can provide moderate language support for students. During the English learning process, the students face the dual challenges of language and cognition. Teachers should constantly adjust language support according to the practical situation. It is hard to achieve the double teaching objectives if language support is not enough while the excessive language support will constrain students’ thoughts (Niu Xiaoyan, 2010:48-55).

Third, cooperative learning can provide more chance for students’ language output. And teachers can create more opportunities for students to make a statement on their own works. Students can be divided into groups to discuss some English questions and teachers ought to give students’ help when they carry out the discussion. And Niu Xiaoyan also conducts an experiment on the cooperative learning. She found that if students take active part in the group works, the students will produce a lot of high-quality language. Teachers can also create more opportunities for students to discuss their works and make a conclusion. Discussion can make students help each other. And role play is another way of language output. It can provide a good chance for students’ language output and stimulate students’ interest of learning English (Niu Xiaoyan, 2011:50).

4.4Cooperating with Parents and Creating Family Immersion Environment

The family education plays an important role in children’s English learning. Therefore, parents’ influence should not be ignored (Li Shengli, 2004:20). And family background is also an important factor which influences children’s learning English.

Teachers should try their best to cooperate with the parents. Most parents don’t know the immersion teaching. Therefore, the teachers ought to let parents understand this English teaching method. And the communication between parents and schools should be strengthened. And parents ought to learn about the English teaching plan and contents of their children (Ma Yanxia, 2010:126).

If parents can’t speak English or don’t have high-prestige accent, they can play some classical audio-visual materials for children in their daily life. The materials include “Disney English”, “Zero English”, and “Franklin in the Stars”. The parents can also buy some books or magazines in English to their children. Generally, these books and magazines have plots and they cater to the characteristic of the children. Therefore, most children like them. Parents can put them at home so that children can read them at any time. Parents make sure there is an adequate amount of input in English conveyed to the children through these books and magazines (Ma Yanxia, 2010:127).

Most parents have no time to tutor their children. Actually, parents just need to spend a little time helping their children in English. They can make use of any spare time to help their children review English. Many children want to play with their parents at weekend. Parents can combine the games with English learning. They can create simple English games and play with children. For example, ask children to spell English words loudly, if the children spell the word correctly, parents can reward their children with a sticker. This can capture children’s interests. Don’t force students to learn English at home. Students will be sick of English. Parents ought to encourage children to speak English more.

The above methods are to help the primary schools carry out the English immersion teaching from these aspects. Now, we can combine these factors together. That is to say, teachers create a good English atmosphere in class and students can learn English under the guidance of English teachers. What’s more, other subjects can be taught in English. After class, the primary schools can organize different kinds of English games and activities which are based on the characteristics of primary school students. Students can learn English from these English activities. And what should students do after school? The parents are responsible for this period of time. Parents try to communicate with the schools and learn more about their children’s learning situation. They formulate a special English learning plan for their children. They can play the English videos and play the English games with their children. In the joint efforts, the students are immersed in the English environment. So the students will have more chance to speak English. Cooperative learning provides more opportunity for students’ language output.

5. Conclusion

To sum up, the immersion English teaching is one of the most excellent teaching models in English education of primary schools. Of greatest concern, the immersion English teaching method combines the study directly with the language environment. In the process of this combination, teachers can provide all-round English teaching for students and students can master the English knowledge in all aspects.

High -quality English education is a prerequisite for international exchange. And the immersion English teaching model can not solve all the English educational problems, but it pays more attention to the language environment and emphasizes the theory of all-round learning, which merits our reference and study. I think this teaching model should be widely promoted and applied in primary schools. Therefore, the English immersion teaching should be explored much further. The English education in primary schools will benefit greatly from the immersion English teaching model.

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