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 2023-07-24 09:23:50  


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关键词:文化误读 ;翻译方法;破产姐妹


1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1An Overview on Cultural Misreading……………………………………......2

2.2 A Brief Review on Subtitling Translation 4

3. The Skills of Subtitling Translation in 2 Broke Girls from the Perpective of Cultural Misreading 6

3.1 Literal Translation 7

3.2 Free Translation 8

4. Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1. Introduction

With the rapid development of the Internet and the economic globalization, the cultural globalization, American TV show already has become more and more popular in China, it has gradually become one of the bridge of information transmission and cultural exchange of China and the United States, and it is becoming more and more important in people"s life. It is well known that a successful TV is due to one or two lines to keep a deep impressive, it is important mode for audiences to express the relationship between the characters and convey the emotion and meaning of TV show. Which makes the quality of subtitle translation becomes more and more important. Because most of the people in china still do not have enough ability to understand the charm of TV drama without the Chinese subtitles. However, the subtitle translation as a branch in the field of translation, however, subtitling translation as one branch in translation area, its limitation of space-time and the possible of acceptance for viewers decides the great difference with others. “Intercultural communication means a kind of language and culture system of another language and culture system of cognition and interpretation. Because people in understanding his culture, often according to their habit of thinking mode on the selection, cutting, then the interpretation, this will inevitably lead to cultural misreading” (Le Daiyun, 1995:110). In this article, we will contact the TV show the characteristics of subtitle translation and the phenomenon of cultural misreading are analyzed, to discuss how to better smooth of TV drama subtitle translation of reduce misunderstanding caused by cultural differences.

2. Literature Review

“Domestic research almost focuses on the written translation and oral interpretation, but just fewer persons want to show any interest in subtitling translation.” (li Yunxing, 2001:38)Although dub has great effect in cross-culture communication and the subtitle achieve more and more attention after reform and open.

Hofstede give a definition of culture is that human in same environment all have same psychological system”. Everyone being lives in a society and are all owner of culture without exception. Due to it, commonly, culture is refer to mass people have same experience of society lead to same psychological process instead of a kind of personal feature. On the contrary, people come from different groups, different countries or regions definitely have unalike psychological system and different thinking way.

So as to make it much distinct, we will discuss about the meanings and classification of culture in the following part.

Language can not be separable from culture. Language is a part of culture, and it is also the carrier of culture. Language only in the corresponding culture can be meaningful; culture can not be separated from the language, it can be passed in the form of language. Translation is a kind of cross cultural communication behavior, so translation is not only a transformation between different languages, but also a cultural one. The translator should not only bilingual ability, should also have dual culture and cross culture awareness, the translation of the two languages embodied the cultural characteristics of comprehensive and profound understanding, in order to complete the purpose of cultural transmission. In terms of subtitle translation, how to express that it is the key to decide whether the target text is accessible or not. The purpose of subtitle translation is to the audience feel the exotic culture implied in the understanding of the unique cultural connotation.

2.1An Overview on Cultural Misreading

As the bridge of cross-cultural communication, the process of translation is one culture misread another culture continually in a sense.

The misreading, coming from the cultural schema or presupposition in ones mother culture, is mainly caused by different modes of thinking, i.e.” different social and ideational systems. Subjective misreading should be avoided though it may produce positive impact occasionally”(Zhang Suyan ,2007:92).

2.1.1 The Cause of Cultural Misreading

It’s well know that china and western exist huge cultural difference, which is reflected in the daily life of the people in the west, economic and political party, if from the perspective of geography and culture, world into two regions: East and West. The origin of China"s ancient civilization in the river basin, which belongs to the agricultural civilization, and Western civilization originates in the Aegean Sea coast, belonging to the marine civilization, compared to the western ocean civilization, agriculture civilization of China is more stable, on the other hand, western ocean civilization appears in turmoil, which makes the differences between Chinese culture and Western culture began to form, has become now such a different culture, however, with the arrival of the globalization and the culture began to gradually produce some fusion. However, there will still be some misunderstanding, cultural misreading, which is unavoidable. In order to better understand Chinese culture and Western culture, I list several cultural differences, are as follows: the first is the principle of doing things: the Chinese people have "harmony is the most precious, endure high" principle of doing things, western "freedom, independence and equality" principle of doing things: The second is collectivism and individualism, China is pursuing collectivism, while the western support is individualism,“individualism pertains to societies in which the ties between individuals are loose: Everyone is excepted to look after himself or herself and his or her family. On the contrary, collectivism as its opposite pertains to societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong …(Wang Honliang, 2007)” So many cultural differences between china and America, we can’t change it, but with development of globalization, western and eastern know more and more about each other, as a result, our cultural misreading will reduce.

2.1.2Classification of Cultural Misreading

If we keep an eye on the subjective of translator, the cultural misreading in translation will be divided into two forms—accidentally misreading and intentional misreading.

The reasons of accidentally cultural misreading are usually translators have poor gift of tongues and irresponsible translation attitude. Translator may input wrong or distortion cultural knowledge into culture of target language because of negligence, it will lead a terrible mistranslate.

The reasons of intentional cultural misreading are translator being rule over his own subjective motives. That is not only intentional betray to culture of original language, but also is consciously process culture of original language. Every effect supposes a cause in various aspects. It maybe due to positive or negative point and creative treason or helpless compromise.

However, people should clearly understand that cultural misreading can not always have positive influence on translation. “We should never exaggerate the great use of cultural misreading. Because it’s irresponsible to exaggerate it; it overthrows the intention of the original context on purpose;it also reduce the accumulation of the human civilization and humanistic spirit in a large range” (liu Quanfu, 2006). When fansubs translate American TV show, they may have some undecipherable subtitle because of cultural difference. Once it happened, we should try our best to reduce the misreading and keep person in domestic or overseas having same feeling about program.

2.2 A Brief Review on Subtitling Translation

2.2.1The Features of Subtitling Translation

The features of us subtitling translation are derived from the features of Films and Television Programs. On the other hand, the features of Films and Television Programs also decide the features of us subtitling translation. So we can divide the characters of Films and Television Programs into three points: The Temporality of Subtitles

This character in fact includes two aspects –“short length” and “provisional time”. “Short length” is consideration based on space. The number of subtitle’s words should be less as far as possible owing to the limit of the screen and picture. On the one hand, if the length of subtitle is so long that the picture will be hid and then have influence in the audiences visual enjoyment; on the another hand, if it is so short that audiences will can not understand the scenario. Then, subtitle will not work in Films and Television Programs.

In addition, “provisional time” is the character of time, the subtitle of Films and Television Programs can not stay in screen too long, it must change according to the time and picture of story.

If it stay in screen too short, people will unable to understand some pieces in story; and if it stay so long that will effect the subtitle behind it appear and you may found the picture and the voice can not appear together. The Synchronism of Subtitles

Just because of the time’s limitation of the subtitle of Films and Television Programs, subtitles must appear with picture, voice and the actions of actors. So the subtitle of Films and Television Programs also should have the synchronism. The Intelligibility of Subtitles

Intelligibility means that subtitle can make people easy to understand the story within limiting time, and try to avoid rarely used words. TV as a democratic art, its audiences should include every audience, and subtitle translation need be easy to understand. Translating TV must let everyone have well-informed and cordial feeling, it is necessary to make their translation in the "smooth" words close to the public.

2.2.2 The Principle of Subtitling Translation

Because the subtitle translation has three characteristics, such as temporality, synchronism and intelligibility, the translator should convey the cultural information to the audience and transfer the national culture.

First, the letter translation must serve the role of drama is popular around the world, this is not just a fascinating story and special effects reasons but also for one full of personality character, so the letter translation to for service role, understanding the characteristics of role.

For example:

Han: Sophie, I’m excited to watch you in here. Someone says you and Oleg are no longer together.

Sophie: Wow, this little girl very likes to gossip. Yes?

This dialogue said: Sophie and Oleg broke up,Han want to prove that this thing is true or false, so he ask Sophie by himself, however, Sophie feel so bad, then, she retorted,” Wow, this little girl very likes to gossip. Yes?” In general, Girls are curious about other people"s emotional life, but as a mature successful man, he should not be interested in other people"s privacy. However, Han is an special example, he was very interested in gossip. so, Sophie used "little girl" to describe the Han, it’s very cleverly to highlight Han’s personalities and characters, this is a sidesplitting dialogue. Secondly, subtitle translation to meet the audience"s understanding of the demand, the translator should consider the background of the target language audience to can usually be taken by means of domestication, after all, subtitle translation is to let the audience more like this in his novels. The last principle of subtitle translation requires the introduction and promotion of the source language culture factors, subtitle translation is one of the important reasons is to cultural exchanges, if only by domestication translation, it can let the audience understand, but not conducive to the dissemination and exchange of culture.

3. The Skills of Subtitling Translation in 2 Broke Girls from the Perspective of Cultural Misreading

The entertainment and the commercial of Films as well as Television Programs decide the direction which the translators should work hard to achieve audiences’ acceptance and admittance. It means subtitling translation should help audiences understand the story mostly with least hard-working, to combining vision with hearing. During the translation process, it should be considered various factors such as context information, cultural difference, aesthetic value, the audiences’ response and then find one same point or consider more in one or two hands, taking flexible and all kinds of translating measures, just needn’t follow close to the line of “truth” amp;”equivalence”, only need follow their good qualities.

In 2011, 2 Broken Girls is a situation comedy which broadcast in CBS station; it has been updated to the fifth quarter. The story said, two girls with different background called Max and Caroline, they don’t have any relations with each other, however fate let them being best friends and work hard for their collective dream. I choose this TV because 2 Broke Girls is a sitcom, compared with other normal TV, it is more difficult for translator to convey the sense of humor and culture.

In my view, we can not only use two strategies, we also need some translate skills to help us convey culture.

3.1 Literal Translation

Literal translation based on the similarity of language feature, fansub should make every effort to keep language style and communicative clues during translate the humorous words. It usually chooses the equivalent translation and adds noting.

First is equivalent translation. It’s a real common translation to use equivalent translation, owing to Chinese is analogous to English, so when we translate humorous dialogues, then we can achieve the great sense of humorous by equivalent translation instead of too many working over, it may give us best communicative intention.

For example:

Max: But you said “yes” to the dinner party.


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