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摘 要




1. Introduction 1

1.1 Background of five-step teaching method in English listening teaching in junior high school 1

1.2 The importance of research on five-step teaching method in English listening teaching in junior high school 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 Previous research on five-step teaching method 2

2.2. Previous research on English listening teaching in junior high school 3

2.3 Limitations of previous studies 5

3. Current Situation of junior high School English Listening Teaching 5

3.1 Overlook the practice of listening 5

3.2 Lack of listening material 6

3.3 Wrong way to practice 6

4. Research on Five-step Teaching Method in English Listening Teaching in junior high School 6

4.1The specific requirements of the five-step teaching method in English listening teaching in junior high school 6

4.2 The principles for the five-step method in English listening teaching in junior high school 8

4.3 The effectiveness of the five-step teaching method in English listening teaching in junior high school 10

5. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of five-step teaching method in English listening teaching in junior high school

As is known to all, in recent years, English plays a role as a communication tool between people in different countries and around the world. In these years, English is becoming more and more important. People in increasing amount use English as their foreign language. A good command of English enables people to obtain information and exchange ideas more widely and introduce some advanced technologies from other countries more easily. Listening and reading are the access to information. In daily communication, listening accounts for a large proportion. Therefore, China"s basic education English listening teaching has been improved to a very important position, "full-time middle school English teaching syllabus" pointed out that "the purpose of middle school English teaching is to students to listen, speak, read, write the basic training, to train students in oral and written English preliminary use ability. Most linguists believe that listening and reading are input skills and speaking and writing are output skills. For the middle school entrance examination English has the listening test question, the teacher also began to pay attention to the listening teaching, but in the listening training, many teachers only use "listen to the recording and answer" type training method. This kind of method for good students is easy but for students with poor English foundation is often difficult to listen to and understand content. In the long run, they will feel tired and anxious, and doubt their listening ability, which in turn will gradually lost interest in learning English listening.

1.2 The importance of research on five-step teaching method in English listening teaching in junior high school

Nowadays, English listening has become more and more important. But many people don"t know how to improve their listening abilities. At the same time, many teachers don"t know how to teach students how to learn listening. As a result,

there are more and more students giving up learning listening. They thought it difficult for them to finish the task. Teachers usually have no idea to solve this problem. To change the situation, many scholars have searched for all kinds of teaching method, but the results are not satisfied. In order to improve students" listening ability, teachers must explore the relevant basic theories and methods carefully and apply them to teaching practice, so that listening teaching is conducive to students" foreign language learning. Training method should be emphasized so that we can get a good result in listening task. Therefore, the author intends to start from the study of students" listening impairment, and explore the five-step teaching method to improve high school English listening teaching, in order to improve students" listening ability.

Literature Review

2.1 Previous research on five-step teaching method

The research background of this thesis is the guidance and demand of China"s social development on basic education career in the new era of great development environment.

In order to promote the development of English teaching, English teaching method has undergone many reforms. The compulsory education of disciplinary curriculum standard was revised, and issued 2011 new curriculum standard. After years of carefully researching, China"s curriculum has been reformed successfully. It has established a basic curriculum system according to Chinese education situation. It is based on the quality education. And the system is instilled with innovation and times spirits. It is different from the traditional teaching mode. It is characterized by the combination of computer science and teaching methods. Ability building is the core.

How will the teacher conduct the class to achieve the best effect if the class lasts for 45 minutes? Choosing an intuitive, effective, scientific and rapid education method and making reasonable use of 45 minutes in class are the requirements of the new teaching reform for every teacher of the people.

Five-step teaching method is an English teaching method to meet the requirements of the new educational reform. It is a student-centered teaching method that fully mobilizes the enthusiasm and creativity of students and has a significant effect on the learning of the second language. In our education with the phrase "junior middle school is the feet of learning English," English course is the course of the junior high school stage of learning the most particular about method, involving foreign language learning, including listening, vocabulary, grammar, English thinking ability and so on . Therefore, I focus on English courses and study the effectiveness of the "five-step teaching method" from the perspective of the strangest and most complex problems."Five-step teaching method" has a long history and enjoys a high reputation in China"s educational circles. In the communication and improvement process of more than half a century, it always coexists with other teaching methods and occupies the main position. Kailuofu"s book on pedagogy influenced the world and was later introduced to China by Japan. This teaching method suited the development of the society at that time. So it can continue to develop. Later, due to the summary of a group of educators who were good at studying and merged with Western Dewey"s educational thoughts, the five-step teaching method was mature and introduced into China. Since five-step teaching method has played an important role in the English teaching, few people study how to apply it into middle school listening teaching. So the author tries to pay attention to this field.

2.2. Previous research on English listening teaching in junior high school

Listening is a common activity in daily communication, it seems simple, but actually it is not. Linguists have different views on the definition of listening. Helgesen believes that listening is an active and purposeful information processing process to understand what he hears. Rost believes that listening is the mental activity that constructs meaning for oral language input. Richards and Schmidt think that listening comprehension is said to use the first language or second language in understanding the process of listening comprehension for the second language learning research focused on the individual units of language. For example, the role of phonemes, words, grammar structure, and the listener"s expectations, and field scene below, back view of knowledge and subject and so on. Rubin believes that listening is seen as an active process in which the listener selects and interprets information from the information he hears and sees to determine what is happening and what the speaker wants to express."Initiative", he adds, is when listeners take information and relate it to their own knowledge." explanation" refers to the listener"s use of background knowledge and new information to learn what is happening and infer the speaker"s intention.

To sum up, it seems that listening is not an active activity and it can save efforts. In fact, listening comprehension is very complex and difficult. It should be put much mental effort. While listening, the listener"s brain is racing to recognize the sound, assemble the meaning, receive valuable information, store it in memory for a short time, and predict what"s coming next. In some ways, listening is more difficult than reading or writing. When we speak and write, we have more time to deliberate and are able to avoid anything new. The content that does not understand can be read repeatedly. But the listening material flashes by, so a little careless will miss some information. Most of the time, we do not have the opportunity to listen to once again. And sometimes the sound signal is unstable, and accent, speed of speech, intonation will vary from person to person. Sometimes noise and so on will interfere with the sound signal. In English listening, there are many phenomena of linking, weakening and swallowing, and few pauses between the lines. These greatly increase the difficulty of listening. In a word, there are three factors that determine the listening scores of middle school students. The first factor is knowledge factor, including vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation and grammar knowledge, background knowledge and so on. The second is psychological factor e.g. stress, anxiety, etc. The last is Strategic factor such as pre-listening prediction, listening while memorizing, etc.

2.3 Limitations of previous studies

Although there are a lot of studies on five- step teaching method. Also there are a lot of studies on English teaching in middle school. It is not difficult for us to find that there are few or no studies to combine the five-step teaching method with English listening. Besides, many of the studies just choose a lecture to verify the effectiveness of the method, but did not specifically summarize the considerations and application principles of the method. Because of the good teaching method, listening is what most students lack. Since the teaching method is a good one and listening is a shortage of most students. Why not try to use this new method into our teaching? So the author tries to focus on this problem.

Current Situation of junior high School English Listening Teaching

3.1 Overlook the practice of listening

Although listening task account for about 30% of the test paper. Most of the students and teachers ignore the listening exercise in class. Reasons are as follows. First, most students don"t realize the importance of listening. They listen just for test. This is not a true activity and cannot fit the true context in life. However, we should know that, English is a communication tool which should put listening in the first place. Only when we can understand other people, can we really realize the first step of communication. Second, teachers teach for test. To achieve a higher grade, teachers put their effort into the practice of reading and writing. It is easy for teachers to know that the skill of reading and listening are the easiest parts to improve students" performance. Gradually, teachers don"t spend too much time on it any more. This will cause a bad circle and make students have no confidence. When the teacher has no confidence in students, students will give up then.

3.2 Lack of listening material

Because of overlooking listening, there aren"t any good materials for students to listen. First, the existing materials are boring and old. Students can’t be interested in it. In addition, some teachers present listening material on the book directly to save time and for convenience. Listening materials on the book don’t connect students’ real life which cannot inspire students. Finally, this way will reduce students’ enthusiasm in listening. This is a bad circle which brings bad results. This phenomenon is very common in junior high school.

3.3 Wrong way to practice

In today"s English lesson, some teachers will play the recording directly to the students and then give the answer. They think it is a task but not a tool. So students don’t have the right way to listen to. They don’t have the purpose when they are listening. And accordingly the effectiveness is not high. In addition, some teachers can not clear the obstacles, including new words and new sentences listening materials. So students lack confidence in meeting new words. They can’t guess the meaning of the words and can’t analyze the structure of the sentence. It is hard for students to go on with the tasks.

4. Research on Five-step Teaching Method in English Listening Teaching in junior high School

4.1The specific requirements of the five-step teaching method in English listening teaching in junior high school

In view of the students in the listening obstacles and reasons, the author intends to use the five-step teaching method for the first test of students. Traditional listening teaching model lacks effective introduction and prediction before listening. So it does not carry out helpful listening strategy guidance and training in listening, and ignores advantageous language input training and meaning reconstruction and communication after listening. Therefore, it cannot effectively solve the listening impairment of students. The five-step teaching method was derived from the "six-step teaching method of high school English listening under the new curriculum concept" written by Chen yuanyuan in the journal read-write calculation (August 2010).Among them, the step of "propose listening task" was deleted because it was available in our textbook and listening materials. When in class, the five steps are as follows: listening introduction, listening task completion, feedback check, hard of listening enhancement, and language output. The author thinks that this teaching method can improve the problem of middle school students" English listening.

The step 1 is that the introduction of listening partly conforms to the view of schema theory. Students can introduce a new context. The context should inspire students to focus their attention. It can intrigue students" interest in learning English listening. So the students can change their attitude towards learning. They turn to learn English in an active way. Activate the relevant schema in students" mind by introducing some relevant new words and background information. It is easy for students to reduce the listening gape and help them enlarge their background knowledge. It is also the application of scaffolding theory. And in psychology, it can reduce their anxiety.

The step 2 is proposed according to the principle of task-based teaching. Besides, completing tasks step by step is helpful for learners to understand the content and improve listening skills.Step2 is focused on learning by yourself. By learning by oneself, students can find where they don"t understand. For example, in listening, teachers can ask that what they know about listening materials. Students can skim the material with these questions. This step also pays attention to the cultivation of good habits. Good habits are good for students " later study. Therefore, the sooner you form a habit, the more you will be able to learn by yourself.

Steps 3 and 4 illustrate the application of cognitive learning strategies. The third step can help students look at themselves in a critical sight and use new teaching strategies to solve them. This step includes a lot of exercises. Students are faced with different kinds of listening problems. For example, teachers can choose some fill-in-the-blank tasks. These blanks are filled with the words taught in steps 1 and 2.This step is also the core of the five-step teaching approach. The important thing to this step is to teach students learning strategies. Chinese educators know an ancient Chinese proverb: "teach people to fish, teach people to fish." In this way, when students encounter problems, it is important for teachers to give them proper guidance. The fourth step is the stage at which students show the knowledge they have mastered today.

The language output hypothesis theory is embodied in step 5. It can help students consolidate language knowledge point and reduce the blank between students and new knowledge. Step 5 is the further development of students listening abilities. Teachers can help students make a conclusion about this class. Teachers can also help students summarize listening strategies in class. Language input in English learning is closely connected to language output. They are in complementarities. Input is the necessary condition of output, and output is the purpose of input. Listening is the stage of input in the communication and it is the understanding of spoken English. Through output, listening ability can be strengthened and communicative purpose can be achieved. The fourth and fifth steps can consolidate new knowledge in class and find students’ weakness and change it at the same time. In these steps can be interspersed with listening skills of the professor, improve their listening skills. The five- step teaching method is a good teaching method because It not only reflects the leading role of teachers but also reflects the subject status of students.

4.2 The principles for the five-step method in English listening teaching in junior high school

The so-called "five-step teaching method" is to divide the English class into five steps in general. That is to say, the teaching process is classified into five parts accordingly. Different class or different teaching situation will have a few differences. However, the most basic core of five-step teaching method has not been changed. That is to say, the application process of five-step teaching method needs to follow certain principles. There are five key words: introduction, presentation, practice, generation and development. It is commonly known as "5P" (Preparation, Presentation, Practice, Product, Progress).Five-step Teaching Method is a Teaching Method developed on the theoretical basis of "3P" (Preparation, Presentation, Practice) Teaching Method. It is a Teaching Method launched in the classroom in order to effectively organize Teaching activities and achieve the Teaching purpose. Particularly, the "five-step teaching method" mainly follow the following principles:

Introduction---the principle of arousing interests. It plays a cohesive role in teaching process that it connects new lesson knowledge with old lesson knowledge. This is preparation part of the class. So it is especially important to arouse students" interest. By setting questions, or teachers create a wonderful and interesting situation or topic that is related to practical experience, students have the desire and interest to understand to warm up. The setting of the import scenario needs to relate to the actual life of students. In that way, students can be interested in taking part in new classes. This part sometimes includes the review of the knowledge learned in the previous lesson to review the old and learn the new, so as to lay a good foundation for the new lesson.

Presentation--- the principle of self-study. This is the thematic presentation of a new course. The teacher gives the students materials about the new course to further observe, analyze and study the relevant issues of the subject. Students should study independently according to the teacher"s problems, so that students can have the interest in learning it.

Practice---the principle of consolidating knowledge. Students do a lot of exercises in this part. It is also the stage where students put their theory into practice. Students can take their problems into consideration and do their best to analyze it. Only in this way can they solve the problem accordingly. In the process of practice, students will gradually verify the validity and rationality of the hypothesis.

Product---The principle of timely application. This is an important part which shows students’ product. It also can test students’ mastering of the new knowledge. Students use their new knowledge or methods to solve problems encountered. This is a stage where they can show what they have learnt in this class.

Development---the principle of summarizing. As the last link of "five-step teaching method", it should have the effect of summarizing, testing, deepening development and other generality and openness. According to the hypothesized scheme, students will personally verify and compare whether the final result conforms to the expected purpose. Later consolidation is put in this step.

4.3 The effectiveness of the five-step teaching method in English listening teaching in junior high school

First of all, the five-step method is plain and not difficulty to run. It provides clear guidance to teachers and students on the steps to be taken. The advantage is that every class can fit into this method. And for teacher it is easy to learn how to use it. It is convenient because many old teachers cannot master the new way to teach. However, this method has no problem in this area. This teaching method help students absorb and understand the knowledge, thus improving their academic performance. More importantly, it can help students learn faster than before. That is very good. Therefore, the "five-step teaching method", which is in line with both the law of students" cognition and the requirements of the new teaching reform, has gradually become a more practical teaching method under the new education concept.

Second, it can show the leading role of teachers and the subjectivity of students. In the five-step teaching method, the teacher plays the role of organizer and planner in the class. Teachers build bridges between students and knowledge. They determine the rhythm of the class, the schedule of study knowledge, the amount of practice and even the cultivation of thinking mode. Students are the main body of the classroom, the object of influence and acceptance of the whole teaching activities, and the stress body of all teaching methods and teaching concepts. Therefore, in the whole implementation process of "five-step teaching method", students" psychological activities, learning conditions and influence effects should be analyzed at any time to test whether the teaching method is effective and whether the classroom organization is successful.

5. Conclusion

This paper analyzes the present situation of English listening in middle schools. This paper discusses the significance of five-step teaching method and its application in middle school listening teaching. Then it analyzes the present situation and existing problems of English listening teaching in junior middle school. Through teaching experiments and analysis of experimental data, the author verifies the effectiveness of this method in improving junior high school students" listening ability. What needs to be emphasized is that, as a teacher, students" accumulation of language knowledge should not be neglected because of the emphasis on the role of cultural background knowledge. In teaching, the introduction of listening should have a limit, and it is best not to exceed 10 minutes. In the process of research, due to the limitations of the subject, teaching place, teaching conditions and so on, the viewpoints put forward may have some limitations. But it can become the basic part as for future research in this field. The application of five-step teaching method in English listening teaching is still in the preliminary exploration and trial stage, which needs to be further improved and improved by linguists and front-line English education workers. More and more people get to know that put more importance on listening in junior high school.

Many scholars at home and abroad pay attention to the reform of classroom teaching. Also some educators fighting in the forefront of high school English have also made beneficial attempts to explore more efficient English listening teaching mode. The theory and the final results of their research are a valuable resource and wealth for the author, which have inspired and enlightened the author to carry on the study. The author hopes to make contributions to junior high school English listening teaching through the research and exploration of step teaching method and listening comprehension, and introduce more researchers to join the team. The author can explore a more effective junior high school English listening teaching model, and make their due contributions to the cause of English education in China. Later how to apply the method in every class is determined by the teacher. So we should spread this method to middle school and tell them the advantages of it. The author the research can help as many students as it can. As an educator, what we should do is to change the later educational environment around us. Finding a good teaching method is the quickest way to improve the level of education. The research on five-step teaching method is a necessary to English educator, because it provides a new way of English teaching.

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[Chen Sijiaamp;Yuan Xiaoling.Cross the voice barrier.Improve English listening skills.New teacher teaching.2010(6).]


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