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 2023-11-06 08:35:16  


摘 要



Abstract:As the smallest unit to measure economic development, towns can better grasp the evolution trend of economic pattern by studying the development of township economy. The paper has researched the spatial difference and evolution law of township economic development in Huaian city by analyzing the economic data of Huaian’s township from 2007 to 2015 through the exploratory spatial statistical analysis method. The study found that in the overall economic pattern, the level of township economic development in Huaian city shows a weak spatial self-correlation, and the regions, which have a similar level of economic development, have a large randomness in spatial distribution. Hot spots are mainly concentrated in Qingjiangpu district and surrounding areas of Huaian. The cold point areas are concentrated in the south of Huaian city. From the perspective of temporal and spatial changes in hot spots and cold spots, the hot spot areas expand and present a moving trend toward the north, and the range of the cold point areas were decreasing. The self-organization of economic spatial pattern between township get stronger,and the random components in the spatial distribution pattern are constantly decreasing. The spatial pattern of economic growth in towns and villages has strong variability, and the hot spots and cold spots tend to be lumped.

Keywords: spatial autocorrelation, rural Economy, spatial pattern,spatio-temporal evolution

目 录

1 前 言 4

2 研究区概况 4

3 研究方法及数据来源 5

3.1 数据来源 5

3.2 研究方法 5

4 区域经济格局演变 7

4.1 总体空间格局特征分析 7

4.2 乡镇经济增长空间格局 10

5 经济格局空间演变驱动力探析 11

结 论 13

参 考 文 献 14

1 前 言


本文使用的ESDA(Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis 探索性空间数据分析)是利用统计学原理和图形表达相结合对空间信息的性质进行分析、鉴别,用以引导确定性模型的结构和解法[16],其根据空间数据特点选择合适的模型,并以空间关联测度为核心,通过对事物或现象空间分布格局的描述和可视化,发现空间集聚和空间异常,揭示研究对象之间的空间相互作用机制,从而克服了传统测度方法的局限性[17]。本文结合淮安乡镇财政收入数据,以2007年、2011年、2015年为时间断面,对乡镇经济发展格局及其变化做出分析。

2 研究区概况




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